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Everything posted by dizman

  1. That's one helluva sword, your 00 looks great A7!
  2. I was excited for NMS when they announced it two or three years ago but now I'm kinda over the hype. I hope it will be the type of game they marketed it to be but I'm cautious enough to wait and see what others say before I drop $60 on an unknown. I think this RPS article perfectly shows how I feel actually. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2016/07/27/if-only-no-mans-sky-could-go-unreleased-forever/
  3. Nice that they finally are getting an upgrade, they will be flying around my area next year so I'll be sure to see the last season of the F/A-18 Hornet.
  4. So many megs but will any be any fun to transform without parts falling off? I'm in on whoever can pull off that mighty feat.
  5. Woo Liokaiser officially announced! I'm probably gonna wait to see how the Takara version looks before I bite but he still looks good. Speaking of bites Gnaw looks great, I could see myself buying a few of them.
  6. Looks like a standard Godzilla movie to me, lotsa people in board rooms and labs talking about how to stop Godzilla. Eventually they put their plan in action and it does nothing, rinse repeat until something works. I haven't been paying too much attention, has there been any word on how they will release this stateside?
  7. Sounds like I'll be looking into painting those verniers when I get it. That wine red looks so close to the sticker color I just figured you used stickers .
  8. How was putting all the stickers on all the little verniers with the FA-78? I want it but I think that all the little stickers keep scaring me from pulling the trigger and actually buying it.
  9. Oh wow, I completely forgot it was getting a remake. Now the big question is whether I should wait for the physical release or just go for the digital...... decisions decisions.
  10. Heh don't get my hopes up, though I'd say the revive is more likely with all the repaints and slight retools they could do.
  11. So I finally finished watching G-Reco. After hearing all the negative thoughts on it I went in expecting the worst but came out actually enjoying it. It reminded me a lot of King Gainer with the world building and main story kinda pushed to the back to make way for the characters and mecha action. It was left up to the viewer to try and figure out what was going on. The characters were always going somewhere but it was never really clear where and enemies would become allies because "ehhh I dunno why not join the other side". I didn't have a bad time watching it, the animation was fantastic overall and the music was ok. I guess I would recommend G-Reco if you are looking for something a bit different, just know the ending is rushed even more than the ending to Gundam X.
  12. Lets meet in the middle ground, cyborg pilots. Still can make the human decisions but has the abilities/reactions of an AI. The AI overlords would be moving us towards that as the next step in evolution anyways, lets impress them and beat em to it.
  13. I think part of the appeal to an AI pilot is that the aircraft can pull high g maneuvers that would knock out or kill even the best human pilot. When the time came to switch over to human flight the pilot would be a pile of mush .
  14. Gundam series usually have some pretty good music, I've been listening to Orphans No Namida alot recently. A few of my favorites would be Century Color from Turn A, Resolution from Gundam X and Mizu no Hoshi e Ai wo Komete from Zeta. If you are into jazz I would give the gundam thunderbolt soundtrack a listen, it's pretty great.
  15. Oh jeeze now I have to decide if I want to import the JP version of the game or hold out for the hopeful english release. Hmmm I guess you don't need words to hack and slash.
  16. Heh the shock troopers are pretty tame compared to the later enemies in the game. As with XCOM 1 don't rush the story research in XCOM 2 if you aren't ready for the harder enemies yet. The Avatar project timer is pretty easy to work around so take your time and build up your squads and equipment.
  17. The more important question is if we are going to get Cessna Robo
  18. Kojima lost his mind long ago, Sony has finally given him the money to go full ham. I love how they got Norman onboard and already got him doing mo-cap when KojiPro isn't even sure what engine they are running the game on or how it's going to even play. That RE7 trailer was a big miss for me, lets just hope they don't screw up the RE2 remake (please don't be 3rd person).
  19. A Berserk Dynasty Warriors game...... yes please!
  20. It's a shame they scrapped the space bounty hunter idea in the cancelled prey 2, the new one just seems boring in comparison.
  21. I like it, shame it doesn't transform though. That high kick pose is pretty great, reminds me of the PS2 Yakuza game (same angle and everything).
  22. Enemy within is an expansion on the base game that includes new allies and abilities, enemies and a few council missions. You aren't missing out on anything story related between 1 and 2 by skipping it so I'd say go ahead with 2.
  23. I'm even crazier, I liked Tracks so much I bought Road Rage too . I'm probably gonna do the Scyla masterplan of buying MMC Backdraft and Takara Grapple.
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