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Everything posted by dizman

  1. Haha you can have a new RT series, but only if you really care!
  2. Gundam vs zeta gundam gets boring from doing the same missions over and over for each character. Federation Vs. Zeon is still my favorite gundam game. Gundam extreme vs fb is an excellent game if you are into 2v2 online battles but the other modes are boring and pointless. I would recommend it to any gundam fan, just so many little touches that showed the developers cared about the franchise.
  3. All of a sudden I really am hoping that this KS gets funded so we have more to talk about till the new Macross series comes out, pass that popcorn!
  4. Wha........ what? Is this really getting made? Why does he have SS wings mounted on his back? Why does the special edition come with a dismembered SS head? Why? The more I think about it the worse it gets.......
  5. Sounds like you had a blast! I'm glad you're ok and that the first taste of racing didn't turn you away from the whole thing. Can't wait to see the video footage .
  6. Kar Krash even comes on a G2 card....... I want it so bad! Not sure if I would buy the whole G2 menasor set, maybe just KK and Downforce if his colors were EXTREME enough.
  7. Yeah definitely air suspension, that looks better than any of the modern rolls on the road today.
  8. Maybe put it on a display stand, take off the right leg and left hand like in the movie and pop the VSBR's ahead. F91 is a plain ms in neutral poses but looks great in action.
  9. Is it too much to ask for a list of the things that need to be done and the costs associated with finishing them? For example, sound effects = $10,000, designing mecha= $100,000 and so on. Maybe I just want to laugh at them justifying the costs I dunno.
  10. Ooh I didn't realize ps now was such a scam, getting the ps3 was the right call then. So change of subject, anyone been playing shovel knight? I'm only half way through it and have been loving every minute of it.
  11. Make that a double order for me !
  12. Maybe you could just keep saving and get the ps4, the super slim will likely drop in price over the next year or two so you can get a replacement then. Also the PS4 is getting that fancy ps now streaming thing soon so you can play ps3 games on it.
  13. Many problems cause the YLOD, its kinda the check engine light for the console. HDD failure can be one of them but the soldering issue is the most common. Best I can suggest is find a repair guy you can trust and have him run a diagnostic on it. Also remember that if you take the old HDD out of your current ps3 and put it in a new one it will reformat it. Here's a list of some of the issues the YLOD could be https://www.ifixit.com/Answers/View/37034/Is+there+only+one+cause+of+the+ylod
  14. It's gonna be sad to see this get backed (it will unfortunately). Then HG will say it can't make the pilot because they under valued the cost of the project and blame the fans because they didn't give enough extra money. HG will get away with the cash and be set for a few more years.
  15. Isn't that cute, they found a new way to screw people over.
  16. I like it but I've been known to throw a controller from time to time so I'll just stick with the default cheap controllers.
  17. Heh I was always more of a splash wave guy, hey did ya know the 3ds outrun port/update (out in japan only so far) has 2 new songs that aren't that bad.
  18. Hey now no reason to diss the KOs, I heard the KO Sideswipe was actually pretty good with better paint apps than takara could do.
  19. I don't have one but Game Sack did a pretty in depth review, definitely worth a watch if you are interested in buying.
  20. Not sure if we talked about it here already but Time Pilot is also a fun game.
  21. Well after a little time in the brig reading Diamond Dog recruitment pamphlets and hearing stories about how badass Big Boss is they usually join. That's how things worked in peace walker anyways.
  22. That thing looks amazing, make sure to get a nice display case for it CAIN!
  23. Why are people so bent up over UMs lack of articulation, all he does is stand around and get shot anyways. Besides the obvious proof in the movie, here's something a little more obscure.
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