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Everything posted by s001

  1. Hey all of you experts! I'm a begineer on this, and i need you to recomend me for a small set, to initiate my macross toy collection Wich valks i must have first?
  2. And thanks to worry us more Keith
  3. I expect the next Macross to feature another cookie-cutter angsty teen. And if Kawamori is involved, lots of preachiness regarding the good of nature. Is it any wonder why a new series fails to excite me? That would be a true shame for the franchise. Just follow the crappy anime mainstream of today. Macross is always different from the other animes
  4. Well, could be very interesting and original in macross I guess.
  5. Hey, all of that stuff you're posting make me think the new series could be a story about some young pilots of the un spacy academy. That could be nice.
  6. Me again. Where are stored the vf-22's gunpods in fighter mode?
  7. The vf-1 is my favorite valk, vf-1s focker type specifically. The skull 001 is the flagship of macross. I love the minimalist style of the vf-1! My second... definitely the yf-19. Looks very extreme and agressive in all 3 modes. The yf-21 is my third favorite, a true big bad boy. I love the gamlin's vf-22 color scheme. Personally I don't like the sv-51 very much, but yes, in gerwalk mode is one of the best. Looks very organic, like a dark nasty bird. Kawamori is going into a more realistic style I guess. He's the best mecha designer, second to Kazutaka Miyatake of course.
  8. I think after 2050 could be better
  9. Another question, well actually two questions (hey I'm really a client of this topic ) 1.The yf-19's leg armor pieces rise to shoot the internal missiles or not? 2. And when it does not wear them, ¿How the gates open?
  10. Anyway if you really see the lineart... there's not much space for engine, landing gear and missiles together. Maybe in the yf-19's legs but in the vf-11's I don't think so.
  11. it's like a tribute to the original characters and story.
  12. Thast's exactly what I mean, mac fbk 2012 is a glam piece of macross not another macross project.
  13. I agree with that, the character designs are cool, Mikimoto is one of the best character designers in anime, but the mac7 character's personalities are just annoying. I agree with your last comment too, We don't have to ignore what the mac7 fans think; but I dare you to watch the macross 7 movie finale and tell me that mac7 don't sucks!
  14. Anyone knows where can I get all the tracks from the macross 20th anniversary concert?
  15. I think you really don't know what macross flashback 2012 is about. The oppening and the last 5 minutes are together one of the most beautiful moments in animation ever. And one of the most significant moments of macross too. So yes, is for fans only.
  16. But the reconstructed SDF-1's weight is about 2,000,000 tons. that's a big difference don't you think?
  17. I think it's time for really good fan works. If BW don't give us what us want so let's do it by ourselves!
  18. That's cool but a little weird too.
  19. Another question. is Aegis Focker related to Roy in some way?
  20. Personally I think, that Kawamori designed the vf-0 starting exactly from the same idea of which the vf-1 was born, but at a different time and with all of his later designs like reference.
  21. How? Basara Nekki killed them?
  22. Wow, that is an extremely cool shirt man!. I have to get one. And one with the skull squadron logo too. Ivanov vs Focker, that's one of the coolest things of mac0.
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