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Isamu test pilot

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Everything posted by Isamu test pilot

  1. M7 is just perfect the way it is
  2. OK, I have more names Jeje, algunos mios serian: VF-25 Masamune VF-25 Wingedlion VF-25 Deathspeaker VF-25 Gundreamer And from my wife KomiliaFJenius: VF-25 Masamune VF-25 Chroma VF-25 Ronin Jeje
  3. VF-25 Kawamori is great... My personal name could be VF-25 Wingedlion VF-25 Masamune
  4. Honestly I vote for Minmay, only because the voice of Mari Iijima is really great
  5. I really like the first one... but one of them is the oficial scheme?
  6. Actually a friend nave that one and I already listened all the tracks , believe me, is pretty, really pretty different from the voice actress that everyone knew in Macross Seven... Is gothic if I have to describe it...
  7. Hey, that is funny now, but it is interesting, a really good detail by now in the Flash Back 2012
  8. Well, I go for a least one of every shirt and wrist bands, but I think my favorite is the Monster one.
  9. Well, Here in Mexico I watched Robotech in 1886 for the first time (I was 8 years old), but only 4 years later a Japanese friend told me about Macross, and from that moment my heart is only for Macross In 1992 I watched Macross II and started to collect all Macross products I could get until now, man I really love Macross jeje
  10. Man, I have to say, this 2 models are just great And 2 more rare models to your collection, wow, thnak you very much for Sharing
  11. Well in my case SDF Macross : 7 times SDF Macross DYRL : 48 times and counting SDF Macross Flash Back 2012 : 47 time and counting SDF Macross II Movie Version : 3 times SDF Macros II OVA: 2 Times Macross Plus OVA Version : 20 times Macross Plus Movie Edition : 15 time All Macross 7 : 1 time Macross Zero : 9 times Macross Frontier : 7 times
  12. woww 4 VT-1, so that means that the VT-1m is the common figure on this set ??
  13. Thank you Valkyrie13 that is the explenation I am trying to put in words and I could not, but I complete agree with you...
  14. I mean is official that Fallyna is a last name that you could use or it must be use in the daughters names? My doubt is becasue I know in many countries the families uses the last name of the father only, and the last name of the mother becomes the maiden last name but is only use by the mother, not for the children I am asking because I know that the correct and official names are Maximilian Jenius, Miracle Jenius, Emilia Jenius etc or am I wrong?
  15. OK, but that name would be incorrect? because is the Jenius family or the correct is the Fallyna Jenius family. The last name of Max is Jenius, so correct would be Jenius Fallyna for they child... I mean is like Hikaru Ichijo and Misa Hayase when they get married they are Hikaru Ichijo and Misa Ichijo and their daughter Miku Ichijo or am I wrong and the correct is Miku Hayase Ichijo Because in almost all web site including the offial site, books, magazines after Komilia Maria Fallyna Jenius, all the other daughters only appears like Emilia Jenius, Miracle Jenius etc until Mylene that most of the time is Mylene Jenius...
  16. OK, I want to confirm the next list of the names of the daugthers of Max and Millia... because a guy told me that is correct one Maximilian Jenius Milia F Jenius (Millia 639) (Milllia Fallyna Jenius) Komilia Maria Fallyna Jenius Miracle Fallyna Jenius Muse Fallyna Jenius Therese Fallyna Jenius Emilia Fallyna Jenius Miranda Fallyna Jenius Mylene Fallyna Jenius But I know that only Millia y Komilia Maria use the Fallyna? And Mylene complete name is Mylene Flare Jenius and the other 5 girls only use Jenius as last name, is this correct? He remember me that in the chapter 30 of Macross TV series Millia refer to Max as Maximilian Fallyna Jenius and I remember that in M3 is called in the same way, but only in this 2 parts, all other mentions to Max is only Maximilian Jenius, someone could explain me why and what is the correct? The point of this topic is no defeat that guy, I only want to get the right, correct and all avaible information about the Jenius family in order to resolve all the doubts about them Thanks
  17. Well I made the question for the shirts that UN spacy posted, I really want the Monster shirt
  18. OMFG anyone knows where I can buy it, I am in Mexico any help will be pretty apreciate, thanks
  19. I hope I could get a least one of the Roy special shirts, I love the design
  20. Then the best is use the CA with the proper ventilation, but my workspace is to small, almost only 4 square meters, what can I do to prevent problems with CA?
  21. In fact I do not want to see valks with face anymore
  22. Well less than 2 months for Macross F... great I agree that the VF-11 and the Vf-4 are too old to appear in Macross F but in Macross Seven the VF-1J Millia type was too old and it appeared... so I hope in Macross F we could watch them but I know that is pretty dificult to happen... BTW I am pretty sure that we are going to see a new versions of the VF-19 and the VF-21, I just a feeling I have
  23. Man, you have a great collection
  24. Wowww, really nice the YF-19 of the 25 anny with the fast pack and the Skull scheme and Miku looks really nice and hot Pretty original idea, thanks for sharing... Just to know, how do you dot he Miku figure, any pics of the making process if it is possible...
  25. Well, I do not know but I really hope this version will be as beautiful as the LDBox from the 15th anny
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