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Everything posted by dizman

  1. That shirt of the week idea is great.... I mean its just so 50's retro! Im almost tempted to get one, almost.
  2. Yay 3 members! I'm not sure if the gamestop I pre-ordered at is having a midnight release or not, but if it is I'm torn on wether or not to go. I'm just not sure I could stand around outside at 12 at night like an idiot waiting for a game, although it would be worth it to get MGS4.
  3. Wheres Samuel L. Jackson, he's in everything!
  4. LIES.... LIES AND SLANDER! Ha very nice work grapetang.
  5. Aw I've been waiting for an MG Rex for awhile, Ray however was released.... kinda. It was released in parts so you had to buy a whole set of action figures from mgs2 and put it together.
  6. Kids..... kids...... lets hold all our pro and anti yamato comments till the yf-21 actually comes out, that way the guy who says this thing will have problems or the guy that says it will be perfect wont end up looking like a fool.
  7. Is there anyway to stop this? Really can we make a petition like the one to stop Uwe Boll (which wont work even though it will eventually exceed 1 mil)?
  8. Ha yeah I've played with people like that woz, kids and their german guided rockets from 1946. Anyhoo SW1 really did see a need for the large waste of missiles as the enemies were very agile in space and 1 missile could easily be avoided. 20 missiles on the other hand means your bound to hit something (and thats better than hitting nothing). As for not transforming, maybe they just liked to die.
  9. Is the world gonna end..... again?
  10. Ha I saw the 1/72nd Vf-25 and thought wow if it looks that good then the 1/60 must look amazing! Then I switched to the next picture and almost cried . Oh btw what is that VF-1 in the right corner of one of the 3rd pic, looks like it might be a 1/60 yamato?
  11. Hey kids, want to be a professional killer like snake, well try some of this stuff !
  12. I like the finish on the final product, goes well with all the other valks! I guess since this review is out Graham's review will be coming soon (heres hoping anyways).
  13. Ha awesome, time for the "Macross Smackdown Attack"!
  14. Hmm theres a term for it (I think Manifest Destiny but I'm not sure). In a way people just have to go out and explore and experience new and difficult challenges, it's our nature. As for why colonize other planets, that way you have another base of operations for the next 20 colonization ships to leave from (such as Eden).
  15. Wow remaking Robocop and Red Dawn now? Hollywood is out of good movies to redo so they started scraping the bottom of the barrel. Well it will never get so bad that someone will make a short circut remake...... oh wait.
  16. As long as I can fly a variable VF-1 with semi-realistic flight controls I'm happy. You people honestly take these Macross vs. Robotech arguments way too far for really no reason at all (just to make sure I dont get attacked, yes I think the Robotech version of the story is a blasphemy).
  17. Ha so it didn't make a June release, well thats good. All we have to hope for now is that everything is tight and nothing falls apart. Oh yeah almost forgot, we have to wait about 2 weeks or more for delivery !
  18. I was watching the old TV and saw some guy reveiw the new Indy, he gave it 2.5 out of 5 stars. Said that it was good to see Marion again and the action was ok but the story was just too silly for him to stand it.
  19. I'm fine with all the whining and bickering.... besides what else do we have to talk about? Maybe if we could beat more info outta Yamato we wouldn't have to whine and burst into degenerative rants about wether the YF-21 is gonna be glossy or not or how big or small the legs should be. But it is not to be so we just moan and complain to pass the time in hopes that our pleas will be heard and maybe a few of our questions will be answered. As for toy production, Yamato's designs are the cream of the crop (who woulda thought that they could make an Sv-51 that looks good) but since they screwed up big time on the VF-0 they will forever be regarded by most people here as cheapskates who wont go the extra 10 cents to put on better materials. I myself think yamato has started to get better with each run since the VF-0 but no first releases sofar have been qc free. Who knows, maybe the YF-21 will be "perfect" and then maybe it will be a big floppy mess with ejecto arms and legs.
  20. Sigh if I had any computer insight I would help you out but of course I don't . One question, are you planning on having the vf-1 able to transform or just stay in fighter (I do realize the horrors of trying to get the different thrusts of each mode down). If you guys do get this done I wouldn't mind pitting a FW-190 vs. a VF-1
  21. So delimiter mode is possible......... woo/ . As for the VF-1 with different nosecones.....somehow I doubt Yamato will have enough foresight to see that not everyone will like their design choice, meaning we get what we see and nothing else.
  22. Ha congrats Bobe, too bad it wasn't for you .
  23. As long as he has someone to argue with then yeah .
  24. I honestly don't get why people always want a live action movie if an animated series is doing well. 9/10 times the transfer is terrible or doesn't do the original series justice. I'm just fine with Venture Brothers being an animated TV series and nothing more.
  25. New interveiw with Kojima on gametrailers http://www.gametrailers.com/player/34169.html !
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