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Everything posted by Dangaioh

  1. FMP TV season 1 is alright, but when it comes down to Fumoffy and season 2 it does get "saucy". Also recommend Martian Succesor Nadesico, Patlabor, Samurai 7 and Coyote Ragtime.
  2. Don't know if the beta client would work as a regular install, but here is an alternative at Gamershell.com to download from. http://www.gamershell.com/download_54822.shtml
  3. Made the changes to fleet bank, jr officers and below are restricted. Officers and above have a limited amount that can be taken out and leaders unlimited (me and eugimon). Going to check the fleet bank restrictions before I go to sleep.
  4. Correct... but I noticed that 2 or 3 left... give it a week, and players will be fleet jumping soon.
  5. Battle 7 fleet has a total number of 80 members.
  6. Last stupid edit I make http://www.xfire.com/communities/battle7/, using Xfire for chat and guild site. :/
  7. Battle 7 fleet is now online. Talk to me (Tochiro@MazinKaiser), @eugimon, or @gtrain for invite.. as for me I am offline and sleeping after you read this post (well after I read the HG/Macross debate of course). - Sincerely, the Fleet Commander (Good lord, I'm in charge) http://www.xfire.com/communities/battle7/, using Xfire for chat and guild site. :/
  8. Darn it... this post could be both in the "All things VG" and "Computer" thread, but will post it here for sanity sakes. Just received an email this morning from Nvdias "SLI Club", and they are giving away free copies of "Dark Void" for being a member. Don't know if you will receive the same email if you join now, but here's proof with my email receipt, please see attached PDF. The game is ok, just use a gamepad during the flying missions, and ofcourse the mouse during your ground battles. DarkVoid1.pdf
  9. Yes, I remembered those games... F13 and the Thing. However, I enjoyed AvP (back in early 2000) alot more.
  10. Well, going to add Neon Genesis Evangelion... especially for Tamashi No Rufuran and main theme. From the single: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PgdnUJ-FX0 Here's the Metal Mix: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gx_xDuwsADQ Ofcource Curel Angel's Thesis: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Qv3fmE4SM4 Mix version with a dance troupe:
  11. Wow... I am also having that same problem, MW Forums would hang on IE8 and Firefox. When these is no lag, IE8 loads decently, but Firefox seems to lag, especially when loading images. This began almost 2 weeks ago for me.
  12. I am online right now, MacrossWorlders that like to make a fleet send me a tell, toon name Tochiro@MazinKaiser, fleet name "Battle 7".
  13. Is there a resource site for STO?
  14. Regards to making a fleet, you need a full team of 5 players to create one. - Edited due to bad gammar... that's what I get for posting when I am about 80% asleep.
  15. Ok.
  16. I second... probably call the fleet: SMS (probably not) Macrossworld.com (the gaming community might think the entire fleet are Ferengis.. er, gold farmers) Kawamoris F Bombs (Fire Bomber ofcourse) AntiMaceks (just to annoy the Robotech fanbois) Happy Penguins Planet Dance Nyan Nyans (name ourselves after a restaurant) S. Ataria Regiment Big West Corp. This is just a few, probably others can make a list of fleet names.
  17. gratz and nice.
  18. I've got to know, is there a Macrossworld Fleet made? If so, would like an invite, my Captain names are Tochiro, and Obvious @Mazinkaiser.
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