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Everything posted by dizman

  1. Woo we're back, I hope everyone got all the gunpla they wanted for Christmas!
  2. Maybe 20 years ago (or longer than that) they were talking about automating just the highways and I still think that's the way to go, sit back take a nap and when it's time for the off ramp the car wakes you up and off you go. Automated driving in cities is asking for trouble but maybe one day it will be viable.
  3. I'd say they nailed it pretty well, the music especially. Dunno how I would feel about a fully rebooted series but the special gives some hope. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfPD_MqlIUQ
  4. Hah figured I was just missing it, thanks!
  5. Did you ever get the VF-17 adapter up on your site Yeti? I was going to buy a few parts for my stands and couldn't seem to find the adapter.
  6. Sure that's the correct way to say it but saying porch makes everything more fun.
  7. I saw the trailer on TV a few days ago and realized I had completely forgotten about the the new Bayformer movie..... then I remembered that these will now be yearly movies and got very sad.
  8. It's funny really, three years ago I woulda sworn we would never get Yakuza 5 localized and look at us now. I'm sure we will never get Ishin but at least we are getting the main line games and that's good enough for me. Here's hoping the Yakuza 2 remake is more than just rumors and we get that too!
  9. So Yakuza Kiwami(remake of the first game) and Yakuza 6 are getting localized over the next year, sounds like SEGA finally woke up and realized there was a market outside of Japan!
  10. Yeah it definitely looks like it will take some doing to get those hoses to look good, not sure if they should be tighter or even looser so the hose scrunches up on itself more naturally. I wonder how a braided steel hose would look there instead....
  11. I wasn't too excited for AC7 after the first trailer came out but after seeing the new trailer I'm hyped up and ready to go. I'm sure all that footage was taken on the PS4 Pro so it probably won't look that good when I get it on my regular ole PS4 but ehh graphics were never really that important to me anyways. Maybe when we get closer to AC7's release we will get the AC HD collection, one can only hope they are smart enough to do that.
  12. Yup I've never owned one but from what I've seen it seems Tobots are the modern G1 equivalent.
  13. Just got done building the Kotobukiya MSG 04 Grave Arms and had to post a picture. He's back from the crusades.....With a Vengeance!
  14. It's safe to assume the Lil Drakens and the missile pods on the legs will be a separate add on, Bandai wouldn't miss out on a chance to get easy money.
  15. From the few pictures we have it does indeed look like the Zeta Revive is capable of perfect transformation. Regardless of if it's a floppy mess or not I love the proportions. I'm glad that the Re100 Efreet was such a success we are getting a 1/144, it looks as if they just scaled down the 1/100. The HG Barzam is an instant buy, hopefully they make the Refined Barzam as well.
  16. For the next series (if we get a next series that is) I was thinking that maybe they should aim towards a smaller scale conflict. Pretty much every Macross series has ended on a galactic scale and it's getting a little stale. In Delta I didn't really care whether or not Roid made the entire galaxy into one big hive mind. In Frontier all of a sudden the Vajra have to attack the whole galaxy because whatever. Perhaps make the next series about just one planet, make it about survival on a hostile world or something. Maybe even set it between SDFM and Mac+ to utilize the VF-4, 9 and 14 designs.
  17. I like the look of the S type head but I'll have to see it on the VF-4 in fighter before I'm down for one. I'm not 100% sure if I would like the quad lasers sticking up like they do on the VF-17.
  18. Yeah I'd say everyone that wanted one got one (or two or three or....) this time around so the VF-4 market dried up. I doubt we will see a reissue in the VF-X scheme again but they may do a limited repaint down the line, hopefully something crazy or maybe the Max scheme from M3.
  19. Hmm it's unlikely they would even stop it unless the box said "Transforming Toy Gun Inside" or if you got very unlucky. I'd say you should be ok, I don't remember having any trouble getting MP-5 or the G1 Reissue in the states but that was a while ago.
  20. Oof that holding the purple death pistol pose is too good, I can hear Megatron saying "It's over Prime" just from looking at that shot. Takara should give the photo shoot crew a raise!
  21. You guys have me paranoid now, whenever this thread gets a new post I have to check and make sure the YF-30 isn't back up for sale somewhere else .
  22. I picked up Titanfall 2 for the PS4, it's pretty fun. The singleplayer has a decent storyline and some fun set pieces. The multiplayer is great, probably my favorite online FPS in the last few years. I'd say give it a go when it goes on sale for black friday.
  23. Apparently Right Stuf is doing a trade in deal to exchange the DVD releases of Turn A for the new Blu-Ray releases. Here's the form to fill out if you are interested. http://www.rightstufanime.com/turn-a-upgrade
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