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Everything posted by dizman

  1. I'd love to see a secret mission after PP is beaten to fight young snake in Outer Heaven. They will definitely have to go back and update the story and mechanical designs of MG 1 and 2 after PP is done and over. The new designs from PW and PP are just too advanced to fit with the classics IMO.
  2. Sooo OpenXcom finally reached version 1.0! For those that don't know it is a bunch of fixes, performance tweaks, modern UI additions and easy mod support for the original 94 Xcom game. Get out there and destroy cydonia all over again! Here's their website http://openxcom.org/ and a trailer for 1.0.
  3. Brain Set! I wonder if the MP will have the same sliding face gimmick the G1 toy did, I really hope it does! Since Sabre's transformation is pretty simple they better load him down with a bunch of joints so he can pull off some great poses.
  4. And he's a space winnebago with flames, its a win for everyone! Optimus prime was an incompetent leader anyways, the autobots needed someone new to lead.
  5. Ground zeroes found a slightly annoying middle ground between PW and PO. Running 7 people to a drop point got a bit repetitive but hey at least you could sprint while holding them. PW system was ok but I agree with Shadow that it should have more risk involved. Maybe the soldiers should look up every now and again at the choppers picking up all their people.
  6. No Man's Sky was the most interesting game in all the big reveals last night, I hope it can live up to the trailer.
  7. Actually if you have a ps3 you can DL an official wiki of sorts http://us.playstation.com/games/add-ons/metal-gear-solid-4-database-ps3.html
  8. Speaking of tires, I like how they even got the skinny front/fat rear slick tires modeled after the real car.
  9. The more I see and read about that game the more I love it. The Evil Within will probably be the first game to make me consider an upgrade to a next gen console, hopefully it'll have a fancy bundle with a PS4. Hmm, maybe I'll dig up a gamecube and play REmake in the meantime.
  10. I finally got around to replaying DC and DC2 not too long ago, it had probably been 5 years or more since I played them. Great games, I forgot how good the dino AI was for that time (damn raptors). Shame the series is dead, guess no one cares about killing dinosaurs anymore .
  11. TFW is an angry place, just stay over here.
  12. It's ok guys, we completely understand that everyone has different views on the movie and are willing to wait for you to change your ways. Oh wait forget that, lets just drop an asteroid on earth. CCA was just a reason to have a final big fight between Chamuro and the story and characters suffered for it. At least the fight was pretty good.
  13. $250 is a bit much for a trailer, maybe you could just slap a nerv symbol on the upcoming MP10 reissue and call it a day.
  14. The events of Unicorn don't matter in the long run ! I haven't read every side story so I can't say for certain if anyone makes a cameo appearance in the future. Yeah Zeon is dead, all hail the Jupiter Empire!
  15. Didn't the federation just get fat and lazy by the time of F91? I know in the crossbone manga a large amount of the federation forces were destroyed which led to the federation being weaker when zanscare shows up in victory.
  16. The compilation zeta movies aren't bad... just odd. The modern animation mixed with the original 80's animation was a terrible idea and changing one of the best endings in a gundam series to "Yay happy ending!" was unnecessary. For the time being the original trilogy movies are cannon and the zeta movies aren't yet, it all depends on if they want to completely redo ZZ or not.
  17. Ouch and I thought my TT was bad, bbts does cover shipping costs. As far as replacing it, it wont hurt to ask. I've heard of other people that got replacement figures for lesser issues. Maybe take pictures of the problem areas and send that with your request. Heres bbts' return policy http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/help.aspx#return
  18. Oh I totally forgot about the new wolfenstein game, guess I'll wait for reviews and a price drop since I'm not that excited about it or doom 4. Watchdogs looks fun so I'll probably get that week of launch for PS3 (still haven't made the next gen jump ).
  19. Here's an idea as to what the HWS looks like on Hi-Nu. If it comes with markings like in the picture I may pick it up.
  20. I heard Bit Trip Beat was alot of fun but have never tried it myself. I suggest giving luftrausers a try, very fun 2D air combat bullet hell asteroids esque game.
  21. Jeeze the fakers didn't even have the decency to add a fake metroid game to the list, they aren't even trying!
  22. Heh I used to play blaster master all the time, loved the exploration part of it. I don't think I ever actually beat it though, I saw it was on the 3ds E-shop so maybe I'll pick it up and give it another go.
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