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Everything posted by dizman

  1. I've been playing a bunch of MHW, had to post this song since it's so good.
  2. Here's some context for those not in the know. Who am I kidding everyone will still be confused. Ehh the first game was fun but the free to play model sucked. It was one of those pay for fuel to use your MS each day kinda deals. The trailer voice over is hilariously bad, I hope we get a US release but I won't hold my breath.
  3. That can't be final colors, the light gray is probably just a placeholder color for black. That or they will sell the "animation accurate" colors as P-Bandai down the line. Either way I'll pass on it until RG Tallgeese 2 gets a P-Bandai.
  4. USA Gundam Store has it cheaper though they might make up the difference with shipping costs. Exia with LED $289 Exia no LED $168
  5. I've heard the GM Sniper Custom is a great kit though I haven't built one yet. I do have a MG GM Sniper II in my backlog, maybe I should get on that. Did you get the the fancy LED Exia? Let us know how the build goes!
  6. Sounds like they may be trying to tone down expectations for this movie after the backlash TLJ got for everything it did and didn't do. Course none of that matters if they don't start marketing the movie soon, at this rate Solo will just pop up in theaters one day and disappear the next (maybe that's what Disney wants).
  7. Yup AGDQ is always a fun time though I haven't watched too many of the YT highlights yet. The Bloodborne run was pretty great. I also watched the Resident Evil 3 race, it's already one of my favorites from any GDQ. PS4 here, going to be my first MH game. From playing the beta I'm probably gonna be using the Gunlance and Charge Blade.
  8. I never watched Rogue One, did they really just go yeah it's an intentional design flaw? Next time just set the Death Star to overload when they fire the thing, save everybody a lot of trouble.
  9. Yup that's Crossbone X1, oh no..... my wallet isn't going to like this. Smart metal build choice since there are at least 5 different versions of the design, with plenty of add on parts to sell separate. I wonder if they will do Phantom.... ooh I hope so.
  10. What a cute idea, I hate to say it but I kinda want that robot kit. Course it is $80 for cardboard and a game..... and I don't have a switch
  11. Hah yeah that's the correct response, though from what I've seen 6 isn't quite as crazy as 0. I do wish they'd bring back the disco minigame but I guess extreme spear fishing will have to do.
  12. Yakuza 6 is still a few months away from US release but here's a fun trailer to tide us over.
  13. They missed a big opportunity to have a red X over Globals portrait in the cast of characters page. Hopefully they will fix that in the next issue when they kill off Rick so that Roy can be the main character.
  14. Deep Fear, now there's a game I haven't played in a long time. It's a terrible RE clone but it has some campy story stuff going on that makes it worth it in a so bad it's good kind of way. Good luck!
  15. Great job as always on the covers, I'm really liking that Super Turrican 2 box.
  16. It was a pretty thick door, now if they had tore through the side of the mountain instead of shooting the reinforced door maybe things woulda melted faster. Watching that gif I can hear the sound effect in my head, that can't be healthy.
  17. "Two men, two styles of music, one war to settle Jazz vs Pop!" I could see that as a tagline I get where you are coming from now Seto, I don't think Thunderbolt is as heartless as you make it out to be but that's ok we will just have to disagree.
  18. I'm not sure where you are getting a directionless plot from, the first part was survival during the last days of the war and development of the Reuse P device. The current plot (or at least what I've read up to) is both sides racing to recover the data before the cultists start churning out an army of Psycho Zakus or whatever they can imagine stuffing a person into. At least that's the the super abridged version of goings on. It's a darker story than your average UC but I'm still not seeing the try-hard levels of edge that you are, I'd even count IBO as more wannabe edge than Thunderbolt. As for everyone being monsters becoming the new normal, that's probably what Ohtagaki was going for. Sure that's probably a bs excuse for bad characters but it works in a war setting as far as I'm concerned.
  19. Yup it's pretty great though I think the first season is better since it's a complete story where the second feeds into a bigger story that isn't finished yet. Aw come on it's nowhere near Hellsing Ultimate levels of edgy hardcore violence, though I will give you that everyone is a psycho. It's hilarious that the comic you posted called the fast descent into violence that the Transformers movies became. Twilight Axis is a hot mess through and through, who woulda thought that a low budget three minute episode show about nothing would be such a failure. I've gotta read the novel one day, I hear it's ok and slightly bridges the gap between CCA and F91.
  20. From what I've been hearing most of these aren't even confirmed for production yet, it's just a new thing Bandai has been doing where they show off some new prototype designs at gunpla expo each month to gauge interest.
  21. Byarlant vs Custom design differences are the head, arms, feet and boosters. There's a lot of little differences while the overall shape stays the same. I hope it gets a regular release since it's one of Jerid's main MS but I wont hold my breath. With all the P-Bandai releases of different Byarlant designs they have all the parts already cast, they just need to release them together. Hopefully we get a Baund Doc soon but that's a very strange design so.... vs
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