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Everything posted by dizman

  1. dizman

    VF-0A poll

    I'm probably just gonna wait till yamato releases a color correct ghost and buy that for my VF-0S. Only 2 ways i'll buy another VF-0, if yamato releases full armor attachments or if they release a VF-0D.
  2. Lets see here, I pre-ordered mine from Samurai Monkey, live on the East Coast of the USA and got mine the 12th of December (what a happy day that was). I was alittle suprised at how fast it was shipped to me.
  3. It's madness I tell you, MADNESS!
  4. The VF-0A and S both come with undented removeable fuel tanks. For the bundle pack I'm sure yamato will include the undented ones as well, they can't be that stupid.
  5. I would also like to see a transformable sv-51 in the near future. I love the fighter mode and the battroid mode isn't all that bad. Hopefully Ivanov's color scheme would be released first.
  6. Woo, got mine today! Really neat transformation and sculpt. I only wish 2 things had locking mechanisms, 1.The upper torso, if u angle the battroid back too much the upper torso flops off and its kinda annoying. 2. the shoulders, If only yamato would have put a lock in the shoulders for the down position, then the unsightly gaps o-doom wouldn't be so bad in fighter mode (mine kinda stick up instead of sitting flush with the rest of the frame). Otherwise this is yamatos best work yet, WOOOOO!
  7. Well, at least we can answer the mystery of how the missle pods stay on the top of the aircraft. In the lower left picture of included accecories you can see the set comes with an extra pair of fuel pods to replace the ones on the vf-0 that have an indent on the top for where the missle pod attaches.
  8. I might buy the Hikaru Vf-1J but thats about it.
  9. Thats actually pretty neat, wonder how much it's worth? I like the part at the end when its about to go off the table and the video stops !
  10. Well, as far as my knowledge goes with TV vs. Dyrl the differences are that the tv version has lighter colors, different paint schemes on the arms, different pilot colors, and greenish fast packs without the cannon. Thats about all I think.
  11. Such a shame, I really wanted fast packs for my mini-valk.
  12. Woo, that Yf-19 is lookin gooood! I don't really care about the box as long as the toy inside is nice and tight.
  13. My bets are on the ghost fighter, easy to make and no transformation, although I would like to see the Sv-51....
  14. As the title says, lets all type what we hope is coming in the future for Macross toys. My prediction, hopefully for the 25th anniversary Yamato will release a 1/48 VF-1S TV version that comes with the correct stickers and 2 pilots (color correct Roy and Hikaru). Also hopefully yamato will release a 1/1000 scale TV version SDF-1. Heres to hoping.
  15. dizman

    1/60 VF-11

    All I hope is that when and if yamato makes the vf-11 that it would come with those 2 giant rocket boosters like seen in macross plus. Oh and it definately needs the bayonet.
  16. Just a thought Graham, would the fast pack addon include the arm cannon thing? If so i still might get the fast pack set.
  17. Whoa am I glad I held off on buying the VF-0A CF. I don't really understand why the ghost on the 0A is grey instead of greyish black but hey, whatever, i'm not too picky. Looks to me like the canards only bend down instead of removing but your right about the top thingie.
  18. The release is getting closer and closer everyday! Looking at these pictures of the cheap lookin fold booster and fast packs I doubt I'll buy them (more money for me) but i'm glad I got the yf-19 on pre-order already !
  19. Yeah the glock 18 is pretty dang amazing. I like the twin barrel cartridge, never saw that before for the glock.
  20. So far through my many times of leaving the wings overlap, i have found no problems with the structure at all. I was alittle afraid to do it at first too so I just had the wings not overlap. Looks better with the wings folded though.
  21. dizman

    Did I screw up?

    WTG on your buy, you won't be dissapointed with the VF-0S (except for the arms which are a little floppy but u can deal with it). It's my favorite yamato valk next to the Stealth 1/48.
  22. I would buy this thing only if it was $35 before shipping although I would rather save my money for if and when yamato makes the full armor for the vf-0.
  23. I was hoping the feet would be able to swing like that, sweet.
  24. It's an ok price, kinda stupid lookin if u ask me. I'd say go on E-bay, I think I saw a couple on there for cheaper.
  25. I'm really hoping that Craig turns out to be an alright bond. Only problem is that he is usually a better actor as a bad guy instead of a good one, like Dalton (and even then Dalton wasn't all that great either way). Guess we will just have to wait it out and see.
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