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Everything posted by dizman

  1. Gotta say I'm a little envious you can watch the trailers and be excited for the movie. I wish I could be excited for it but every trailer just looks like garbage to me. Ah well at least we will always have the original, all we have to do is brave the marketing shitstorm that is heading our way.
  2. Could go with a Sazabi color scheme or go nuts and do an RX-78 scheme .
  3. That spitfire moving in to tip the V1 wing is pretty great, thanks for the pics!
  4. Huh I hadn't even considered a yeti stand for half size rex, consider me interested in a stand and adapter when you get everything worked out.
  5. Yeah game grading does seem like a waste of time and money based on what you guys are saying. I'm fine with going to the local retro game shop and buying a cart with no box, they even do returns in case it doesn't work.
  6. Disney knows there is an older audience (with a buncha money) dedicated to the series so a rampaging Vader film could happen. Maybe they are adding in more shots of him killing the main characters of Rogue One and want to keep it low key.
  7. The transformation looks fun enough and given a triple changers limitations the alt modes look decent but there's something that just feels off with Gewalt and I can't place what it is. Maybe I just want him to look closer to the G1 toy, I'll wait to see if KFC makes a decent product or another QC mess before I get DX-9.
  8. I still like that old HG Zeta, something about all the harsh angles just screams 80's mecha to me.
  9. Fantastic displays Gundam@EFSF, everything looks great!
  10. Since I finally got my hands of the VF-4 reissue the only Valk I'm still itching for is the YF-30, I just haven't got around to finding one. If we want to talk about wishlist valks that never got made I was in for a Pink Peckers VF-11 but Yamato never stepped up .
  11. Wow they keep hitting these Revive kits outta the park, what a time to be a 1/144 gunpla fan!
  12. I'm fine with the purple windows cause purple is cool/Decepticon but I do agree on the no flame deco. If I didn't already snag Road Rage for a great price I'd be all over this but as it stands...... ehhh I'll skip it.
  13. Heh yeah Bawoo didn't even pop into my mind looking at the box. Cool choice though, I hope it comes with a few stands for the leg and torso flight modes.
  14. All we know so far is that it's probably coming out in September. Alphonse looks really accurate, I'd assume it comes with either an extendy arm or an add on piece to give it the look. I kinda want that scout car too .
  15. Shinkawa really loves the circles on top of random spots of armor design. Too bad we probably have to wait a few years to see what Kojima is cooking up but I'm sure I'll love it whatever he brings out .
  16. I'm a little excited to see how poseable the RD Patlabor will be. The RD line is usually pretty good and comes with a bunch of extras, here's hoping we get a few Griffons and maybe a type zero out of the line.
  17. Hey now, don't get too crazy . That said I wouldn't mind seeing a Hamma, the Doven Wolf already got quite a bit of HG love a few years ago (can never have too many tho). Many of Neo Zeon's MS have a similar large shoulder profile so I guess we won't know till the official announce.
  18. Last I heard it was going to be an OVA and it comes out in August. I'm hoping that RE/100 is a Doven Wolf but something looks off, maybe it's a Zaku 3?
  19. Rip and Tear! Let us know how it is, I've been on the fence about buying the new Doom. If the singleplayer is any good I'll probably bite.
  20. I think the Unknown HG is from an IBO Manga, its got a Barbatos head. Cool custom A7, I wouldn't have guessed it was built from super fumina with all the custom work.
  21. Are those..... gold runners for all the gold parts on the RG Sinanju? Well that's a cool idea, if the reviews end up good I may get a regular Sinanju too. I'm down for a Hyaku Shiki revive, though I dunno if I should wait for the Hyper Mega Launcher release.
  22. Yup, I'm in for a Stein version when they release it as a P exclusive.
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