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Everything posted by s001

  1. August or September!!! Man, how long we need to wait to get a proper two seater valk?! That sucks!
  2. s001

    Macross Revoltech

    BTW Are they already said something about the release date?
  3. s001

    Macross Revoltech

    Can someone please tell me what's the size of this toys? (yf-19/yf-21)?
  4. SCAN! SCAN! SCAN! Please.
  5. Hey I'm from Guadalajara too! But now I live in Irapuato. I watched Robotech for the first time back in '89 or '90 It was my favorite show ever! Then I watched DYRL back in 2000 more or less (a VCD copy, poor quality, with the Papacha Anime spanish subs) and I almost crapped my pants! Macross Flashback a few monts later (I almost cried like a little girl at the end) then Macross Plus, I skipped Mac 7, then zero, Macrossworld, Yamato stuff, bla bla bla... and now I'm a total addict. By the way the latin dub of Robotech is the best of the best. Amazing voice actors. ¿A poco no? Oye ¿sabes si allá en GDL se consiguen mejores cosas o de plano me tengo que resignar a MERCADOLIBRE?
  6. Sorry man someone is selling the valks separately on ebay Mexico, but thanks anyway.
  7. My dad's the same age of Kawamori. Sorry that's all I got.
  8. I'll go for volume 2 but no Roy or Hikaru strikes damn!
  9. s001

    VF-25 Fanart

  10. I'm trying to upload the song but my PC sucks!
  11. Yeah! definitely Roy!
  12. C'mon guys I've seen better weathered valks on the customs page.
  13. Well I'm not very sure but is the ending song from M+ episodes (live version obviously). I want to upload it but I don't know how.
  14. and a beer.
  15. Man, now I want a stealth 1S badly.
  16. Yes, with Yoko Kanno, Mari Ijima and Yoshiki Fukuyama. I really want that on dvd. A single mp3 track is all that I have from the 20th anniversary concert.
  17. Hey, anyone knows where can I find good pic's of SD valks? I'm planing to make some t-shirts for my little nephew (the newest member of the crew) but I can't find something good with google.
  18. Man, I would die for a dvd release of the 20th and 25th anniversary concerts!
  19. HELL NO!!! close this topic!
  20. Man your avatar is creepy. Pretty cool but scary.
  21. Nah. I just didn't like those screenshots from the next episode.
  22. Hey what about the macross frontier t-shirts they showed at the macross museum. Those are extremely cool!
  23. Ok. I'm starting to feel a M7 vibe in frontier, and you know? that sucks!
  24. Because, in the final mission you have the option to destroy it right? (because the terrorists take control of it...)
  25. I got a question floating in my head since I read the VF-X2 story: If we see Macross city in future episodes of Frontier, the SDF-1 will be there?
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