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Everything posted by dizman

  1. Quick question, was the VF-22 supposed to have the diamond force arrows tampoed on because mine did not.
  2. Whats wrong with the current YF-19, just buy the fast pack version and everythings ok. On the subject of the VF-11's value I'm with bluemax on this one, $200 just seems a tad bit overpriced to me. Maybe if it was a colorscheme I liked, such as the VF-X2 or Pink Pecker scheme I would think different.
  3. The Pink Peckers VF-11 is the best thing since cubed bread, I can't wait till yamato decides to make a pink repaint VF-11.
  4. Howard the Duck 2 the Revenge Megazone 23 Part 4 Evil Dead 4 Dead After Dawn The Second to Last Starfighter And a videogame sequel Freedom Fighters 2 When Good Russians go Bad
  5. Interesting......very interesting. I'm still hoping it will be good but honestly who here thought it would be better than the original?
  6. Well thats a shame, I know a lot of you guys were really looking forward to the Houquet release. No Yellow either, oh well I'll just have to wait for another company to make a perfect transformation 1/10 ride armor.
  7. The left is too obvious so I'm going with the he/she on the right.
  8. Did someone say T-Rex in a F-14 or F-15? I'm not looking forward to this movie. Please hollywood I've had enough of Tim Burton and Johnny Depp, just take them to the back parking lot and shoot them.
  9. Yeah I wouldn't mind a game that takes place between 2 and 4, there could even be a level where the ghosts of master miller and the boss teach snake how to do cqc like his father..... er brother....eh whatever.
  10. Tiger Woods as Snake, it could work. Oh and today is MGS4's 1st birthday so woo!
  11. Thats pretty damn cool, if someone can confirm this is 1/10 to fit in with the beagle ride armor then I'm sold.
  12. I ate like 30 hotdogs and now I have some epic gas
  13. Raiden should have died in 4, nobody gets crushed by a giant ship and lives to tell the tale. I say MGS5 will star rebuilt Grey Fox since being crushed doesnt affect cyborg ninjas anymore. Or better yet MGS5 will be about snake in a retirement home with 3 days left to live. He will have drug induced hallucinations and imagine the hospital staff as genome soldiers, once he gets out of the bed shackles comedy will ensue.
  14. Ehh he's not really that great, it's nice that somebody finally did a transforming SR-71 but the robot mode is just so.... craptastic. Hopefully leader starscream won't be so kibbly but I doubt they can avoid it.
  15. Sell kidneys, not yours of course.
  16. Why oh why did it have to be the one from the movie, easy pass for me unless it's 1/60 scale.
  17. Come on baby, random SU-37 out of nowhere pretty pwease with cherries on top.
  18. Don't worry, they are saving the best for last.
  19. The next new repaint better be the pink peckers vf-11b, best valk colorscheme ever! The next new design will be a VF-0 v2.
  20. Are these the same guys who kept claiming they were going to make a 1/18 F-4 phantom as well? If this ever is released im in for one, maybe 2 depending on how good it looks in person.
  21. Woo random VF-22 out of left field! Even more awesome that it's Gamlin's, yamato must have found a loop hole in the M7 license to pull this off. The belly plate guns look like they just latch on and can maybe store the guns inside but thats ok by me. Now this leaves me thinking, can yamato somehow figure a way to make a VF-17?
  22. Another one bites the dust! Is it just me or have more people been complaining about how the mods hate them and how they have ruined MW recently? Anyways Ray seems to be coming along nicely, I especially like how the gun can pop out from the gauntlet for enhanced posing.
  23. Ummmmm..... Macross?
  24. dizman

    yamato's next move

    ARGH! VF-3000 belongs in a trash bin along with the 5000 and 9. As for the three new ones to be produced, probably the VF-0D, that odd underwater bomber thing from VF-X2, and VF-4 or 17.
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