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Everything posted by dizman

  1. Did the "To be continued!?" at the end of GZ give a date to expect the full game? Is it safe to assume we will see PP released next year (maybe in March)?
  2. Finally got my MP G2 Sideswipe in today, the figure is fantastic and anyone on the fence about getting it should buy it! Strangely G2 swipe's joints are tighter than my tigertrack's joints, he also has less paint imperfections (1 on G2, 3 on TT). All we need now is for a Dr.Wu addon kit and he will be perfect! Hollow forearms is strange on an MP, but we aren't sure how big BB is yet are we? Maybe he was just too small and they decided covers for the arms would be too much engineering for such a small problem. I'm sure a 3p will make some fill in parts, maybe even a head since many seem unimpressed with the takara version so no worries.
  3. Bah lets get rid of that crummy old A-10, if it can't even go mach 1 what good is it!? Stupid joking aside, I'll miss the A-10 if they do actually go through with getting rid of it. They use to fly over where I worked almost everyday, always a fun sight to see them flying along the river at 500ft.
  4. 35 GB's for audio files..... what were they thinking? The game will be successful no worries, just needs to go through the average EA public QA period is all.
  5. Neat idea! Good job on the custom, thanks for sharing.
  6. Haha poor guy, guess he shoulda built the kid a strike freedom.
  7. Yeah I'm glad I went with the toyworld Bii, the real proportions of the VW Bug just doesn't do it for me . I may get the eventual goldbug repaint just so I have the mold, it looks like a nice bit of engineering to get all of those panels to fold into such a small bot. The face can probably be swapped for the G1 toy version.
  8. That is a thing of beauty You win this duel!
  9. Well.... it didn't take her too long to figure out how to customize models like a pro.
  10. Just so you know, there are 2 official MG Sazabi kits. I had the original version and enjoyed building and displaying it. It's a cheaper and easier to build alternative if that's what you are looking for. I don't have the ver ka (yet) but others here seem to enjoy it. Sazabi 1/100 original http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN77072/Gun Sazabi 1/100 Ver Ka http://www.hlj.com/product/ban985135/Gun
  11. There are already rumors of a 3rd party company considering those add-ons, oh and you forgot the bazooka .
  12. If you are looking to get into the series but want to play some of the older titles to get a feel for the games mechanics and storytelling, I recommend picking up the recently released HD collection. It includes MGS 3 and Peace Walker which are the prequels to Ground Zeroes/ Phantom Pain (you only really need to play MGS3 though) and is fantastic value for what you get.
  13. Money/ design restrictions. Transformers are still primarily for a kid audience (naturally) so hasbro has to design toys that won't cause choking hazards, no sharp points and is within a disposable income range for parents (so parts count is usually low). 3rd party stuff gets around this and TF fans insane lust for perfect toys ensures that they will pay sky high prices.
  14. Haha most people were probably ordering the ps3/360 versions anyways. Any word on a Ground Zeroes PS4 bundle yet?
  15. Aw no federation vs zeon remake, that was my favorite one. Been a while since I played zeonic front, could be fun to play it in glorious HD!
  16. I'm a sucker for prototype valks, guess I better start saving more money after the YF-19 is released.
  17. This show seems plenty Gundam to me. That's cause I can sit back and enjoy it for the fun nods to all the the original series while enjoying the fun battles. I can understand why a die hard fan would take one look at this series and call it a sellout but if you take some time to appreciate it, build fighters is probably the best Gundam show made in a long time. I doubt a Macross version of build fighters (Arcadia/Hasegawa Fighters?) would ever get made but if it was I'd support it.
  18. I would assume that most 2014 kits and beyond will have V3 integration. The only time you might see a v3 label is when a kit already had a v2 and needs another redo (like zeta gundam),
  19. That buggy looks great and the line definitely has me interested but I'm going to need to see a few reviews before I drop $120 on a company I have no experience with.
  20. Glad you got the 21 hazray, sorry bout the dust . I never found a good way to keep the 21 dust free, it seems to attract it. The VF-22 Gamlin is even worse, guess I'll need a display cabinet someday.
  21. My predictions for the ending. -Sei and Reiji won't win the championship. -The kampfer will either be replaced with a better MS or have some super secret move that can only be used in the final battle. -Reiji takes Aila back to Arian. -They use the loss as a set up for either the next season or movie. Also I kinda hope we don't get too caught up in Aila's past. Just do the same thing they did with Fellini, throw a 30 second "this is how I got here montage" in the middle of the battle.
  22. I'll have to get to yestercades someday, I've been itching to play some of the classics. There are some arcades down in Ocean City, Wildwood and Sea Isle but they mostly have modern arcade games.
  23. Yup this quote shows the EA mentality and why they will never change. "But I’m not willing to accept – and I don’t think most of my customers are willing to say – “it’s a bad product, I wish I didn’t buy it.” That’s not the conversation we’re having now. I think what we’re hearing is, “You made a game we really liked. We would’ve liked it a little better if it didn’t have these problems.” Many of those problems we can fix, and we have and will." -Rich Hilleman While true they also have to put up with programming for a new console and making an over hyped shooter which will hopefully sell X1's. Microsoft and EA are likely sitting on each shoulder and telling them to cut corners to get it out.
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