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Everything posted by Dangaioh

  1. It's all wrong... you're missing the glove.
  2. We should ask a video company to locate shows, that resemble these posts and ask if they can mesh it into one giant anime. Ensuring that only one country would be allowed to view this convuluted (sp?) mess and have the rights to sell it's merchandise under that title, and not allow imports.
  3. I guess it totally depends if your over 21 and heading over to Hot Legs.
  4. Dangaioh agree's. My pocket will have a whole in it, likes it's been punched through with the "spiral boost knuckle". [edited for gouda engrish... cheez]
  5. I know OT, but... It's all about the Mae West look. http://www.flightgear.dk/pic/mlmmeteor.jpg
  6. Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do, other than change it with a new case. Yes, I too have an iPod and it's badly scratched up. Just FYI, here are some articles from Macworld magazine (and readers, please do not add the missing letters of "-ross"). http://www.macworld.com/article/46291/2005...atchremove.html You may want to check out Ice Creme, it looks promising, and that's about it. - Dangaioh
  7. You mean nothing like this and the rest of the Mazinger Angels? http://www.collectiondx.com/node/907
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQ7pc55Wtxg Hatsune Reloaded. Mugen Hatsune http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCKSKvXYYZw...;watch_response http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wkpmOWPKP8...feature=related lucky star.
  9. Here's the link I stated i was going to post, it's a powercalc program. http://www.journeysystems.com/?powercalc As you stated earlier, it's not a power issue, and you pretty much checked all the components, it just beats the hell out me (I guess most of us) as to the cause of your problem. Remember, do not feed Mogwai (sp?) after midnight, and do not give them a bath.
  10. (In regards to mikeszekely posts) If all these components are running fine (no duds/lemons), the only work left to do is a clean install of XP pro... or probably you need more power. Sometimes, inadequate power can result in a hardware failure or two. Follow this link to help determine if you have the power. http://www.pcpower.com/technology/power_usage/ There is another website that helps calculate the amount of power you will need based on the components you have installed, I'll post the link when I return home.
  11. (In regards to the last post) If they want you to return as a happy customer, they will most likely avoid that route. However, in order for you to gain those items, or power level your character or skills. They require access to your game account. Most of these paysites states that part of the claim during the checkout process, or FAQs. Yes, it's best that you avoid the item/level paysite. I have been constantly been spammed by ingame email, at the Guardian server for City of Villains for a paysite to gain me more ingame money or rare items. (No, I did not use their service.)
  12. You're welcome... Glad to know (should I even be happy of what I have done to this poster?) that I am one of the few macrossworlders who happened to be responsible in ensuring that you will not see the light of day any time soon.
  13. I used to play Lineage 2. Then I quit due to the high cost (in game money, not real money) of materials needed to sustain a character. Just for funs, here's a screenshot of Lord Recluse Task Force in City of Villains after taking down the Statesman. Here we are triumphantly standing in front of Paragon City Hall, 7 Masterminds where in this mission w/6 henchmens each, roughly a small army 7 players, 42 henchies, plus another 7 temp monster and 1 temp giant robot (that belonged to me). Edit since one player DC'd during gameplay. Big image file
  14. Hi all, Guessing you have received scam emails that you are a recpient of a unspecified number of dollars from some bank overseas. I decided to try my hand at getting back at them (aka scambaiting). Mind you, my response to him is way off and the possibility of continuing this fun might end at the last and only reply email I sent. Here's the reply I sent w/the original email: Yes, I used the Japanese Bank post as the prop for this email.... enjoy. If you want to try your hand at this, I hold no responsiblity to your actions/predicaments... please check out this site on how to conduct the scambaiting. http://www.419eater.com/ Yeah, I know, it's not general anime... I decided to continue with this in a Macross theme.
  15. The only way to PK (player kill) an opponent of the same race is to bring huge monsters that are over the players level. I have done that to several player bots, however it's hard to do this trick against player bots when they are on their MAUs (Mobile Armor Units). Yeah, you are ment to kill other factions, you can do so away from the safety of your area, in the mining areas, volcano regions, desert area, and chip wars. Some of the higher ups may have moved to another planet. Good luck w/the PvP (best to PvP over level 25), I do recommend increasing your DPS as well, just because you have a high level character, doesn't mean your well protected (or damage/spirit efficient), even a lowbie can kill another player, if the high level player forgets to increase their DPS. *Check online manual or forums for RF Online's DPS sysstem.
  16. Yet, how many of those WoW accounts are secondary, tertiary or trial accounts? I can use this board as an example, how many Yamato valkyries did Macrossworlders purchase? Over 1000? How many purchased 3, 4, 5, or 100? Are they 1/48, 1/60/ or 1/72? MMO franchises will tout their highest subscription numbers, but may not readily release information that would contradict their standing... I know I won't, if I owned a successful MMO enterprise. Let's get back into the topic... fun w/PvP... I would like to boast that I PvP'd against Heroes playing (City of Heroes/Villains), as a Villain and knocked the wind out of those boasting, tight spandex, cape floppers as a little squishy MasterMind with my 6 piece robot army (kinda helps when I have 3 additional temp monsters that I picked up during missions) and trick arrows (so gratifyingly funny to see heroes fall down w/an oxymoronic [i guess that includes me] weapon) as my secondary.
  17. Sorry, nothing Macrossy about it... btw, if another anime/game type creature seems like a Macross copy, think of it as "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery".
  18. Yeah, off topic mode (in regards to the two previous post): How about twins (1 male/1 female), at the age of 8yrs old, w/power beyond that of mortal man, able to leap tall buildings, faster than a speeding bullet, has a giant robot - controlled w/a watch that looks like a green lion, the other is in the form of cute child w/a BIG BFG, and both own a power ring, one must yell Heeeello Nurse (instead of Shazam) to activate the boys power and Kawaii for the girl. In topic mode: I will probably wait for rental release at the local vid store or PPV... I will probably get motion sicknes. I do want to know... (probably already posted, just don't feel like reading pages of post), what is that creature they are trying to run away from, you can PM me for spoiler pictures (if available), it's not going to ruin the film for me.
  19. Try the link again.: http://www.rf-onlinegame.com/freetoplay.ph...tory=EnglishUSA, instead of clicking the link... copy the posted url and paste into the URL bar. Yes, I did click the link in this forum, and it did bring me to the main page for RF Online, and went into this continual loop of click here to gain key/main page. You may want to clear your browsers cache, if you are still recieving the same problems.
  20. Regards to download issues for DJ... check out this site as an alternative to download the client.: http://www.gamershell.com/download_21484.shtml Here's the info I located in regards to the download page.: http://community.codemasters.com/forum/sho...ad.php?t=233142, I have tested out the link to filefront, and I had no problems starting the download for free. Good luck.
  21. Bellato is the only race that controls Mechs, which stands just a little taller and wider than an Accretian. Corites (Cora), is the only race that summons monsters to help fight. To compensate for the Accretians (since they are living robots) not using another giant armor or summons, they use giant cannons that cover their entire body... becoming like a walking one barrel Koenig.
  22. DJ Loe Kee does have point about private servers, they are illegal but are the most popular since the mods are on top of most hacks, cheats, bots (automating your character to level or hunt items while you are away from your gaming PC), and players yelling out their for sale items in general chats. (Now for the hijack portion of this post, sorry Kung Flu.) To answer your Q's 1/1... there are some... as far as history is concerned, I could not say. Check out the tech reports on most of your favorite .com news sites or tech sites (CNET.com) for more info. I do recall and actual news report about an MMORPG taking over a family life, however the ending to the story is quite disturbing. Now how does a player (such as myself) convey as to why MMORPG's are sometimes addictive? Best way I can describe it is... Remember that first RPG you played on your computer or console (for me, it's Final Fantasy 3 [u.S. Release] and Xenogears), and the quest - plus side quest (sometimes intertwining w/the main story) you have to complete? Add to that, the extra hour needed to level and gain more $$ to buy the equipment or item for your character (just because of the fact that you can't put that controller down) to defeat boss characters? To top it off, your friends stop by to see how you are and felt left alone because your playing a single player game while controlling a fighter, a mage, a healer, a ninja and a summoner (so many characters to play for one person). Now, use this same formula to get that feeling, into a 3rd/1st person P.O.V., while playing with friends (especially the one friend that you blew away because you're too busy fighting against Kefka) and complete strangers. But instead of playing multiple characters, you're playing with one that suits your needs and the way you want to act in that fantasy, scifi or comic book setting (City of Hereoes/Villains). The weirdest thing of all, act like yourself, act like your character (Role Play the part) or totally opposite of yourself mentally, personally, by gender or any in combination. Sidenote, yes I made a Mazinger Z (minus the wings) and Priss's Hardsuit (minus the Motoslave) in City of Heroes.
  23. Hello and welcome aboard washinglady, however I don't believe the mods might be enthusiastic in posting hack/cheat mod plus pay site in their forums for games. IMO, as a gamer... play the game first, read the strategy guides to help you with the game, rather than cheat. If you must buy uber/specialty items w/real money, purchase them from the original gamming companies that created/released the game(s) and/or endorsed by the originating gaming company(ies), not from 2nd/3rd party companies who does not have endorsement or from individuals.
  24. I can see it now... Someone might bring out the wrath of ManFaye.
  25. Good luck on RF Online. Check out these sites for more MMO. (F2P - Free to Play) (P2P - Pay to Play) Resource site(s) http://www.mmorpg.com http://www.onrpg.com/ - has a directory list of P2P and F2P MMO's. Company site(s) http://www.gpotato.com/ http://www.plaync.com Game sites: http://maplestory.nexon.net http://www.ageofconan.com http://www.warhammeronline.com/english/home/index.php Everything that Warmaker stated is true, (sidenote... your maxed to 8 skills during your instances and PvP).
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