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Everything posted by dizman

  1. Didn't Nolan North show some interest in playing this role back when the movie was still in the is making this movie a good idea stage? I guess Mark Wahlberg is a bigger name, there goes another movie with a bit of potential down the drain.
  2. Yeah all of us GT fans have been put through so much its hard to believe this date is real. Guess all we can do is hope.
  3. The smart thing to do is buy a bike, its cheaper, faster and safer.
  5. I've been a long time fan of zombie movies so I'm looking forward to this series. Quick question, is this the first TV series about a zombie apocalypse?
  6. Has there been any word of a full game for the PS3 or are the developers just going to wait and see how the trial sells?
  7. Same here, considering how many people are pre-ordering yamato will hopefully make a fully assembled and painted version.
  8. Yeah 21 a and b are rediculous, the varcolacs fly backwards like its nothing. My advice is go online and get someone to help you, 2 pilots make that battle so much easier.
  9. Those look fantastic, count me in for a set.
  10. Mid air refueling was just too slow for me, yes I realize its mildly realistic but I prefer Ace Combat where you just gun it up to the refuling craft and slow down at the last second. For refuling in Hawx 2 as long as you dont touch anything but R1 and L1 for fine adjustments you should do fine.
  11. I noticed that too, I figured it was just me. I didn't check to see if we can tighten up the controls.
  12. I hear soylent green tastes pretty good, I'm looking forward to that future.
  13. So they finally decided to change it up a bit, I can live without minigunner and helicopter sections but the air combat looked great. Maybe I wont have to buy HAWX 2 after all.
  14. This will be mine! Any idea if Yamato is including the sound booster with first release?
  15. Rodimus primes a bit... underwhelming. I'd almost guess his transformation is the same as old G1 Rodimus, pull off the trailer, rotate the hood, tada! I hope it isn't as simple as it looks.
  16. Didn't Ubi try to bring over IL2 to the consoles and it didn't sell at all? There just isn't a big enough market for realistic flight sims on consoles. HAWX wasnt great but wasnt terrible either, I'll probably get HAWX 2 since I have no other options on the PS3.
  17. According to game reviewers, every game has to redefine the genre or else its "Below Average". There are only 2 ways around this, hype up the game so much that everyone knows its the greatest thing ever (Call of Duty 4), or you can just pay for perfect 10's (Grand Theft Auto 4). I guess my point is game reviews are just unreliable no matter where you go, rent games if they look interesting to you.
  18. Try to look at it another way, think of how good Fallout New Vegas is going to be because Obsidian gave up on Alpha Protocol to devote all their time to it.
  19. Is this going to be in 3d, nobody watches 2d movies anymore so it better be. All terrible jokes aside this actually looks interesting, I may even pay money to see this in theatres.
  20. I'm in for a group buy of some description.
  21. Yamato probably will release the phalanx later on since they already had the cad designs done, $400 for the unassembled and unpainted kit.
  22. Lott it's an animated TV show, get over it. That ZZ scene is hilarious.
  23. I thought Bad Company 2's story was terrible, the squad your with was the only thing that made it memorable at all. Online play is where BC2 shines, there are so many things to do and unlock youll be entertained for hours.
  24. Im kind of hoping Yamato quickly sells all of the $400 regults and realize there actually is a market for them. Then they will offer up completely assembled and painted versions for $100.
  25. 400 bucks for a toy that only has 2 moving legs and some internal details that I have to put together myself. I appreciate the effort but come on, even the destroids (which are in less demand than a 1/60 regult) were priced around $100. Maybe this is just a test the waters thing and they will go into full scale production later on.
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