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Everything posted by dizman

  1. I've bought from both companies, though my go to usually is BBTS. Never had a problem with TFSource but the one time I had a problem with BBTS they fixed it right away. I'd say go with TFsource if you are going for the free shipping, closest thing BBTS has is the pile of loot which bundles everything together and TFsource has that too.
  2. I finally got around to watching the preview, it was ok nothing special. Characters seemed like the standard cast for this kinda show, nothing new or interesting. I like how the tech has advanced since MF and the valk designs were cool. The idea of going planet to planet to prevent the Var sounds fun, better than being stuck on a colony ship for most the series. Here's to hoping this is the start of something fun!
  3. Looks great badboy, if it were me I'd only put on half the armor so I could see all the cool details.
  4. Yup among many other things, as david said it's a Hideo game without the Hideo.
  5. Ooh Eternal Darkness, good find! It's been quite a while since I've played that game. Still one of the best because of all the different sanity effects as you play.
  6. As electric indigo said its a trope that has been popular for quite a few years and I doubt it will ever go away. Its an easy way to get young viewers attached and watching your show/ reading your manga if it stars a young cast they can relate to. I'm not from Japan and have never been there, but I doubt it's anime causing the problems with suicide. That's like saying rock and roll makes people into devil worshippers or video games make kids into cold blooded killers. Gundam has usually been on the better side of it showing how unromantic war can be and how hellish it is especially on kids. Mikazuki from IBO is interesting in that no one seems to acknowledge he has a problem, even 13 episodes in. They just say do it and he goes off to kill the enemy, its a bit unsettling and that's probably the intended goal. I still wouldn't be surprised if he snaps and just kills Kudelia or Orga out of the blue near the end of the series.
  7. Oh wow, that's nice. Any chance you are going to enter it into a model competition?
  8. I got my UW Devastator a few days ago and have been loving it so far. Have you seen one in person and played around with the set? I have seen most of the reviews and the toy still wowed me when I got it out of the box and started fiddling with it. If you want perfection I keep hearing 3p Hercules is pretty good if you want to spend $100 per figure. There's also a new 3p company (generation toy) making a bigger Devastator which is looking good so far.
  9. That's too good of an idea, it would never work .
  10. A buddy of mine built a Cobra from the ground up, now that is a terrifying/fun tail happy car. Shame he has the motor out at the moment though.
  11. Well that's partially good news, I had a bunch of fun with Extreme vs and FB (even if I was terrible at them ). I doubt I'll be buying a vita just to play this but it's a good stepping point to get a possible PS4 release sent here in the future.
  12. Ehh i dunno, the FR-S is pretty tail happy if you don't forget to turn off the TCS. Another thing people replace are the brakes and it's a pretty good idea to add a brake master cylinder brace.
  13. Woo go Kojima! Glad sony wasn't dumb enough to let this opportunity pass them by. The new Kojima Productions logo is pretty interesting, maybe a hint at a new mech game?
  14. Yup there is a black diaclone tracks G1 toy (or prototype we never got more like). I wouldn't be surprised if one shows up in a year or so.
  15. The game I never knew I needed in my life, 100ft Robot Golf! It's sad but I'm more excited for this than AC7.
  16. I can understand that Kojima wouldn't be able to accept the reward but this was a public event, it's not like they can stop him from going altogether. He's on "extended vacation" anyways so why not show up and have some fun. Ehh maybe he wanted to make Konami look worse by not going (mission accomplished!).
  17. Kojima not being allowed to attend the game awards is just bizarre to me, it's not like Konami owns the award show..... right?
  18. The new plan is that Sega will hold off on releasing Y5 until Y0 gets localized which will take 3 more years .
  19. I finally got around to buying Axiom Verge since it was slightly on sale, it's pretty fun.
  20. Ooh there is and it even comes with the silly Mega Rider, thanks A7! Assault Kingdom is a smaller figure line with minimal paint apps and comes packaged with some gum, the figures usually run in the $20- $30 range.
  21. Oh man that Quin Mantha is looking great in color! Is there a FAZZ in the assault kingdom line to go with it?
  22. Don't forget the Jetstream Sam DLC when you get revengeance .
  23. It looks ok, I dunno what everyone is getting all excited for though. Maybe when the comparison photos start popping up it'll make a difference. Having the back of the legs flip up and be chairs is cool I guess...
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