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Everything posted by dizman

  1. He stole the matrix just like he stole or childhood! Hot Rod looks great in car mode and that's all that really matters to me (oh and that fishing rod accessory is wonderful).
  2. I usually keep 3 of each vehicle in stock at most times, the rest I just sell off. Sometimes using vehicles on dispatch missions can get them destroyed. The weapons are mostly for easy money, not too useful on FOB missions. The only ones worth anything are the mortars since the ai can get lucky and bomb a poor invader dead on sometimes. To change buddy equipment go to where you select your buddy option (the same place you tell Quiet to attack or scout an area) while on a mission. One says change buddy equipment.
  3. The only thing that doesn't get rebuilt or replaced in a base is the anti-air radar. I heard some of the soldiers say outposts were going to start getting equipped with tanks since I've been destroying them so much. Unfortunately I have yet to see a single tank just hanging at an outpost, I want my easy money!
  4. Great write up on the whole story Keith, a few probable answers for ya Shadow
  5. Some ending spoilers For me MGS1 will probably always be the best plot.
  6. It's pretty good, quit work and play it .
  7. We could probably take the discussion to the MGSV thread, oh well. Mission 51 spoilers kinda Some DLC was already announced for MGSV, outfits for everyone (except DD and D-Walker)! I kinda want it just for the MGS3 sneaking suit . In other game news, Plauge of Shadows free update is out for Shovel Knight. It's great, play it!
  8. MP Hot rod and Shockwave?! How did takara know this is exactly what I wanted?
  9. Fulton is always the answer! Quiet story spoilers....
  10. You can defeat quiet using It's great that you can miss such a big part of the game, most times games want you to see everything in one go.
  11. When the time comes, don't pull the trigger . It's a fun fight, kinda reminiscent of The End from MGS3. As for Paz....
  12. Aw but they are making a new RE game . I'm worried they will screw up RE2 remake by making it over the shoulder camera, hopefully I'm wrong.
  13. You forgot ZOE, don't want that to end up in pachinko hell too.
  14. Oh man.. that gouf....perfect......
  15. Ehh its no REX, model is nice though. I don't remember it ever using that pile bunker on the right arm or the leg grenades in the game.
  16. If your medical strut is already built you should go check it out, maybe try a few doors.
  17. So the ending wasn't as bad as some people were making it out to be, I liked it. MGSV does leave some plot threads open for probable DLC but the overall story meets up with Metal Gear well enough for me.
  18. The gunplay is actually pretty close to MGS4, some of the biggest changes are the aiming reticles and item selection. For some reason they decided to have different reticles on each class of gun ( T for the pistols, 3 lines for smgs, etc.) unlike the circle in MGS4. They changed this in PW and it can take a little bit to get used to. You can still go into first person view by pressing r1 while aiming. Item selection was switched to a PW type system as well, press and hold the the d pad up for main weapons, right for throw able items, down for secondary weapons and left for support items. From there you can use the right analogue stick to select the item you want. For quick select just tap the d pad. Another trick is while you are aiming with a weapon press square to quick change from primary to secondary. You can fire from cover, but only around corners I think. Just stick to the wall and aim. Something that could be throwing off your aim is the auto aim, it's on by default. Just go into options and turn it off. MGO and the FOB system are the online components of MGSV. Currently MGO is still being worked on and will come out in October I think. FOB is currently up and lets you go attack other peoples bases (kinda like dark souls invasions). This gets unlocked on mission 22. The online connection in this game keeps disconnecting for me too, dunno whats up with that. Not all animals are passive, beware the bear! You are infiltrating Afghanistan during the Russian occupation so yeah everyone wants you dead, that said you don't have to get into conflicts with them. There are plenty of ways to get around road outposts such as don't travel the roads and only operating at night till you get a hang of things. Another good way to get around outposts is to use your horse, when you see some soldiers at a checkpoint press x and snake will duck behind his horse. As long as you aren't galloping the soldiers won't care about a horse wandering around. I haven't beat the game yet but so far it is light on the cutscenes, usually you get them after beating a few main missions. If you want some more story check out your cassettes in the i droid, plenty of stuff in there. To get a good grasp of the gameplay play mission 3 A Heroes Way a few times, its a nice easy infiltration that can be played a few different ways. Hopefully this buncha text helped ya out, if you have any other questions send me a message and I'll try to help out.
  19. I'm only 30 something percent into the game but so far the story has been pretty decent. My biggest gripe would be that some of the story is stashed in the cassettes so you need to stop every now and then to listen to a bit of story. Gameplay is bloody brilliant and you should get the game!
  20. A badass dog with a knife (or stun rod) in a sneaking suit of course!
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