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Everything posted by dizman

  1. I forget where (coulda been here) but I recall reading that IBO is more akin to a crime drama than a war story. Downtrodden people work themselves up from nothing doing the dirtiest jobs to become the heads of the most powerful family/organization in the area only to make a few mistakes and lose it all in the end. Looks to me like we are on course for the big fall. I'm not sure all of them are going to die but a good majority probably won't make it back to the corn fields alive.
  2. Good thing you added that in there, I was just about to go out and do some drifting
  3. I'd laugh it it was just a V3 VF-1. I hope it's something different like a VA-3 or VF-5000 but if they go the Sv-51 V2 route I wont complain.
  4. I'm with David on this one, that's a pretty low effort Trypticon. I wouldn't be surprised if HasTak put the walking gimmick into this toy like the original and said good enough lets charge $150, the older collectors will pay for anything that's like G1.
  5. Yup it would do flyby attacks, there were also references to Gundam and The NeverEnding Story in there. Guess Yu Suzuki didn't really care about copyrights back then .
  6. Looking at those OVA screenshots I can't help but think the missiles look a little pink . Joking aside I kinda wish the armor had some kinda purple flame accessory to snap onto the rear thruster, that scene is pretty great.
  7. Well I guess I'll be getting the Helwige Reincar soon..... http://apasionadoplus.tumblr.com/post/157016307438/hg-機動戦士ガンダム-鉄血のオルフェンズ-ヘルムヴィーゲリンカー-1144スケール
  8. The earliest manual I have with english translation is the extra manual that came with the P-Bandai 1/144 Zeta Plus C1, it's dated November 2016 so I'd assume any kits made after that have english.
  9. This x2, it's easily my favorite of all the souls games. The levels are a bit more linear than DS1 so no worries there, the only thing that might mess you up at the start is that the combat is way more fast paced than the previous games (they also made the combat faster in DS3). Buy a psn card and get the dlc while you are at it.
  10. dizman

    Macross VR

    Hmm it'll probably be a PS4 game since that seems to be the go to for most developers. I'd love to have it be full cockpit look around in all 3 modes with complete control via controller or stick and maybe to be as fun to play as Macross 30. We have the technology, now we just need someone to do it!
  11. I never thought about it before but you are right, I'm surprised they don't have a cool insignia at this point. Maybe it could be something like half a Zentradi and UN Spacy insignia slapped together (though that is pretty lazy).
  12. Seti's list is a pretty good recommendation, I'd say watch 08th MS team (12 episodes) and Thunderbolt (1 hour movie) first since they take place during the same war that War in the Pocket did. That way you aren't confused by jumping too far into the future, F91 takes place 30+ years after the one year war. IBO is a good watch as well, you could get in just as the series is wrapping up.
  13. The bumper and the plastic I get (same reason I didn't buy) but I'm pretty sure it's the same Martini 935 that the G1 toy was based on.
  14. Watch Macross 7 again, close enough .
  15. Don't worry guys Arcadia is making new Macross stuff, don't forget about the VF-0 Reaction Armor followed by....... oh......more repaints.
  16. On a good day I'd like to say it is 50/50 but most times it is the robot battles that push it forward. Lotsa good news all at once, I guess Delta did better than we want to admit for things to move this fast. I'm cool with a new show, even fine with the team that did Delta as long as they learned from their mistakes. My hopes would be for a story with a smaller scale that doesn't end with the galaxy riding on the outcome like the last three shows. Here's to hoping we get cool new Valk designs and maybe get to see the Sv-154 in action.
  17. I love how they couldn't be bothered to professionally touch up the old HG Zeta for those comparison pictures. I'm still holding a small bit of hope it will be perfect transformation but even if it isn't the new Zeta looks great.
  18. It just hit me, why doesn't skynet just coat the nuke in flesh and send it back? I mean it's not like it had to be a human shape.... oh wait it had to send back the terminator so that skynet could be built based on the processor and arm....the first movie really is too good.
  19. Hah I've thought about it, there's even a group of guys that import them and convert them to LHD. http://lefthandutes.com/
  20. You could try a site like From Japan which is a proxy buyer service. I tried it once and had a good experience with them, though I'm not too sure it was much cheaper than any of the other options.
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