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Everything posted by dizman

  1. No biggie, Eastern was one of the first commercial airlines around. I heard someone had bought the rights, I assume that's the first of the reborn Eastern fleet since its dedicated to Rickenbacker.
  2. Nah the real problem was no commanders fin .
  3. The kiss players that came with the binaltech tfs or the ones that came with the new racing GTR series? Kiss players are probably a bit too large to scale with WJ since the binaltechs are bigger. The GTR tfs are a tad smaller than MP cars so that's probably the one you want.
  4. I did my part . If you want to play a good Star Wars space sim game with decent graphics try X-Wing Alliance, GOG may even re-release it if we are lucky. Tie Fighter is still the all time best for me though, damn rebel terrorists.
  5. Yes! I was wondering what to play next after I beat classic X-com, guess Tie Fighter it is.
  6. Haha yeah I know, I just meant you need to take these pictures to other forums to raise interest and customers.
  7. Kikstarter would be a good option but you are going to have to get a lot more customers than are on here to get the funding you are looking for. Maybe start posting in other forums to gain more interest.
  8. I had someone try to race me in a Jeep today, had the big offroad tires and probably a V8 under the hood since he wanted to go so bad. I just laughed and waved him on, gotta love NJ traffic.
  9. Well obviously they don't want us to know about the giant aliens so they are keeping gerwalk (and battroid) a secret.
  10. The F-35 is made of overtechnology, just let it go.
  11. Oh it does, you just have to look closer .
  12. Haha I was thinking the same thing, I'd love to see three V2 VF-1s on a stand in all three modes.
  13. Oooh how many laps did you get in before the sputtering? I would love to see Lambo try and get into the F1 race scene because as you said they have such a small history with motorsports. In the end if Audi wants Lamorghini to build an F1 car, they will build a F1 car pedigree be damned.
  14. Fun idea, maybe the wings could be built of fin funnels like how the Nu Gundams funnels connect together but with more of a purpose.
  15. Seeing as how they are just re-releasing the entire series and made such a big deal about it at E3 you would think they could spend the cash for two discs. 343 Exec "Should we split it onto two discs...... ehh screw it lets just save some money and make it a day one patch."
  16. That poster is great but not the one I mean, I think it shows up around the scene in Yuuma's room. It's Star Build Strike in the victory pose from the end of the last season.
  17. Where can I get that poster for the 8th gunpla battle tournament that keeps popping up in the background? Someone needs to make real versions of that poster!
  18. Hello from the future past.
  19. Isolation is the alien game we should have gotten in the first place so it's fine, maybe someone could change the title or something.
  20. So Resident Evil Revelations 2 is a thing. Looks like they want to cash in on the Evil Within hype, I think I can skip this one.
  21. The times they are a changin'. If lambo wants to be around for the next 50 years then they have to change how they go about things like porsche and mclaren have been doing. They will keep making V12 monsters till regulations absolutely forbid them but at the same time they need to show they can keep up with the future.
  22. I liked the diecast on my MP-05 Megs...... until it started to rust.
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