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Everything posted by s001

  1. Valkyrie booster
  2. Yeah, but we got 'U. N. Spacy' in Plus and 7.
  3. Agree with you guys. That's what 'macross the first' is for. And I'm not a huge fan of it.
  4. Mmm That really sucks...
  5. Hey guys, I live in Mexico far far FAAAAAR away from all the macross action. So, Where can I watch the movie on the net???
  6. Hey that valk looks great man, How do you do that?
  7. In scale with the GN-U would be great. But they're too small.
  8. Aren't the colors too bright???
  9. s001

    A pair of customs.

    I want to do that to my focker 1S but i don't know how.
  10. s001

    VF Girls

    Who's the man?...... Polidread is the man! Seriously, really cool stuff pal.
  11. Hey but that's the purpose of these toys. So you don't have to touch the transformable ones a lot.
  12. Hey Graham what's up with the GN-U fighters? Is yamato considering the idea? Seriously I'd buy them all.
  13. s001


    That's inspiring. Makes me want to desing my own valk too.
  14. Ah c'mon who the hell are the cyborgs? That's an important question.
  15. I'm still trying to figure out episode 25. I mean, too much stuff for just one episode!!! I guess they considered the vajra too dangerous. And decided to completely forget about them. am I right?
  16. Do you even have to ask? Mikimoto is the best in the hole industry. I mean, he reinvent himself with each work. I also like Masayuki's designs for M+ a lot. And the character designer of EVA is a genius too.
  17. I just got one question. Did the protoculture people know about the vajra?
  18. what's sexier than that?!!!!
  19. They have to animate Mascross VF-X2!!!!!! C'mon: great story, all the coolest mecha, great characters, great music (yes is fire bomber music, but what the hell) That would be awesome!
  20. A company that makes advertising products, uses the UN SPACY logo as their logo here in Mexico. I guess the owner is a huge fan of macross or something like that, because is a very large company.
  21. I'm really really REALLY starting to hate all the macross frontier-gay stuff on this thread. I mean is not even funny anymore.
  22. Do you really need to ask? MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAX JENIUS! The blue demon is the best!
  24. I blame the glossy finish. And BTW it makes the toy look cheap.
  25. Happy Birthday to the best Macross Fansite on the web ever!!!
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