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Everything posted by dizman

  1. Ooooh gold sumo! This could end up being a fun series, I'm still annoyed there's been no word of origin though.
  2. So the Ouya actually did well enough to warrant competition?
  3. Since rising worked out so well maybe Kojima will hand ZoE3 over to platinum. Hell while hes at it might as well let grasshopper manufacture do Snatcher 2.
  4. So Will Smith will be the general of the space forces and Jaden will be the hot shot rookie pilot? Jaden better get punched by an alien that makes a witty remark along the lines of "welcome to glorblocks!"
  5. I watched the movie the other day, it wasn't terrible. WWZ was fun to watch at least but I'm going to agree with Duke and say read the book skip the movie.
  6. Star Citizen is definitely a beautiful game and that was a great advert for it. My biggest worry is that if it really is that good looking most people wont be able to afford upgrading their computers to run it.
  7. Hey anyone remember Luftrauser http://not.vlambeer.com/luftrauser/ ? Well its getting a sequel/upgrade http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3EENoDfu0g . It's going to be great!
  8. Woo Wheeljack! Too bad we didn't get Jazz too but seeing as how takara is focusing on the Autobot cars it's only a matter of time.
  9. Great news! I'll probably skip the YF-19 since I have no problems will the old V2 but if they make a VF-19A Ravens I'm in.
  10. You are probably dead on accurate as to what is going to happen. I'd even bet Microsoft will release an X1 without the kinect at $399.
  11. I've never seen that illustration before, thanks for sharing.
  12. Pretty neat though I would bet this one gets the 10,000 votes first. http://lego.cuusoo.com/ideas/view/638
  13. Another reminder, volume 2 will be coming out on June 25 so make sure you order a copy. So far it's # 41 on amazons manga bestsellers list so...... uh oh?
  14. Exactly what I was thinking, don't tell me they already canned the origin anime for more AU stuff I probably wont care about.
  15. That command car looks great Darrin, do they make figures to pose with it or am I thinking of another command car toy/model?
  16. Actually I think it's Miller since he's wearing a Diamond Dogs beret. So I guess we know what the taboo subjects are going to be. That extended trailer was gruesome, couldn't they at least kill Paz before digging into her guts for some peace package?
  17. No but they are pumped full of nanomachines. When else would he wear them? I'm surprised she wasn't naked. No but we can hire them to kill for us.
  18. Dead Rising 3 looked fun and so did titanfall but they aren't going to be enough to sell me on the X1. Also $500 is a bit high, you'd think they would learn from playstations mistakes with the ps3's price on launch.
  19. Looks great, could instantly tell it was Sutherland's voice though. Maybe I'll get used to it eventually .
  20. Oh one last thing, you can and should skip ZZ gundam if you get into the UC series. While true that it is part of the continuity and gets better halfway through, the first half of the show is proven to make people go insane . Also rawr irrational hate!
  21. The only gundam shows you should watch in order are the UC era series, Mobile Suit Gundam (the trilogy movies), Zeta Gundam, Chars Counterattack and then Unicorn Gundam. Other shows in Gundam usually work on their own or happen in completely different universes from the main stories (like 00 Gundam).
  22. I'm going to guess that Ground Zeros is a dlc game to be released by the end of this year and will bridge the gap between PW and MGS5. Then Phantom pain will come out next year on discs and will start with BB waking up after the coma. I figured they were both going to be open worldish but it's interesting to hear one will be old school MGS.
  23. I'm just hoping for him to try and act a bit instead of listening to him drone off some lines with no emotion. Did we hear Sutherland as snake already, I don't recall hearing it?
  24. There's no need for you to defend microsoft's decisions, they have a large marketing team for that. I'm sure by launch time the public will be all in for the "futuristic experience" that the X1 will bring.
  25. Sutherland huh... it should be interesting to see if he's going to be copying Hayter's established voice or making a new one from scratch. Hayter's also in his mid 40's so I still can't see why they didn't use him, maybe he just can't make silly faces for the dots like Sutherland.
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