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Everything posted by dizman

  1. Oh hey how about that, just popped the matrix out of his chest and it is metal! I must have been thinking of MP-01, learn (or relearn) something new everyday. Like sh9000 said MP-10B is great, the only thing is that the aftermarket prices are sky high right now. Maybe one day we will get a reissue....
  2. Still my favorite fight of all the series, great job guys now I have to go watch it again.
  3. Hasbro MP-10 is fine, the only difference between it and Takara is the color. I ended up with the Hasbro one cause I liked the overall brighter tone (and blue Roller is the best). I think the only thing I like better on the Takara version is that the matrix is diecast where the Hasbro one is plastic.
  4. His tech points were always high as I recall, it could also have something to do with him being named Hot Rodimus instead of plain old Hot Rod.
  5. Spaceballs? Not sure on the headmaster socket on Fort Max yet, I don't recall seeing any pictures of it yet. It's safe to assume they probably wont use the same one but I wouldn't be surprised if someone makes an adapter for Warden.
  6. One of the things about the masterpiece transformers is that they aren't overly complicated (well I guess MP-5 is but he doesn't count anymore). They are well designed so that every move is intuitive and fun, if that's what you are looking for you can't lose. I highly recommend Exhaust or Wheeljack, great car and bot modes with an interesting transformation. The only thing on them that doesn't lock into place perfectly is the backpack, its more of a problem on Exhaust but sometimes it will flop down if you tap it.
  7. Oh wow that Gouf Revive box is beautiful and the figure doesn't look half bad either. If Bandai wants to keep crushing my dreams for a RG version then I suppose this will have to do.
  8. I dunno, just saw the lead girl and some random guy in the background and it clicked that this could be a setup for her parents. I'm sure I'm wrong but to me that would make the movie at least a little bit interesting.
  9. I'll always be more of an AW11 guy but the SW20 is pretty sweet, maybe one day we will get another affordable MR car in the US. Time to bring Pontiac back with a new Fiero at the forefront . Yup the FR-S or Toyota 86 (still surprised they changed the name) is probably what a new Celica would look like.
  10. From what I saw on Amazon the only way to get a UW Devastator is through a second hand retailer (or is it 3rd party retailer) so that's probably why they won't back your claim. Try to figure out which retailer your friend bought from and contact them directly, hopefully they will help you out. 1 (888) 280-4331 is Amazon's customer service number according to google, also worth a try if you can get a person on the line.
  11. Yup that's how it looks, the part with chief is hidden on the underside when he is in car mode. Hopefully he will come with the stickers to put it on the hood.
  12. Hmm if he got it straight from amazon and not one of the secondary vendors you probably have a good chance at a refund but not a replacement. For what its worth when everything works on UW and CW Devy he is fantastic but they are made to the cheapest tolerances so the toy could be somewhat cheaper than the 3rd party alternatives. Good news is there are plenty of Devastator alternatives on the market.
  13. Where did you get UW Devs from Vlenhoff? Some retailers will help their customers with a quick replacement (and some will say thanks for the money cya sucker if you are unlucky). That tab breaking isn't too common from what I've read.
  14. Just a reminder, only a few hours left to go on the kickstarter so get in while you can.
  15. http://www.airliners.net/ has a good selection if you don't mind the occasional watermark.
  16. It looks great, now I have to decide if I want to go all in with the Optimus version or wait for the inevitable Nemesis repaint.
  17. I had heard how bad the Model 3 looked before I saw it, still can't believe my eyes. It's unfinished, don't design a car to have a grill and just say screw it at the last minute. Why not go for something that looks a bit sleeker but doesn't look like it's missing parts, it baffles the mind. As far as putting a $1,000 preorder down, I wouldn't but that's just me. There are plenty of other electric and hybrid cars out there and by the time 2020 rolls around there are going to be plenty more to choose from. Oh and April fools from porsche......right?
  18. Maybe it's because I only had the first run of the Optimus GTR but what are you guys on about saying Alternity is better than Masterpiece? The Alternity line was fiddly with limited accessories (or none) and the diecast was prone to chipping paint as I recall. Masterpiece carbots replaced them for the better I say.
  19. I had the same problem Scyla, ended up putting a small piece of plastic under there and slowly rocked it back and forth. Its a tight slide joint but the panel will slowly raise up.
  20. 3 is from tekkaman blade I think. The second from last one (red robot) is from Gundam X.
  21. I've been playing Neo Turf Masters every now and again. I don't even like golf that much, the game is just great.
  22. Yawn.... wake me up when Takara gets a hold of the Porsche license.
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