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Everything posted by s001

  1. Arrrrrgggh! Stupid jealous looser boyfriend just proposed to her. That's my theory.
  2. My guess is that the wing hinges are made of diecast. So it's gonna be ok.
  3. Oooh. So It's like the vf-11's cockpit?
  4. Stick with the TV series man. And watch youtube videos of your favorite mecha action scenes in the movies. That's the best you can do IMO.
  5. Duuuuuuuuude! They had Tenjin. What happened?
  6. So the cockpit opens during transformation? That's weird!!!
  7. Is there a shop where I can still find a vf-25f for like $200 shipped???
  8. Hey guys. Do you know where can I find the UFO accesories (hand held blades, transforming cannons and trailer/armory) for the leader ROTF optimus at a reasonable price?
  9. Don't know about PS4. I'm just a casual gamer (own a PS3 and have completed like 2 games). And I think we're getting it just because we're getting a new Xbox and the Wii U. It's a marketing thing.
  10. Ok, know you're just screwing with us.
  11. Same here.
  12. Yes, and a bit of an eyesore in fighter mode. But the rest of it looks perfect.
  13. I have a question for the experts. As I'm not a great transformers fan or collector. Do you think Transformers movie toys are gonna increase their value in the future? You know. Like 'a lot'? I mean, enough to make it worth to keep an ROTF leader optimus MISB. Thank's in advance.
  14. Now, THAT'S INTERESTING! Thank you very much Gubaba.
  15. Because she's a completely forgettable character in the franchise.
  16. Yeah but it looks the same.
  17. Being a Macross fan is always a bigger drama than the series itself.
  18. What's with all the bashing about the noses on Mac+ and Escaflowne? That's just the style of the designers. Risa Ebata's characters look almost generic but we all loved Frontier.
  19. Sorry but turning a macross high end collectible into a supermarket toy (Because, let's face it. That's what transformers are outside Japan) It's just not ok to me. In my defense I never watched G1 when I was a kid.
  20. C'mon man bleach and naruto are for 12 year olds.
  21. This may not be the weirdest thing, but c'mon! Someone actually trashed a 1/48 yamato to make a custom of G1 jetfire (aka macross valkyrie rip-off). And someone actually paid 560 USD for it on ebay. Damn transformers freaks! http://www.ebay.com/itm/Transformers-Custom-Masterpiece-Jetfire-/230832692222?ViewItem=&item=230832692222&nma=true&si=Q4SlItnLlfGesSj%252BmiLVmX8DXYA%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
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