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Everything posted by dizman

  1. What happens when you run out of missiles?
  2. According to the wiki its a modified HG Bearguy from GBB. Little Bearguy is too cute!
  3. Yeah the nine-oh-nine is an amazing aircraft. I took a ride in it a few years ago, definitely something everyone should get to do once. I even got to help hand spin the props before startup!
  4. Are you talking about the plain ol RGM-79? Well the MG V1 is based off the same MG V1 RX-78 kit that came out in the mid 90's (the first master grade I think) so it is essentially a big HG. I recommend staying far away from that kit as it has not aged well. The V2 is based off the MG RX-78 V2 from the late 2000's and is a true MG with a fancy skeletal frame and good poseability. The V1 is sorta Katoki-ish while the V2 looks like it came straight out of the show. V1 http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN71869/ V2 http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN958126/
  5. Your stands are the best! *Missile spam of appreciation* Got my stands in today and I love em! I may need to break down and buy a VF-4 to display on such a great stand .
  6. Are there any star saber repaints out there we can expect TT to make in masterpiece form? I looked around but couldn't find any and I doubt TT would use a mold only once. Pretty much the only thing stopping me from a pre order is the hope of a better color scheme . Also smart use of the shield as a stand, great idea!
  7. The Jag looks pretty nice but couldn't they have incorporated the touchscreen display a little more tastefully? It's like putting a hundred dollar aftermarket radio in a DB5, you just don't do it.
  8. When THQ went under a few years ago Deep Silver bought Volition and the rights to Saints Row. As I recall they left Red Faction out of the deal which is a shame as that series still had potential (2 great games vs 2 crap games, oh well). I thought that Deep Silver just cut Volition up and moved some employees around but maybe they let them remain a game studio, not sure.
  9. No white dingos rgm sniper 2, guncannon mass production and gm.... for shame! I hope you find the ones you are missing, maybe they are still in the car .
  10. Ehhh no worries, I can wait and whatever you come up with is good enough for me.
  11. It's strange that deep silver is keeping the volition name alive even though they are gone.
  12. Cowboy Bebop has 9 discs...... why? Didn't we switch to blu-ray discs since they have so much storage space? Also Patlabor is already on blu-ray Mr.March, the series, ova and movies.
  13. Yeah it's nice to see that everything wont be doom and gloom, makes recruiting child soldiers that much more fun!
  14. I was really hoping TT would make marlboro jack, I am not disappointed. They even got the windshield and wings right!
  15. I'd go for clean but that's because I can't remember them ever looking dirty in the show. Turn A and X both definitely look great once they have been panel lined. I couldn't find a decent weathered Turn A kit but I found this Turn X that looks fantastic, may give you some ideas. http://www.gundamkitscollection.com/2014/06/mg-1100-turn-x-weathered-and-custom.html
  16. That was a perfect way to get him to back off . Wish they could do that in F1, all they do is flip each other off.
  17. I'm all for 3rd party stuff finding its way into the mix, bring on the regult!
  18. Yup,its going to be great, maybe we can get a RE2 remake if we are lucky (nah we aren't).
  19. I like it but will wait to see some reviews before I bite.
  20. Damn guess we wont be seeing Yakuza 5 localized ever, ah well at least we had a good run with 1-4. Zero will probably be about Kazuma's early days before being thrown in jail for 10 years.
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