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Everything posted by dizman

  1. They don't care bout your useless USD, they are raking in millions of yen releasing the same pachinko games with a new coat of paint. I agree with everyone else though, MGS V is my last Konami game.
  2. Eww guess I'll just play tie fighter again.
  3. Poor Tigershark, if I was a 3rd world dictator I would have bought you .
  4. REmake 2 in the works, interesting but I wont get my hopes up till some screenshots start showing up. That DCS F-14 looks great, I may have to dust off the flight stick and give it a try when it comes out .
  5. I watched G Gundam again last year, it was great! I do tend to enjoy fun super robot shows though so maybe I'm biased. The Gundam Barbatos has an interesting design, I like that they will be taking parts off of fallen MS to slap onto it like an armored core mech. Story sounds interesting but I'll hold off judgement till I see a few epsiodes.
  6. So here's a strange bit of nostalgia, someone made an audiobook out of the first S.D. Perry Resident Evil novel. Funny enough it wasn't as terrible as I remember.
  7. Just put Knight26 as head of development, we would have a proper Ghost X-9 in no time.
  8. Haha same, I just put a pre order in for TT Devy.
  9. You guys should get together and do a gunpla review channel on youtube, so much advice and info on this thread.
  10. Lotta good announcements so close together, I'm in for a takara Devastator and MP Ironhide. Can't believe they made a new sky lynx, it's so stupid I have to get it .
  11. Your Tryon 3 looks great, can't wait for mine to show up at my door!
  12. I haven't read the kickstarter, is sony gonna buy the rights from sega if the kickstarter goes through. That whole thing was just strange to me but hey if that means we are getting Shenmue 3 then fine with me.
  13. Hmm maybe... I'm thinking its a clone of the perfect clone.... clone army brrrrrrrrothers!
  14. Maybe a twin to liquid that wasn't solid? Trailer was great, September needs to hurry up.
  15. Actually I think its as good a time as any, many people haven't made the next gen switch yet. To top it off when most buyers get a new system they sell the old to cut costs. Guess we will see if Sony reacts to this or not, I'm hoping yes. One thing the Microsoft conference lacked was a game to sell the system, sure it had exclusives but nothing really made me go I want that.
  16. Hopefully we will get an announcement at E3, maybe they will release Yakuza 0 and give me a reason to buy a PS4.
  17. I love some old RE but 0 didn't work for me, never could put a finger on why. I get why RE0 is getting the remaster (who didn't see it coming with REmake being a success) but would much rather see RE2 get a total REmake. It takes quite a bit of work to properly remake a classic, easier to up res the decent looking ones and make easy money. I'm gonna guess that Code Veronica is next on the remaster list.
  18. XCOM 2! We lost!
  19. I drive an automatic and eat in my car while driving, gotta love it. When something gets spilled (by me or passengers) I clean it up, no big deal. If that all means I'm a terrible car guy then so be it .
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