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Everything posted by Dangaioh

  1. no chance she has an Angel Mark II Heart and her name is "Kurumi" right?
  2. somehow they used the similar robot designs of the Classic Superman cartoons http://www.scifilm.org/tv/superman/superma...chmonsters.html
  3. sad news for dreamcast owners: http://www.sega.com/help/online/online.jhtml good news for microscam xcrap live money monger staffs: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/pso2/ (must have broadband to play and 50.00 yearly).
  4. woohoo inexpensive customizations, here i come.
  5. or the Matrix or Chobits or King of Braves: GaoGaiGar or Gundam (I want a Haro) or ______ (fill in the blank: any anime or movie related to robots) or even making Steel Angels.
  6. that's to take on any zentran that might be interested in getting his rear end.
  7. *Waits for Bill Murray to sing.*
  8. someone's probably after you... any chance you work in high level security, working with top secret computers or programs, or part of some international good spy organization bent on destroying evil, while protecting kids at nite and destroying anything H.G. related? If you do, Then there is a good chance they may have shopped here and obtained some information about you: http://www.villainsupply.com/ serious stand point... see if there is any greeting company that might have sent you the stuff aswell... you may want to ask your neigbors if they saw anything suspicious aswell.
  9. what would suck even more is if you must be a current or new subscriber for MSN ISP in order to access this.
  10. why would you be flammed for.... all you are doing is a project and you seem to understand the difference between Macross and Robo*cough*crap*cough*tech... all joking aside..., i do wish you the best of luck on your project and can't wait to see your final work and be put into use.
  11. please make it go away...., make it go away.... , i am trully scarred to be a fan of anime.
  12. I am interested who would win in a tag team cat fight... puffy amiyumi or tatu?
  13. As much as I would like to agree with you..... pop is something that has been around for ages in Japan.... why tATu? Why the most tone death duo to date? Why didn't they pic some of their home breed singers, who can actually sing, to starr in their own anime movie? how about that voice actress for Minmay?
  14. but they are of different nationality, not Japanese.
  15. With all these top animators contributing to the animation, I guess tasteful hentai is back in season then.
  16. you know what... I like the remake (wait's to be pelted with a dead stick by a daggit named muffit)... I understood that it will not be the same as the original and that character changes will be made. it was even stated on magazines and at scifi channel... what i can't seem to grasp is why ppl would be upset over the changes in characters, personalities and story (ranted the lines could have improved)... the storylines are new, they've gone retrotech (not robotech) on certain equipment, and yet atleast kept the Viper almost the same and given the cylon fighters a meaner look. atleast give it another chance w/out having to compare it with the original, that's all, and see if you can stomach it once more time.
  17. oh lookie... a toy that can tear up an MPC, chew and vommit right afterwards. those sentinels are cool.
  18. woohoo that gun shoots batteries. seriousy though, I would like to see their reaction to Special Edition reissue Megatron and Valkyrie Girl Model kits.
  19. My image is updated w/new colors and censors.... finally got to use my comp... also those who pm'ed me should be able to obtain the unedited version. image is still censored, don't click if you feel uneasy about it. http://www.geocities.com/gundam12/zoidgirl...soredliger.html
  20. Dangaioh

    My Fanart

    Nice work... try coloring in photoshop... this way you save alot of trees, just not enough hard drive.
  21. I can't help but wonder if it would good if she just wore the shoulder pads, lower arm pads, lower leg pads, the helmet, and have the rest of the pin stripes etched on her body insted.
  22. what I would not mind from aspiring novel writers is that the fiction should coincide with the Macross storyline that would fit between the tv series and movies including DYRL. so far one of the best fan fiction I read so far is Stargate/Battlestar Galactica and it was done by an aspiring writer and U.S. military soldier (sorry forgot which branch he was in), but had more than enough resources to write/type down what he meant w/out having to describe some in length each item that each character uses (*cough*battletech novels*cough*) that would slow the action and pace, and kept the reader to wanting more in story, action while keeping the pace of the story just write. probably that is too much to ask for... but it would be a great challenge in order to ensure to captivate an audience.
  23. image is still censored, however if you feel you should not view this do not click on link. Updated images: http://www.geocities.com/gundam12/zoidgirl...soredliger.html
  24. So... you tried it then? Unfortunately... yes, couldn't get body proportions and perspective correctly.
  25. atleast it would be better than Robotech.
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