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Everything posted by dizman

  1. Pics from the deculture shock podcast page http://www.decultureshock.com/wonder-festival-2017-summer/
  2. New HG wave shooter Zeta are you kidding me!? Of course it's P-Bandai but I don't care!
  3. I think spanner brought it up a while back but just a reminder that the nismo yt channel is uploading the current Super GT races with english commentary to boot.
  4. Looking good so far! I've been thinking about getting some waterslides for a few VF-1's and VF-0's, this may be the push I need to get em
  5. Has anyone picked up the new Gundam Versus game yet? I'm waiting on the US release but figured it would be nice to hear how it compared to the older titles if anyone had some hands on time.
  6. Hah no it just really looks that bad. The kidslogic one does look good so far though.
  7. Needs some blue chrome to make it pop.
  8. I remember seeing a custom combine a figurise and one of the HG Fumina kits but after a quick look around I couldn't find it again, might be worth looking into.
  9. Count me in for a series about the many Kakizaki clones and their wacky antics, complete with at least one mandatory death at the end of each episode.
  10. Woah..... someone is making a regult in 1/60 and it's possibly an original mold with internal skeleton. Where do I sign up for these!?
  11. It was HG's plan all along, they want to own the space force so they can rule over all of us with an iron fist. Genius play using an 80's kids show to take over the world.
  12. Last Thunderbolt episode for a while, overall I don't think they handled the second season as well as the first but it was still a fun watch. Also it looks like the gundam info yt site finished uploading Zeta and is moving onto ZZ.
  13. Just stumbled on this video in my YT feed, it's a fascinating examination of a DOOM II lan party 1v1 and the online community surrounding it. The video itself could be an interesting view of the future of recording the history of online gaming communities (or I'm just looking too much into things).
  14. I have an early release VF-1J with fast packs and compared to the TV Roy 1S it has a yellow hue.
  15. Nah I'm no mod, can't do anything. Just trying to let ya know this is the anime/sci-fi section and we have a dedicated macross series section that this would fit in.
  16. Your topic will probably get shutdown since you started it in the wrong area of the forum, try the delta character thread.
  17. I wouldn't be surprised to see them handoff the 16C to one of the smaller development studios, at least we have Falcon BMS while we wait.
  18. DCS has been on a decent roll these past few years, they just need to add a F-4 and P-38 and I'll never need another flight sim again
  19. If Mika had that then Julietta woulda been toast.
  20. Don't worry if you can't find a mini snes on launch, I'm sure someone will crack one open and put the starfox 2 rom up so you won't miss out.
  21. The only problem I have with the reactive armor is that I like it too much to take it off the VF-0..... maybe I'll have to get another one.
  22. Another game to file into the "I didn't know I needed this in my life until I saw it" category. There's even a free demo to try out! The kickstarter is already funded, though they did only ask for a small amount.
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