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Everything posted by dizman

  1. Hmmm, I was in the same boat as you one time, wasnt sure if I wanted the stealth or the Roy version. I ended up buyin the stealth with fp and some takatoys stickers (the one with the sharkmouth and eyes), I have never regretted my purchase.
  2. Yeah, I'd wanna see a VF-1SR head and the mod parts as well before any talk of a VF-1R.
  3. Lol, I was hoping someone would do that pose! Very nice!
  4. I just bought Ironhide, he is great, only problem is that the shoulders are alittle too far apart, but just a minor gripe.
  5. I used to play it, kinda got sick of it though and havnt played for awhile. I'll dust the game off and play a round every now and then though. I play as Dizman89.
  6. As with most of macross, don't ask questions, just go along wwith it.
  7. Looks like those things cant do an A stance. I think Ill be fine with the cm version (if they fix how it connects to the beta fighter).
  8. EEEP! that looks really fragile there. I guess all we can do is hope that that joint is made of some pretty sturdy materials...
  9. Hmm that guy looks po'd. The first battleship ive ever been on was the USS New Jersey. I was so happy when I heard it was being moved down to NJ. Warmaker, if I remember correctly I saw those ribbons on the NJ. I hear its the most decorated warship ever.
  10. Yeah McGuire AFB had their annual airshow this weekend, though seeing patrolling A-10s used to be common where I work. I havn't seen them flying around for awhile now. The airshow show was awesome! Some F-15s, F-16s, F-18s, A-10s and even an F-22 were sitting on the ruway for u to walk up to. There were some trainer planes there as well as a beautiful beechcraft which u were allowed to sit in if u could stand the moderately long line. There also was a KC-135, KC-10, C-17, and a C-5, all of which you could walk through. In the back there were some bombers like a B-25, B-52 and a B-17! I took pictures of most of the planes there. I have to laugh at one thing though, while taking pictures of the F-22, there were about 10 military guys standing behind the engines. I figured hey, why not get a picture of the cool thrust vectoring engine stuff so I strolled past the 10 guys with my camera aimed and just as i was about to take a picture..."sir you are not allowed to take pictures of the engines". What, is it that big of a military secret!? If it is why is the F-22 at the airshow? They even had part of the inner missile compartments open. Oh well, the engines were pretty neat though, with or without a picture. It was a fun airshow!
  11. Here is a picture of my current collection!
  12. I agree with you repiv, with the roy that just looks outta place, glad I didnt peorder one. Ill just have to wait till yamato releases the greyish colored ghost.
  13. Hmm, ya know, now that I think about it painting isnt such a bad idea afterall. Ill practice on my 1/100 VF-1S first and see how that comes out, then maybe ill buy the 1/48 VF-1S and try that. Can anyone reccomend a paint brand to use.
  14. Hmm, I transform them every now and then and display them, fly them around the house and attack the cat with them as well .
  15. Wow that looks great, and u just started on it today! Can't wait to see what it looks like when u get done detailing it some more (if u do that is).
  16. I'd like to buy a standalone ghost but I have to see it attached to a roy vf-0 first. I know it comes with the correct color connector parts and all but i just wanna see how it looks.
  17. If the alt Hot Rodimus is real im getting it.... doesnt look like the fishing rod/guns are included though. Thats was one gimmick I was really looking forward to.
  18. Hmm, for wave 3 I would want a cannon fodder, alaska base, and vf-1d. Id also be happy if they released the super/strike parts seperately. The Vf-1d prolly wont happen at all but i can dream cant I?
  19. Heh, well I dont really feel like buying a whole other valk just to get a max vf-1s and im not all that great at painting either. Heh, maybe I'll just wait till the day Yamato releases a Max 1/48 (if that day ever comes). Thanks for the help anyways.
  20. Same here, I also cant paint.
  21. Hi all, i was just wondering, whats the easiest way to make a 1/48 Max Vf-1S? Ive been waiting a long time for yamato to make one (im sure he will eventually since he made a kakizaki) but now im sick of waiting and decided to make one myself. Can any of you please help me? Thank you.
  22. Aw man, thrust was always my favorite, and here hasbro goes and makes him look good! Sigh, oh well I'll just have to go without.
  23. Ooh, metal madness. Thats good that yamato will take bigger steps to prevent breakage this time.... or at least thats what I am hoping this means.
  24. Ha, that face is just sad, maybe if they did something witht the eyes, i dunno, not gonna stop me from getting skywarp.
  25. Lol, thats madness, I just got my MP megs and he is huge! In gun mode he is just enormous, there is really no need for the addon part (besides making more money). Anyways, MP megs transformation is close to genius, it uses some elements from the original as well as some new tricks. In robot mobe, hes alittle flimsy but he can hold up his giant cannon of doom (aparently called a fusion cannon). The transformation to gun is a little tedious but is pretty fun, expect to take 40 minutes the first time. Overall pretty nice but feels abit flimsy.
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