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Everything posted by dizman

  1. Can't say I'm a big fan of the CG but more Berserk always makes me happy. Now if we could just get Miura to speed up a bit on the Manga.....
  2. Victory is fun, but it's not something I could recommend . Here's a short little clip to introduce you to Liokaiser in all his glory (oh and a transformers wrestling match too). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbEplajTPiw I'm not really sure if I want to jump into TFC's Liokaiser yet, guess I'll wait for more pictures of combined mode.
  3. Soon.......SOON!
  4. Astrea type F and an Ex-S, stop releasing things I want Bandai! Fortunately the Type F will probably be too hard to get a hold of for a reasonable price .
  5. I'm kinda liking the targa Miata, yeah it's a shame its not a full hard top but it still looks great. If they release a mazdaspeed targa in the next few years then I may have to buy in. I swear in that new GTR video they could have thrown in video of the old 08 model and I wouldn't have been able to tell the difference. That burnt orange color is gorgeous though.
  6. Heh OFDP is awesome, I have sunk more hours into that game than I'd like to admit. So much fun to start up and play for 15 minutes to relax. 32X? Nah more like the Sega CD at this point.
  7. Heh I'm still looking for a legends Shockwave (two actually) and Sky Lynx in my area, east coast distribution sucks! The only voyager I've seen around is Motormaster .
  8. No kid with creepy green eyes in the commercial? You just lost another customer hasbro!
  9. I wasn't a big fan of visual novels until someone got me hooked on the Ace Attorney games, great characters and stories and I believe the first three are packaged together in the Nintendo online store. Ghost Trick is also excellent and is a one off story so you don't have to worry about 10 sequels.
  10. Yeah I getcha, I'm just making silly jokes based on a possibility. We are still in way early production and things can change quickly. People still have a lot of love for Lucas, I wouldn't even put it past Spielberg to ask for him to come back as just an advisor (this time without Lucas providing some money so he has less say).
  11. VR is going to need to be a whole lot cheaper if they want to hit mass market, maybe include it with the next gen systems if they want to make the big push. I doubt it will be a gimmick that fades away like 3D TV did though, too much has been invested at this point by multiple companies to let it die.
  12. I still have to get that FA-78 kit one of these days, the new box art on the animation version is great but I like the original manga box better.
  13. Iron Sky 2 is in post production I think, they still have time to shoehorn Ford into that with a bit of "movie magic" and call it Indy 5 instead. I guarantee it'll be a much better film than whatever Spielberg and Lucas have planned.
  14. I've been watching the Blu Rays and noticed the same thing, maybe it's just that the original cels weren't perfect? That said I have been enjoying re-watching Zeta in HD, so much great art and animation in this series and the music.... ahhh so good.
  15. Ow my neck, Blue Destiny is lookin great!
  16. Here's a few more you may not have seen. Neither have a great transforming toy yet but I wouldn't be surprised if we see one soon. Tryon 3 Genesic GaoGaiGar Oops I almost forgot one, it has an OK toy but I keep hoping something better will pop up. Might Gaine
  17. They aren't that bad if you are confident enough to work on em yourself, BMW's aren't Rolls Royce (especially 70's era) levels of impossible to fix .
  18. I think at this point I'd be ok with a MP tank Megatron. All I want is a fun to transform Megatron that isn't lanky or has parts that fall off all the time. I'm all in for a G2 repaint too! Dammit Veef stop making me want Ironhide, I can wait for Ratchet...... maybe..... I hope.
  19. Hmm I do like Riding Bean but do I $50 like it? At least I have 29 days to decide .
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