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Everything posted by dizman

  1. So far NY is the only place I've seen to buy it but they want the full payment up front which sucks. https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/21133-robot-damashii-ka-signature-side-ms-fazz-limited-edition.html
  2. Huh yeah I guess the PSP would be considered retro now. I haven't used mine in a few years but it was my go to system when I was on the go back in the day. Definitely recommend picking up Macross Triangle (or Ultimate) Frontier, Gundam Battle Universe, Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker and the Metal Slug Anthology.
  3. That FAZZ is beyond perfection, I'll have to track one down! For whatever reason I never watched Dunbine but seeing the Zwauth has bumped the series up my to watch list
  4. Great work, cute idea running with the whiskers on the face and going full cat
  5. Found a recent Forbes interview with Yasuo Ohtagaki, writer and artist of the Gundam Thunderbolt manga. Pretty interesting stuff, especially the stuff about the views on getting Gundam in the US. https://www.forbes.com/sites/olliebarder/2017/03/12/yasuo-ohtagaki-on-creating-the-jazz-infused-retro-future-of-gundam-thunderbolt/#5b86daa34f9a
  6. He comes with the stupid movie mask..... I'm sold!
  7. A HG version is easier than ever now that the regular Barzam and revive MK II are out. Bandai can source the head, back skirt and feet from Barzam and use the Mk II for most everything else. The only new tooling needed (that I can think of) is the lower legs, front skirts, chest and under barrel grenade launcher. Throw in some waterslide Pezun markings and we got an easy P-Bandai cash in. A Re100 would be cool to have but I wonder if they would just make it a MG and use the 2.0 Mk II frame.
  8. HG Barzam is out, here's a nice gallery http://schizophonic9.com/re4/hguc_barzam.html The long wait for a HG Refined Barzam continues...
  9. You could try selling the Lil Drakens and keeping the missile pods, sword and shield. Yeah it's a low chance anyone will bite but you might get lucky.
  10. You can't beat perfection, even if they do remake SDFM I want them to keep the original knife fight animation in all its glory.
  11. Hah yeah they are, if Bandai wants to continue not releasing a revive GM this super robot variant is a great alternative. Ooh great job, I'm really liking the contrast between the green eyes and red shoulder camera.
  12. A revive RX-79G is a good possibility seeing as if they want to make a revive BD-2 and 3 they'd need the Ground Gundam as a base. All we can do is hope, it is easy money for everybody if they do it though! Char's Zaku II was the first Origin kit released but for some reason they decided not to make the green grunt variant till now. Here's a strange one, Gundam Local Type in North American Front colors. I'd assume it's a P-Bandai but I'm not sure.
  13. That Jegan is beautiful but I'm a little fearful of the decals.....
  14. I'm not the biggest Unicorn Gundam fan but glad you guys have some more options. Time for the cool stuff, Ver Ka. ZZ is looking great! I hope we see some pics of G-fortress mode soon. The Hamma Hamma's extendy arms are perfect. Revive Blue Destiny 1 for the eventual Efreet Custom release. And finally we are getting a grunt Origin Zaku II! All the pictures are from tag hobby plus a ton more I didn't feel like copying
  15. There better be people spinning in the air while firing flamethrowers and machine guns.
  16. There is no escape, if you miss this one there's another right around the corner waiting..... maybe it's a spinoff that you didn't see coming.
  17. Yeah the million yen and 300k yen contributions sold out, probably had something to do with getting your face put in the show or getting credits as a producer or some such nonsense. They still have a few months to make the last 25% so it'll probably happen, lets hope they have some good writers. It's been quite a while since I watched the MZ23 trilogy, maybe I'll go re-watch it.......
  18. I'm in the same posting/collection wait as you, guess we just gotta hold out for an extra week
  19. 1/144 Efreet Schneid is looking great and is going to be a regular release from everything I'm seeing, I wonder if we will get the regular and EXAM custom anytime soon....
  20. Yup that's the original MSG, you are starting off in the perfect place (though I would recommend the blu-ray as it looks better). The Gundam Info youtube page rotates gundam series all the time, they have the compilation movies of MSG up at the moment which are a great alternative if you want to quickly jump into the story. They are also currently uploading Zeta Gundam which is the sequel to MSG.
  21. Another great episode, though I would recommend reading the manga of this part too as the art is phenomenal and the way it plays out is more interesting. I hope they don't skip Io's backstory, maybe they are saving it for the last episode.....
  22. So I'm not sure where to post this but it looks like the US P-Bandai store is starting up soon, is this real or am I going crazy? http://us.p-bandai.asia/
  23. I'd love a remake of federation vs zeon with a more in depth campaign and more MSV suits, it's still my favorite Gundam game. From what I'm hearing the new GVS will play a lot like Extreme Vs, I never played much of Vs Force so I dunno what they changed back. Hah yeah that music killed me everytime, had to scramble for the remote to turn it down!
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