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Everything posted by s001

  1. What's with the third option in te poll? Why didn't you just write: gay crush on Basara?
  2. Man I remember watching this with my brothers a looong time ago. We just couldn't stop laughing.
  3. My top 3 Alien vs Predator 2: A movie with aliens and predators that manages to be boooooring! Starship Troopers: Liked it when I was a young boy, but now I'm guessing it was just for the boobies on it. Highlander II The Quickening (just saw it a few days ago): A guy gets his head chopped by a cable at 3 Km/h. Do I need to say more? BTW I fail to understand why so many people hates The phantom menace. I liked it. I'm actually looking foward to the 3D release. Please don't ban me.
  4. I'm in the same boat pal. Most badass anime of all time!!!
  5. 1999???
  6. Do you even have to ask? The VF-1 is the most classic macross desing ever! It is beautiful and my personal favorite, because it's got only the necesary to make the idea of a variable fighter plausible. The VF-0 is cool, but so damn weird. It is newer? it is older? For me it's like the VF-1's unwanted brother.
  7. Relax! It's going to be a great movie. A side story involving the space jockey race. It's going to expand the alien universe. The aliens are just a piece of a bigger and more complex reality and that's very exciting.
  8. Ahab posted it in the toys section.
  9. Please don't let it be a new show, don't let it be a new show, don't let it be a new show, don't let it be a new show. And just like you I really really want a vf-25. But 300 dollars! I can buy a cool new cell phone with that money.
  10. Toynami's superposeables are great! Yes, they don't transform but they make the other toys battloids look like a bunch of pieces put toghether.
  11. Any news about the upcomming hasbro's movie trilogy line??? I've just seen pictures of deluxe soundwave and wheeljack, but I think they're still dotm.
  12. Damn! me too.
  13. He he he, the soup nazi...
  14. That's exactly what I think.
  15. Have you seen this. I mean, daaaaaaaamn! That's a small valk. http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00219
  16. My 1/48 Focker VF-1S. The one and only skull 001
  17. Plus the vf-1 is prettier than the vf-0 and this is going waaaay off topic anyway.
  18. Seriously? Not a single tampo printed marking on a toy that expensive? Sorry, but that is just not ok.
  19. Isn't the toy lacking some color or markings?
  20. So, I just started collecting transformers figures (movie ones) and I have to say, they far more decent than I expected. I passed on them when the first 2 movies came out because they looked a little cheap to me back then. I don't know why. I got interrogator barricade and sideswipe (both deluxes) and I like them a lot. I'm expecting Stealth bumblebee on the mail now. I buyed them online so, a little overpriced, but I don't regret it, they look great next to my macross GN-U's. I'm probably not getting more unless I find them for a lot less, but just movie 1 and ROTF deluxes, the dark of the moon ones look like McDonalds toys in my opinion. Not a huge fan of the movies but I finally see why all the fuss about this toys.
  21. Who-hooo! I'm in!!!!
  22. But, isn't she supposed to be less than 10 in the series? Remember she's a clone. Macross is a weird universe or multiverse or whatever.
  23. s001

    Merry X-mas

    Merry Christmas Macrossworld amigos!!!
  24. Thank's for the reminder Cap'n, great episode. And Merry Christmas from México.
  25. That would be INSAAAAAAANE!!!
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