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Everything posted by dizman

  1. So..... how is the Textron Scorpion doing? I doubt a smaller company will get the government contract but they will probably put a fighter in just to see what happens. I'm pretty sure they have been doing flight tests for the past few years, the T-X competition sounds right up their alley.
  2. Even though Crossbone won the poll I doubt it will get green-lit for a series, a new unicorn series seems much more likely. Last I heard the author of the original UC novel was working on a continuation of the story so that's probably what UC2 is.
  3. Oooooh I hope that BD-1 comes with a crushed GM head in hand accessory!
  4. 21 steps!? I'll never be able to remember past the 10th step!
  5. I've been jumping back and forth between Sleeping Dogs (PS4 Version) and Gundam Breaker 3. A buddy recommended SD to me because he knows I love the Yakuza series. It's pretty great, SD runs that middle ground between GTA freedom and Yakuza characters and writing. Gundam Breaker 3 is fun but not a game that I can sit and play for hours on end. Maybe it's just too repetitive, I dunno. So what have you been playing Gerli?
  6. I've held off on buying a vita for so long and now you throw this game at me..... oh man I don't need it but I really want it. Didn't Ultimate Frontier come out a year after Ace with more content? Maybe we will get a ps4 version next year with the full series and some more valks (I hope).
  7. Oh man, those are so silly I may just have to track a few down. I've had the same experience with Q transformers, they are fun little bite sized transformers to just mess around with every now and then. I think Thew's review captured them perfectly.
  8. I hope the psycho zaku has a good looking full inner frame and that a P-Bandai hangar is released for it like the FA Gundam got. I'd really love to display it bare bones like in the ova.
  9. Oh yeah there would be a few very happy people if an animated Sentinel OVA was ever made. I'm just not sure if we will ever get there, it's an older novelization so it's not as popular as much of the newer stuff. It would be harder to turn into animation than a series derived from a manga which acts as the storyboards. I've also read somewhere that Sunrise doesn't own the complete rights to Sentinel, something to do with the magazine that aired it? The biggest thing Sentinel has going for it are the mech designs and I'd say Katoki would love to go back and refine his designs for a new OVA. Most of the models are already made so Bandai just has to reprint them with an "animation color" to sell a ton on the cheap. I think a Zeta to ZZ era sidestory would be well accepted these days, people don't seem to be tired of OYW stories but something different is always fun. All that said I wonder if an Advance of Zeta OVA isn't far off.
  10. Just watched the Despotron review, what a clever way to hide some of the more troublesome parts of Megatron's gun mode. To top it off the transformation looked almost bearable compared to the other offerings. I'll probably wait to see what QC issues may arise with the first run but if all turns out well Despotron may be the Megs I end up with. I'm still in for a green and purple tank Megatron if any 3p companies are foolish enough to make one .
  11. Cool stuff kajnrig thanks for the help, maybe I'll give fromjapan a try.
  12. I'm suddenly interested in how that partnership will work seeing as a P-Bandai HG Zeta Plus C1 was just announced. http://gundamguy.blogspot.com/2016/08/p-bandai-exclusive-hguc-1144-zeta-plus.html
  13. Titans colors make everything better .
  14. Yeah that's a common issue with older MG designs as I recall. I haven't tried it but I would assume some future floor polish should fix that up. If not well at least the blue sabers look cool .
  15. I'm still hyped for this game, would be nice to get a solid release date though.
  16. Striker Manus looks excellent, the poseability of a high end action figure that can still pull off a fun transformation is something I'm always into. The aesthetic design is also very clever, can't wait to get one in my hands and start messing around with it.
  17. Oh I hope so, I'd definitely drop a few bones on a G Gundam bluray set if they release it here with the English dub. I keep hearing conspiracy theories that Bandai won't let Nozomi/Right Stuf release the more recent blurays in North America for fear that our cheaper priced releases would eat into their big profit margins. I dunno if there is any truth to that (releasing the MSG Movies on DVD only was silly) but lets hope it isn't.
  18. Just a random bit of goodness I stumbled upon, relax and take a listen.
  19. So cool, I wonder how many Orochis were brought stateside and if I have a chance to ever see one.
  20. C'mon danth, are you really accusing people who love a series full of excellent female characters of hating women? Hasn't the movie already bombed and shown hollywood we are done with half assed remakeboots, why are we still arguing about it?
  21. Hah I am definitely more pissed about the state of the current games more than a movie series I keep forgetting even exists.
  22. I'm definitely in for the RG Build Strike (I wonder if the star parts will be p-bandai) and the origin guncannon.
  23. Looks like the stealth version of Sphinx is up for pre-order on BBTS limited to 500 pieces. Get your orders in quick! http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product.aspx?product=MMC10050&mode=retail
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