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Everything posted by Dangaioh

  1. probably because the biggest fanfiction ever made and placed on TV is by H.G. called Robotech. , though if there must be a fanfiction on Macross timeline... atleast tell the story through the eyes of the soldier... like Gundam 08th MS Team O.V.A.
  2. Hey guys, thanks for all the good and kind words.... no... she will not be on all fours... having trouble to keep my pencils straight, plus it looked ridiculous. yes, I will be posting a unedited version with disclaimer... so ppl will be warned before viewing. drawback... got to keep this underwraps from prying eyes... and right now I am cleaning up the lines.
  3. I dunno, has Capt Rico been there? I think he did... But he's not on my site. I don't mind boobs but "southern" areas uncovered are kinda iffy. Either way, I probably won't delete it if it's tastefully done, so use your own discretion. I will try not to do it distastefully... however, if it is causing problems for you (yellowlightman) then by all means take it down... I do hope however that a covered version with a high cut look would not be as uncomfortable as a frontal.
  4. Not to sound like a perv, but ecchi art is okay on MFC. Lord knows there's a lot of it on there already. I was going one step further down below... not unless someone already drew full frontal before I get to post this on your server.
  5. I know this is being risque... image is censored for public viewing use... I did censor out image parts... it is however still in the editing process... if you feel that you should not look at this image, even censored... don't click on the link... out of respect for yellowlightman, I did not post it at his server (yet). but here is the link: http://www.geocities.com/gundam12/zoidgirl...soredliger.html if however you want a copy of the unedited piece I will gladly send it out to you (ahem... assumming you are mature, ), just PM me.
  6. Thanks bigkid24 and dna... I was using Mika Akitaka (Galaxy Girl Fraulein Yuna and Les MS Gundam Girls) techniques on mecha girls. Smut Peddler, next time I will try a high cut or venus style one piece suits instead, how's that? If anyone is willing to wait, granted it is not Macross... I am drawing Zoids: Liger Zero Girl... it will be edited for posting useage... just pm me if you want an unedited copy.... only drawback, everyone will have to wait for it, until I can find that camera again, "drawing is done", it just needs color. Coloring and design question, what would be the best way to show that an armor is colored "white"?
  7. great CG work..., keep it up.
  8. you can also watch previous episodes online here: http://www.cartoonnetwork.com/clonewars/index.html The five min. epi's. are not bad... can't wait for more... my only problem... the entire micro series that Genndy Tartakovsky made might be episode 3 movie itself.
  9. Mine homebrew.. Windows XP PRO Athlon XP 1600 PC2100 768 MB DDR MSI KT3 Ultra Sound Blaster Audigy MP3 edition (it's basically the same as game edition) TI4600 1 x 40 gig HD 1 x 16 x DVD 1 x 16/12/40 CDR/WR/RW
  10. Thank You Very Much Monkey-N...
  11. here is my VF1S Girl.
  12. Thanks for all the kind and great words... I appreciate that... yeah... no scanner is really tough, on top of that, the camera I am using is a real junker and I know squat diddley about photoshop... so you could say that I am having a crash course with this (once I start working on a valk. girl)... literally. Mechmaster I would be honored if there was a CG for this... but remember to place the thigh missiles... I forgot to place them. yellowlightman... as far as the softlines is concerned I am trying to get rid of the thick ones on the skin itself sense it doesn't bold well... makes my characters look hairy ... works well on armor. From the official Macross page... http://www.macross.co.jp/macross/contents/...images/19-3.jpg , this may make a great minmay guard or news broadcasting system phalanx.
  13. Eyes are changed and more shadow added. http://www.geocities.com/gundam12/macrossg...girl/tgirl.html if there are more suggestions to improve the image pls. let me know. i would be interested to what others would say. well till then, i am making a vf1s girl w/faceplate on. by the way... i knew i forgot one more thing to do... forgot to add in the thigh missile launchers... ugh
  14. Nice! If you can add some highlights and shadows to the colors, it will look even better. okay added some shading... though compared to some ppl here, i believe mine may need some work.
  15. Here is my Tomohawk Girl edited... http://www.geocities.com/gundam12/macrossg...girl/tgirl.html
  16. Here is my Tomohawk Girl..., image still needs color and no I don't have a scanner yet... *grumble*grumble*grumble*... but I am hoping once I color this I should be able to bring out some of the details. here is the link to Tomohawk Girl: http://www.geocities.com/gundam12/macrossg...girl/tgirl.html
  17. Image has been updated.... though the skin tone is a weeee bit too light.... granted there needs to be more work done to the overall body... I also have to admit, this is not better than most artist have post... but I am playing w/photoshop to do what I need. http://www.geocities.com/gundam12/macgirl.html
  18. I know it is not a Valk Girl... but a Destroid Girl... well here is my attempt to Monster MKII girl. http://www.geocities.com/gundam12/macgirl.html Sorry geocities does not like to host pics... so the image is placed on a web page.
  19. well Gundam is already done... les ms gundam girls from Mika Akitaka... right now trying my hand on a MAC II girl... will even try a Tomohawk Girl right after... now only I can find a digi cam or a scanner and i will be set.
  20. Zebi... those look very seeeeet. I would not mind turning them into stickers for my 1/60 Strike Valk. I hope you don't mind.
  21. Unfortunately the game was supposed to be out as of Jan 2000, and is now so far banned thanks to HG's meddling (I should say awakening, it was about this time that they shown interest again, for dissappearing on us on the first place)... how should I know, I used to work at Electronics Boutique and made tons of presell on this game alone to Robotech fans, including myself (fully paid). It was not until I heard about the complaint of HG that made the game non-existent. In the summer of 1999, the 2 issues of Official U.S. Playstation announced it's arrival to U.S. One issue had the edited beginning CG movies, the only things missing from the movie were the game's gameplay sequences. The second part of the game was a complete first level w/a fight against the "Ghost controlled by Apple. Also on the demo CD were small amounts of screen shots of certain Valk's for the game.
  22. you know what... (granted it has been awhile since I posted) I would not be suprised if Gainax would be happy about it, let it slide and hope that would be used only shortly say a couple of issues and never returned, (probably getting some royalties out of it aswell).... Also in an old, extrmely old issue of New Mutants... Warlock turned into an armored robot and was used as armor for Doug... the name of the robot or series: Vifam http://www.hlj.com/images/ban/ban01401box.gif
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