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Everything posted by dizman

  1. I think it may mean the opposite, the singles did so well they figured a physical release would sell well enough in the US to cover the costs of making them. Either way I'll pick it up once its out .
  2. Yeah ZZ is a rough watch but at least you made it past the first 25, most people give up . I'm not sure if ZZ counts as a major war but is more of a conflict really. They spaced Bright because Beecha and Mondo needed something to do.
  3. I didn't mean you can't have the modern amenities like CD/Bluetooth/Whatever else there is I am more against seeing those cheapo head units you buy at best buy in a 50k resto project. There are a few brands that have radios modeled after the original designs with all the new stuff hidden in them to keep the period look.
  4. Sure, get me one while you are at it .
  5. It's been a while since I've seen one but as I recall it was somewhere in the middle, not as red as A but not as washed out as B. He is a bit floppy and parts will fall off from time to time but I think its the only way to get a Bst version so if that's what you are after go for it.
  6. Throw me on the button/dial/cupholder love train, I don't have much love for touch screens. I just like the feel of turning a knob or flipping a toggle as opposed to poking a screen. I also hate seeing modern radios in restored classics, why cheap out at the radio when you spend thousands getting everything else just right?
  7. Wait, Megatron is an Autobot now? Guess I gotta get back into reading MTMTE (think I gave up around dark cybertron).
  8. Yeah the GT86 name is a way to tie in to the 80's car nostalgia in Japan. I always thought the GT86 was Toyota/Subaru making the fun Z car that Nissan is too scared to make anymore. I'm not surprised that they will keep the FR-S name in the US, the car is already established under that moniker and changing it would just bring about confusion.
  9. Oh man that car mode is beautiful, I dunno if I'll even transform him out of it.
  10. I'm loving that proto dom, I'll probably hate doing the stickers but it looks worth the pain.
  11. Not everything can be perfect because he has to transform into a real vehicle. It's the same thing with every transforming toy. Sideswipe has gaps in his legs and his chest is a hair too big but that's ok because the Countach he transforms into is kinda hard to pull off at that scale. Same thing with Tracks fitting all those robot parts into the slender Vette C3. Do I wish that they found a better place for the hip armor, sure why not but that doesn't stop me from enjoying the whole thing. I do agree that the part tray should have had some tank treads like G1 but I wouldn't be surprised if a 3rd party picks up the slack.
  12. I dunno seems pretty cleverly designed to me. A van that is shorter than Sideswipe turning into a robot that is just about as tall as Optimus is pretty neat. The chest compression and the way the arms explode extend and reform were impressive. All that said I'm not getting Ironhide but when Ratchet comes out I'll probably buy him.
  13. This isn't your grandfathers buick! Good thing they decided they aren't going to make the Avista because that could have breathed some life into the buick brand, now they can go back to selling to the elderly.
  14. Pretty interesting news, guess time will tell to see if Konami and SNK made the right decisions.
  15. Here ya go. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PkqSl2o8h8
  16. I can recommend sphinx, though he isn't exactly perfect. He is a bit floppy because of the diecast being too heavy for the friction joints and I've noticed a few little plastic stress marks already. I also don't like how the shoulders slide up but don't seem to lock (maybe I'm doing something wrong, dunno). I do hope they end up bringing out a red or black version so I can have one in each mode, considering the success of the standard blue they probably will make em.
  17. Just got around to beating Yakuza 5, what a fun ride! I can't wait to break the world in Y0 (hopefully sometime this year).
  18. Here's a question outta the blue, is there any website I can use to find the 70's and 80's F1 broadcasts or any old motorsports broadcasts for that matter? I'd love to watch some WRC or F1 race by race, season by season up to modern day.
  19. I'll second this. I just got commotus, he is probably my favorite 3rd party figure in a long time. He's not overly complicated and has a good range of movement for some fun poses, the joints are nice and tight too. The black/grey looks great with some of the smaller details picked out in a flashy black paint and the visor is a perfect shade of metallic red to give that evil look. It also helps that I'm a big Metal Slug fan and he transforms into the SV-001 Slug (kinda). Highly recommended, buy commotus or spartan!
  20. Then he captures a Rick Dom by himself with a pistol, making sure to taunt the other aces that shot him down. As for people being badass ensigns, its just to show that most of the experienced pilots were dead by the end of the OYW, Kou was just a test pilot in a remote after war base.
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