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Everything posted by dizman

  1. Gotta start em on that plastic crack addiction young
  2. Hah welcome to the future of gaming, companies are too afraid to up the retail price of games so they charge you in other ways. Best thing we can do is not buy into the loot crates but it seems many people already do.
  3. I'm a sucker for anything in Titans colors and that fits the Origin Gundam so well, great job!
  4. Hooray for snail mail! Just got my 262 missile packs in, after a little fiddling they locked into the legs no problem. Still not sure if I like the look of them opened in battroid, make the legs look a little too big. So I guess the only chance we have for a 262 Ba at this point is if the movie does well?
  5. I hope Luke is just a jaded broken old man, it would fit especially after his teaching brought out the dark side of Kylo. I'm still not sure why he would even leave a map of where he went, guess it was a break glass in case of emergencies kind of thing.
  6. Oh yeah the MC is a pretty big self insert hero character who knows everything and can do anything. I don't think he even faces any real big challenges until the end of the series. It didn't really bother my enjoyment cause the show is more about the setting and robots than him moving forward as a character. I could easily see how it could turn someone away though.
  7. The trailer gave a bit too much away I think but overall I'm in for another movie. Now that we have jaeger vs jaeger combat when do we get a remake of Robot Jox?
  8. Yeah I heard they pulled Zeta and put up 00 and Seed Destiny, there's always the Blu-Ray releases though you can't watch them on the go. So new GBF Battlogue is out and it's a strange one.... kinda a mix between the old SD Gundam shorts and a super sentai show.
  9. When you stop to think about it, FAST packs are just big pouches.
  10. Just finished watching Knights & Magic, really fun show that I'd recommend to old school mecha fans. It even has little preview inserts in the opening like Layzner for some reason.
  11. I hope movie Unit 2 isn't P-Bandai so I can get it at a realistic price, I'm still a bit annoyed about the TV version.
  12. If you don't care about owning the carts but still want to use SNES hardware there are SD card Carts. Download the rom on a SD card, pop it in the cart and pop the cart in the SNES and you have an unlimited library. All that said I've never used or seen one, I'm not sure how perfect the the transfer from SD to SNES is.
  13. Dark Horse is releasing the 800 page Art of Metal Gear books translated in English! They cover MGS1-PW and are coming out in May! https://www.amazon.com/Art-Metal-Gear-Solid-I-IV/dp/1506705812/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1506561037&sr=8-1&keywords=the+art+of+metal+gear+solid
  14. Please tell me they left in "That sure is a biiiiig tuna fish."
  15. Surprise! Twilight Axis is getting a movie compilation with some added footage to be played in a double feature with Thunderbolt: Bandit Flower. The poster is pretty slick, I wouldn't mind getting my hands on one.
  16. I hope the final product won't be as loose as in that transformation video. The thin parts I'm not too worried about, thats just how this design is in spots and the proper use of plastics and diecast should eliminate any worries. For now I'll wait for a few reviews before purchase, maybe even wait to see what Arcadia can do with the design since I doubt this will sell out quickly.
  17. Redline is great, every now and then I'll just feel the urge to watch that opening race because there's nothing else like it. I keep hearing it was a financial failure, I don't see how it could be unless it got some terrible marketing or maybe Japan just doesn't like nice things?
  18. I watched em all in one go and the nicest thing I can say is that it was an interesting experience. I guess it's a case of gotta read the novel (that is still ongoing I think) but they glossed over the more interesting stuff so they could waste time with a few boring fights. I don't even understand why there would be working MS or Mobile Armors left on Axis since in CCA Neo Zeon was throwing everything including the kitchen sink into holding off the Londo Bell forces. I heard the novel somehow ties into F91, nope nothing about that here. The more I think about the whole thing the more confused I'm getting so I'll just stop.
  19. With the success of the Switch and NES/SNES mini Nintendo is pretty popular again and on the general publics mind so I'd say now is a good time to sell.
  20. Hmm I don't think they are around anymore, I wonder who does own the rights to the A-10 (other than the USAF). I hope it isn't HG though the idea of an A-10 with a UN Spacy kite is pretty cool. Wow I think you're right, that's terrifying.
  21. Couldn't even use Brrrrrrt, don't tell me Tatsunoko owns that too.
  22. From what I've seen in the trailers it looks like there will be quite an emphasis on the story so maybe we will be getting back to the old AC5 days. It's a little strange we haven't got an official release date yet but I've waited this long for another good AC game and I can wait another year if need be.
  23. Cool game, I've never seen it before but it seems right up my alley. I'll pick it up on PS4 when it gets released in the US.
  24. I figured they would make the Harrison Martin F-91 MB eventually, I gotta stay strong and resist the urge to buy!
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