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Everything posted by dizman

  1. Yup looks like lost in nightmares, desperate escape and versus mode are still available. I recommend just getting Lost In Nightmares if you are an old RE fan, the other 2 addons were forgettable. https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#!/en-us/search/f=%5Eresident%2Bevil%2B5%7Cbucket~games?smcid=ps:shop-now:ps-psn:playstation-store
  2. But.... what about gold sumo? I don't like the 1/60 scale, shoulda made it 1/100 or less so it doesn't take up so much space/cost a truck load of money.
  3. I never got around to buying titanium kits but here is a review about a titanium mg gundam where rrobert talks about the titanium parts pros and cons. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCR-UOD1AyQ
  4. So..... it is going to be a separate release? I'm fine with this if they don't change their minds again, and a physical copy is good news also.
  5. Here's a link for a store with 00 in stock http://www.gundamplanet.com/mg-gn-0000-gnr-010-00-raiser.html . Nu Gundam is one of the all time best designs in the series IMO so I'm a little biased in saying screw 00. I don't have one myself so I have no opinions on the kit itself but there are a few vids on youtube about it. If you don't like the color scheme you can always repaint it.
  6. Where was the paper clip? He could be the nagging sidekick.
  7. They take 2 LR41 watch batteries, as for the missing led you are probably expected to buy it separately. Here's a place to find some for sale. http://www.gundamplanet.com/gunpla-2-led-unit-set-red.html
  8. Same here, been playing the Ace Combat series, Onimusha and Gundam Federation vs Zeon lately. I can't quite pin down why, maybe I'm just bored with the current gen games.
  9. Ultimetal Optimus looks great, too bad its $700 too much for my tastes. I never knew OP had minigun barrels inside his blaster, what a weird detail.
  10. So....... typing of the dead is back, I figured sega forgot all about the original. From what I've seen it looks just as fun as the original. http://www.greenmangaming.com/s/us/en/pc/games/action/typing-of-the-dead-overkill/
  11. The tomahawk, final tomahawk and stoner sunshine effects...... guess I have no choice but to get the addon set .
  12. If you want an in universe explanation, the events of Mac 0 were being declassified around the time of Mac F so perhaps the designers of the vf-27 looked over the old sv-51 design and modernized it. If you want a real world explanation, the sv-51 design was cool and they reused it. They also reused the transformation of the cockpit area (how it folds together) in the VF-25, 27 and 29 I think.
  13. It was great to see gold sumo in action again, too bad that's probably all we will see of it. I can see the tears of time .
  14. That was a pretty fun first episode, I'm looking forward to more.
  15. I've never had much trouble with the hasbro MP line. Bought a takara MP tigertrack and found a bunch of sloppy paint apps and even some loose parts. For the price takara isn't perfect either.
  16. What an interesting controller design, can't wait to get my hands on it to see if it actually works.
  17. They don't have any specific scale that I know of but their size is close to 1/144 models.
  18. We can make it cuter, we have the technology.
  19. The vita only supports 1 account, what a strange system .
  20. Actually you can, just make a Japanese psn account and you are all set. After you dl the pre order bonuses it will work across all accounts.
  21. MGS has had regenerating health for a while, just lay on the ground or jump in a box .
  22. That's nice and all but when sales start to slip because no one wants to spend $100 extra for a peripheral they wont use microsoft will throw kinect to the side. I'm guessing they have a bunch of them already built and realize no one want them so they are pushing kinect for the first release to clean out warehouses.
  23. There's no big reason to buy either console at launch, just wait for Titanfall to come out and if you still love it after watching some gameplay videos then pick up the X1 bundle without kinect.
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