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Everything posted by Dangaioh

  1. Dangaioh

    VF Girls

    I vote for a sticky of Poli's "how to color Valk Girls" post.
  2. I also made a new capt... his name Obvious, the ship USS Vague.
  3. I just started the beta and I have to admit, the game is pretty cool... btw, here is my ship.
  4. Dangaioh

    VF Girls

    Probably Poli can do a "how to color" segment on valk girls for MW.
  5. Dangaioh

    VF Girls

    No, I have not forgotten about the current drawing. Been busy looking for a job. Here's an update.
  6. Good luck. BTW, (for future talks ofcource) any chance that you might reconsider changing the rating to include those under 18? Especially for fans that will enjoy Macross?
  7. - We need more guns! - We need more ammo! - We're down to only a few rounds! We need to hold this ground! (Defenders miraculously survive the onslaught of incoming waves of aliens, soldiers or pinky cuddly fluffies, with whatever ammo they have left and still have spare to take another million more opponents.) - We need more firepower!
  8. Went from suck to blow.
  9. You know, taking a slice of sausage pizza has a whole new meaning.
  10. okay... um is that a (mecha) maid hair piece?
  11. Just make sure you remember the name of the street you ordered from.
  12. More like... "this was created by "Dr. Macek, of Harmony Gold Industries, you may want to request if his team have additional material to create more. lord only knows, if we aim to survive against these 'crustacean/slug' looking cratures and their mecha. We need more robots and technology that goes with them... We need! Robotech!" -or- "Stealth" Here's a line I would not mind hearing: "Some times I think that god created humanity just to see how much we can take before we all go jumping off the deep end."
  13. "Behold, our newest weapon..." "Let's take it for a test flight." "Green skin, blue eyes, purple hair, and beautiful... I'd hit that." "You're gonna have to be naked to wear the exosuit." "Don't sweat it, the nukes will not explode, when you blow it up." "Aw... isn't that cute.... OMG!!!! It's atacking ME!!! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!!!" Action I don't want to see, two rival robot pilots comes out of their respective robots, and thumbs up each other with a destroyed arena or city in the background, after the hero lectures the bad guy during the battle, while inadvertadely stopped with the lamest weapon ever found in the battlefield.
  14. RE to cell phones and text messages... Look at Alto, Ranka and Sheryl... they prove that with the right Vajra bacteria, they can begin to tele-communicate using the Vajra network. You can finally "reach out and call someone (and slap some Minmei sense into 'em)!!!!"
  15. Dangaioh

    VF Girls

    lulz.... I don't mind. Great work!!!! I'm working, I'm working... if you don't mind, (I'm glad it's not a Windows 7 issue), but can you pls wipe your drool off my keyboard? It's giving issue to my ZBoard.
  16. heheheh +1 internetz (I agree with Rob, i also prefer the Gears design). RE to the strip: Would have been nice if the caption had the "WHAT!?! Over 9000!?!" quote in there somewhere.
  17. * Best/Worst Anime (film/TV series/OAV) - Coyote Ragtime and Karas / Karas (the last half hour) * Best/Worst Manga - Dance of the Vampire Bund (started slow) / Don't know if there is a worse, I enjoyed them all (based on my collection of mangas). * Best/Worst SF (film/TV series) - Babylon 5 (including episodes that aired in Sci Fi channel) / The off shoot series that came after the original Babylon 5 series * Best/Worst SF Literary (Book/Short story/Comic) - * Most annoying trend in Anime - Kiddie heroes, in a serious anime theme. * Most annoying trend in SF - Time travel * Best comeback - JJ Abrahams movie rendition of Star Trek (yah, I know time travel, but for some stupid reason, JJ made it work for this movie.) * Most disappointing comeback - * Best/Worst Game of the decade - Project Kikaioh (Dreamcast) / Auto Assault and RF Online (both MMOs cancelled by the same company) * Most consistent game developer - Blizzard * Best/Worst Game platform of the decade - Dreamcast / Anything Atari * Which product do you really wish had not turned out to be vapourware? Anything Dreamcast (even the bad ones) * Most Unnecessary *Remake - PSP Go *Sequel * Greatest addition to your toy/model/DVD collection - Strike and GPBS armor, and Fans Project Transformers addon / Full Metal Panic * What is the piece of technology that you have now which was not available at the start of the decade that you cannot do without? iPod, Portable drives and the MS Sidewinder Mouse (hopefully, I can get the MS Sidewinder X8 soon). * Best/Worst Band/Album/Live performance * What do you think is going to be the most inaccurate SF prediction about life in 2010? The climate * Person of the decade (NO politicals) (Make this persons of the decade) - Shoji Kawamori (Macross, Armored Core, Kikaioh), Miyazaki, Alex Ross, Kia Asamiya * Where do you think you will be at the end of next decade? In front of my PC (using "motion sensitive air keyboards") answering the same questions. * Complete the following sentence. "I will be much happier next decade if..........." Harmony Gold actually worked with Big West/Studio Nue for the good of the Macross series and their fans. + What have you been calling this decade? (The zero-zero's, the noughties, whatever) Decade of the Valk girls (thank you Poli)
  18. Dangaioh

    VF Girls

    Great work, aw man, the other valk girls must have gotten to the drinks.
  19. Dangaioh

    VF Girls

    lolz. I added an updated pic, has a colored in the decal/insignia on the crotch guard, suppose to be 3 claws scratching across the heart... how about calling the new group "Scarred Hearts"?
  20. Dangaioh

    VF Girls

    Thank you... Here's an early update, not finished yet, needs coloring.
  21. Dangaioh

    VF Girls

    Yah! I am also waiting for the "Tomohawk Girl"! What's with the delay!?!. . . . . . Oh wait... um, yah... that's me... um, bye... Seriously, I did not forget, I am more worried about finding a job than drawing, but in no ways that I forgot, I will complete this ASAP, thank you for waiting. - Dangaioh Here's an update for Dec 19... I present the Tomohawk... er, Tabbyhawk. (yes, still needs work.)
  22. I wonder if there will be any Bionoids.
  23. If Clint Eastwood (for some odd reason does) direct the next TF film, I can see Megs new tag line" Go ahead make my day!"
  24. Dangaioh

    VF Girls

    Update to my previous post in regards to "tomohawk girl", decided to insert a little "polidread" humor with Itano Circus.
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