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Everything posted by dizman

  1. Yeah 1/60 is perfectly fine, so what if the VF-1 is a tiny ant compared to its later offspring. Now for what Yamato decides to release after the new vf-1, I'm betting the VF-0D. I wouldnt mind too bad if it were a VF-11 though (or a VF-4 but thats hoping alittle too much ).
  2. The writers strike is over right......RIGHT?! Honestly think of something better than I spit on your grave.
  3. Silly NMB4M, you can't have a 2 seater 1/48, ITS IMPOSSIBLE (according to yamato anyways)! All bad jokes aside that looks fantastic, can't wait to see pictures of it completed.
  4. That is quite fancy, I've been thinking about buying a few just to play around with. I also didn't know they could be put up on different levels, neat.
  5. Nanase all the way (hey that kinda rhymed).
  6. Just saw the episode and I'd say it was pretty good, plenty of funny parts and a nice storyline (Mac 0 was only a movie, or was the movie based on actual events?). On another note, as I have been watching this series a little voice in the back of my head keeps sayin "Alto is definately going to die by the end of this series." I don't know why but its just a random thought that keeps popping up .
  7. I've seen mixed reveiws about the headset, a good one from IGN and a bad one from some other random guy. Also I've been hearing the headset will be on sale at best buy on the 12th for around $40 so don't buy it from gamestop if you are still getting it. Finally gamestop has released a list of which stores will have a midnight release of MGS4 (the store I ordered from isnt so no stayin up for me ) http://www.gamestop.com/gs/landing/mgs4/MG...ht.pdf?affid=33
  8. If any of you guys missed out on buying the alternators hot rod from SDCC last year bbts aparently has some in stock again (or they never sold out) http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...amp;mode=retail
  9. Heh yeah I was figuring on that happening, maybe I'll just disconnect my comp for a week..... a week..... only a week left!
  10. So they are putting the escape pod gimmick in as well, yamato better make a TV VF-1S and VF-1D or else it's useless. Quick question Graham, did yamato design the rear landing gear correctly this time (the same design as the 1/60 YF-21's rear wheels) or is it like the 1/48?
  11. Any valk with a sharkmouth = epic win! They all look amazing, especially the Max 1A.
  12. Ha I can see it now, "Macross Team GO!"
  13. Overall I liked the new episode, can't wait to see Killinger lay down some love at the Venture house next week.
  14. Either A. Waiting for something bad to happen or B. Yelling at his VF-0 for old times sake. Sounds like the YF-21 is nearly perfect but theres always something that goes wrong, I'll probably be the guy that gets the YF-21 with 1 leg .
  15. Yeah but we all know that no matter how good MGS4 is GTA4 will get numerous amounts of "Game of The Year" awards. It's how the game industry seem to work these days, the most hyped game wins. Anyways the beta was quite impressive and with all the good reviews I'm no longer worried about it being a letdown.
  16. I don't own a 360 so I wouldnt know but from what I hear if you get acheivements you also get points, so if you want a map pack for Halo then you dont have to pay but can use the acheivement points. Actually is a good system if thats how it works.
  17. Heres a review I thought was pretty spot on about the movie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ER-CyEBjIxA (caution it includes minor spoilers).
  18. You lucky devil you, when you get a chance can you post some comparison pics between YF-19 and YF-21 in fighter. Tiny feet WOO !
  19. Finally got the ramp done...... only took a month or more . Seriously though great work on the ramp!
  20. We need more technicians! Oh and some ground cars with missiles on them.
  21. It's a madhouse..... A MADHOUSE! Anyways sounds like the toy is pretty sturdy and I'm with Graham on the feet, just looks like random mechanical details.
  22. Well reviews are starting to pop up everywhere. I've only seen 2 so far and 1 incomplete. Gamepro gave it a 5.00 out of 5.00 declaring one of the best games ever made, Play Station Magazine gave it 5 out of 5 stars (its psm magazine, what else did you expect) and the reviewer said that it was one of his top 10 favorite games, and Electronic Gaming Monthly was holding off a full reveiw till it was released but gave a few complaints such as it had no quick cover system like GOW(since all games have to be the same now) and the game didnt always feel like a sneaking game. Sounds like we may have a hit on our hands. Oh and LESS THAN 2 WEEKS TO GO !
  23. Hahahahaha $74.99...... for a repaint of a $15 toy, thats kinda sad.
  24. Not sure, maybe 3 or 4 hours. Enough to get my OMG I FINALLY AM PLAYING MGS4 fix.
  25. HA! Make sure you get Clint Eastwood to help you.
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