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Everything posted by dizman

  1. If Craig can't do schtick then why do they want to do it? Did everyone forget how forced the one liners were when Dalton tried to do it in Living Daylights? They just about dropped all of the one liners in Licence to Kill. I haven't read Devil May Care, is it any good?
  2. That was a beautiful video . Have there been any announcements about how trophies, friends and psn games will cross over into the ps4 generation? I assume everything from ps3 will just transfer onto the ps4 but you never know.
  3. If they are going for a continuation of the patlabor series why didn't they go with a sleeker design like the AV-0? That head looks much better darrin.
  4. Woo I found and bought a MP Soundwave here in Jersey, it was the last one on the shelf.
  5. Yup you're going to need a US account to use the dlc code, once you dl the dlc though you can use it with any account.
  6. That's a lot of parts to find and categorize before you put em together, hopefully it'll all be worth the time. Are you going to paint/customize it in any way?
  7. Hmm where do I buy it from, NY or Ami? That's awesome, must be some kind of promotion for the new movie.
  8. As long as I can fly the f-14 for free I'm set, though if I want the flower paint scheme from AC5 I'm probably going to pay extra . Of course you are going to have to pay for planes and color schemes, that's just the F2P model.
  9. That is exactly what I wanted the DLC to be, other reality short stories. Strange they are releasing rapture first, if I was in charge I would have saved the setting people want most for last.
  10. Curse you Arcadia! Just when I think I've got all the valk toys I'd ever want you bring out this masterpiece and pull me back in. Guess it's time to start saving .
  11. Here ya go. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSDb6hAeGHA
  12. Nice find Darrin, thanks for the pics and review.
  13. I like the shield, it takes what sony did with the psp/ps vita connecting with ps3 and what nintendo did with wii u controller to the next level. I would assume you need a beefy system with the newest and most expensive nvidia cards to run the sharing so be prepared to spend a bunch of money not just on the shield.
  14. Brand recognition is a powerful thing, who cares about something called Pacific Rim when Grown Ups 2 must have been good enough to get a sequel. I finally got around to seeing PR and it was a fun movie, hopefully if the second movie does get made they will work more on the plot and characters.
  15. With the live action movie coming out that a good possibility, though they will probably stick to just making movie designs.
  16. The CM patlabor line was fun, I just did a quick search on ebay and found this for $60. Only problem is US shipping rate. http://www.ebay.com/itm/CMs-Patlabor-Brave-15-Ingram-1-2-OVA-Ver-Gokin-7-Action-Figure-/161046758015?pt=US_Action_Figures&hash=item257f22827f Even though it says ingram 1&2 I believe it only comes with one figure and parts change to unit 1 or 2.
  17. Maybe they were always test tube babies and Dr.Venture didn't want any questions as to who the mother was so he just said it was Myra.
  18. It begs the question of why they would try to change it in the first place? Make it more "modern' for today's audience would be my guess.
  19. VF-4 repaints, they don't even need to be canon just make stuff up.
  20. I saw ya, its just that news about news is no news to me...... wait.
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