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Everything posted by dizman

  1. It's cool that they are trying to (and probably will) bring back MST3K but isn't riff trax still a thing?
  2. You can really start wherever you want, though watching the main UC series in order is highly recommended. Since you are more attracted to the designs than the story I'd say go for what you like, Unicorn could be a good starting point since its got plenty of great combat and designs. Chars Counterattack isn't great story wise but the MS battles are still some of my favorites. I haven't watched the F-91 movie in a long time but I remember some pretty cool battles and interesting designs from it. Gundam 00 is a great series that is split into two seasons, if you don't like the first you can always skip the second. I can't really recommend the zeta movies but the series is still one of the best out of all Gundam.
  3. Hey Keith, now that the new patch is out play mission 11 Cloaked in silence 7 times, trust me.
  4. It's easier to set stuff during the OYW since everyone knows the story setting by now and that makes it a guaranteed sell. Poor Crossbone has a big hill to climb to get made into a series/OVA, set between F91 and Victory with characters no one remembers from F91. Also has pirates, no one cares about pirates anymore. Thunderbolt is pretty good though so I'm not too sad we are getting that story animated, maybe someone will take a chance and animate Sentinel to start milking the Zeta- ZZ timeline.
  5. Five episodes in and this series is doing good so far, I'm loving the action and the MS designs. Any word on if this is getting 25 or 50 episodes? Is it just me or is the ending song to IBO one of the best out of any of the Gundam series?
  6. I'll be getting it for PS4, even have the fancy pip boy edition . I'll probably run a high strength so I can carry everything and maybe some luck on the side.
  7. To be fair back in the 70's when they didn't question everyone every week MSF got blown up.
  8. I've always liked the 512 but would rather own a testarossa instead , maybe even chop the roof off for that perfect 80's look. That garage is silly but hey if that's what you like and got the money then whatever.
  9. I love that MGS3 trailer, always wondered why they went with the new model over the older one.
  10. I'm all for a Thunderbolt series/OVA, though I recall hearing the story wasn't canon. Here's to hoping it won't be CGI animation.
  11. Woo got my order in at NY, thanks Arcadia!
  12. Haven't had a headless hostage yet but had an invisible soldier pop up on one of the capture the skilled soldier side ops. Couldn't even fulton the guy once I found him.
  13. Another way to get the supply drop to work... I just got around to finishing all missions with an S rank, all that's left to do is the side objectives. Fortunately the stealth camo should help out a bit with those listen to the conversations objectives.
  14. Just in time to compete with Fallout 4, nice job! It's just another thing to hurt Yakuza 5's sales in the USA, guess we will never get 0 at this point.
  15. Those are optional side objectives. On C2W an example would be fultoning a shipping container which you probably can't do yet. After you beat a mission the first time you can see what they are on repeat plays.
  16. I kinda wish there were more OSP missions, those were great fun. Rocket arm/blast arm are the best, who needs spinning electric arms when Snake can yell ROCKET PAWNCH and kill a man with his fist. Damn I just realized he should yell rocket peace too, missed opportunity Kojima.
  17. I love the 240z, it's a shame most of them in my area are either rust buckets or full of bondo. I heard through the rumor mill that the next Z car will likely be a sport crossover like the juke, hope that stays just a rumor.
  18. One of the best MGS players is starting to upload some MGSV runs, maybe it will give you guys some ideas. Here he is blitzing mission 1.
  19. I haven't heard about hacking in FOBs on console, only on PC. Something like making a silenced LMG sniper rifle in the game files and taking it online. Been playing MGO for a bit, it's pretty fun but I miss Sneaking Mission mode and my Croc Cap.
  20. The FOB stuff is actually pretty fun and you gain more than you lose from random attackers. If you actually take the time to invest into security measures and have a few platforms for them to traverse then chances of the attacker succeeding are pretty small. I've probably been invaded 10 + times and between my defense, other random players defense and just the AI no one has made it to the end goal. If you are afraid of losing personnel in R+D you can just put locks on them to keep them from being stolen.
  21. When I went back to S rank the mission I ran into the airport, fultoned the truck and ran away on D-Horse. It's a pretty easy mission if you don't stop moving. You can also use the apc that is sitting around if you are worried about skulls. The ballista probably would work if you don't want to get close.
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