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Everything posted by dizman

  1. dizman

    Thunder Hammer

    Wow I'm gonna need some duck tape to hold my mouth shut! Thats quite the fancy peice you got there exo, one of the best I've seen in a long time. I'm sure the recast will be over $200 so I'm not even gonna put my name down (also I have no modeling skills whatsoever ).
  2. Yeah we all realize the su-37 was obliterated and a fail but in my eyes the 37 always stood out as the pinnacle of russian engineering, taking an old design and beefing it up to superhuman specs where it could stand out in the 21st century. I always seem to compare other planes to it, I guess I'm just an old fanboy .
  3. Graham probably has it by now, go steal his .
  4. Could the typhoon even take on the su-37 and win in a dogfight? Somehow I doubt the typhie could be better than the raptor, but then again I'm just your average stupid American.
  5. I think the arcee looks ok, but that head mold looks awful. As for optimus or whatever he is the green just rubs me the wrong way .
  6. I'll buy a set as well, just hope someone has some scans of the things you need to send in.
  7. dizman

    2 seater 1/48s

    I hope that you (by you I mean NMB4M) get what you deserve from this great crusade you have set out upon. I also hope we all get to profit from the ultimate VF-1D. I would more like to see this in 1/48th but if 1/60 is what it takes to see this become real then what must be must be.
  8. dizman

    What scale Destroids?

    1/60 scale all the way! It fits in scale with everything else yamato seems top be making these days and thats just fine.
  9. Somehow I doubt it, it'll probably only be the faceplate or nothing at all.
  10. Only Japan..... Anywhoo I might actually look this up, has a very Army of Darkness feel to it.
  11. Yeah I saw that on TV a few days ago, just awesome! The only thing they coulda done better was if his computer and then the verison guy exploded as well..... but that would be alittle too violent.
  12. This is actually what I would like to see as well. Its the only way to get the WHOLE Dune story into picture format and still not bore people to death..... kinda. Anywhoo heres to hoping that they remain faithful to the book.
  13. Why are you guys worrying, after the beta comes out and proves that its a pos it'll come down to $80 bucks real fast.
  14. While there is much truth in that a large scale 1/4th doll is gonna be quite heavy (correct me if I'm wrong, I dont own any dolls) and knowing Yamato it probably wont have the joints tight enough to even allow it to stand up. Plus over $200 is a tad bit much for a doll that just stands around and looks at you while it plots to kill you. Anyways..... I will admit it looks fairly good.
  15. Hooray for happy endings! Yeah that was pretty bad and on the overall scale of things it didn't make much sense. The alt and original sucked on pretty much the same level.
  16. VF-25 Valkyrie II VF-25 Katana VF-25 Broadsword VF-25 Hot Dog Express III
  17. Ha very nice pics, I especially like #11.
  18. Well seeing as how they barely ever complain about yamatos problems I highly doubt that.
  19. Ha I haven't played MGS2 in awhile, was it really 200 year old ghosts or did they never answer that question? As for the arm posessing another person......thats one of the dumbest plot lines ever but it was necessary as to give ocelot a new gun arm and liquid the chance to come back for revenge .
  20. Yeah it happens all the time, the problem with the metal gear series is that it really only sells well with the people who have been playing since mgs. Its just too hard to jump right into the plot when you are 4 (or 6) games in already. 1 final thought... the cutscenes never really bothered me but the damn codec moments were always annoying.
  21. Heh, why even put a missile bay there if 2/3rds of it isnt even gonna be there. Im looking forward to the reveiws but no matter how good (or bad) this thing is its still not worth more than 100-150 bucks.
  22. So are you going to answer our questions or are you just going to ignore us Graham. We could use some new news.
  23. I'd definately buy that shotglass if it came by itself.
  24. You couldn't wait for the fastpack version ryno? Yeah the ball joint things really were the only major downfall of the 1/100's in terms of stuff breaking.
  25. The toynami 1/100's are fairly well designed for the size and price. I dont get your big thing about everything going to break like wheel struts and the tail, as long as you dont jam them in there with alot of force then everythings ok. Maybe it's just my 2 1/100 but both have taken a 5 foot fall and survived without any major damage. I too yearn for the days of old when toys were rugged and could be dropped from the top of a house and survive without a scratch (not saying I did that ) but these are modern times when everything has to be poseable. Give the little buggers a break, they might just grow on ya.
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