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Everything posted by Dangaioh

  1. I am in Orange County Florida... aka... central Orlando FL. No word on evacuation yet other than those living in low lying areas, mobile and manufactured homes.
  2. here's the problem.... if he was invited as a guest yes, he can sue... but since he came in unnannounced, you do have the right to protect yourself... he is in your property not theirs. Now your getting into why the legal system doesn't work and depending on your state laws he may have had a valid case. In the end Majestic did the right thing by only using as much force as was neccesary. too true indeed.
  3. here's the problem.... if he was invited as a guest yes, he can sue... but since he came in unnannounced, you do have the right to protect yourself... he is in your property not theirs.
  4. nice work majestic..., though the cop was right that you may have been hurt, or worse killed, it is a good thing that you did caught him right before he got away. i too would have pummeled him a bit, and gone tottaly medivel on him. it is really sad though seeing punks stealing stuff from your home that you earned, and not give a care in the world when they go through your home or belongings.
  5. "D'ho!" or is it "Dhow!" ? [/H. Simpson]
  6. consider me color blind!
  7. AGH! he beat me to it!!! Maybe Jessica Alba could be her RIO.....the possibilities are endless!!! The two could be piloting a Sopwith Camel and I'd be there. probably humping along aswell... what do you expect... someone's gotta say it... now get off that camel.
  8. if i can say every bad word in the unedited-unabridge-dictionary... i would be saying it now.... reason, all money for buying these toys would go down the drain for sets and sets and more sets just to make custom toys.... that and family would be very upset... yes now to make a custom knight saber sets.
  9. PROTOCULTURE! waaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! seriously congratulations... i am also guessing that is a 1:1 scale.
  10. well i can see it now... H.G. will probably ask it to be changed to Super Robotech Wars because it has macross related items and it still needs to be part of the continuim (/sarcasm) or cut off anything robotech related or don't send it here or we will sue you attitude. btw... Akito and his giant frame launchingt last was cool... now i gotta play Tech Romancer so i can get this feeling of giant robot goodness away.
  11. Morgan who? The only thing that I want to know is does the pretty filter host still have a job? Judgement Play/Elecplay are horrible shows, give me X-play any day. Besides X-play and Unscrewed I didn't watch much Tech-TV and All I watched on G4 was filter. Since you like Xplay better than Judgement Day/ElecPlay the host for Xplay are Morgan Webb and Adam Sessler. The girl from Filter is hosted by Diane Mizota... as far as she is concerned you will have to go to http://www.g4techtv.com/home.aspx for more info.
  12. would that be the age or age maturity level of the person?
  13. I'm a Terminator. Come on, didn't the perfect physique in the avatar give that away? nawh... the image makes you more like an "Alex Ross" drawing than a machine.
  14. there is a good chance they maybe firing the TECHTV members soon... talk about it is at the TechTV forums... most of the show notes that were on Techtv.com especially for TheScreenSavers are now being posted on individual cast members sites such as Pat Norton, Leo's Leoville, Kevin Rose's site as well as Kat's and Sarah's. they even made small intentional yet very vague snipes against G4 management.
  15. Judgement Play/Elecplay (the same two host th show) is not that bad... but does not hold a candle to Xplay with Morgan Webb (also the winner of Playboys Hottest Nerd/Geek) and AdamSessler . Here is the playboy poll for Morgan Webb... will contain mature images or atleast popups from playboy site. http://www.playboy.com/features/features/techtv/index.html
  16. I wouldn't go that far as for them being their "B#$%H"... but finally, I don't have to flip channels between one or the other... however they should get rid of "Players" and put back "Call for HELP".
  17. agent one... either your name is Kal... or you got red eye. BTW, you do know that you are now the new victim besides that kid right? Right now, I feel sorry for her, because she is with you. here is me though.... http://www.geocities.com/gundam12/troop.html
  18. Does he have that 'touchy, happy, good thing' feeling going on right now?
  19. I want my text based RPG with vertex graphics and a 3200 page manual to install the game.
  20. For mindless violence, almost grateous cheese cake an giant robots check out Mazinkaiser, ShinGetter Robo, Knights of Ramune and Galaxy Girl Fraulein Yuna. Really good series, then look into Nadesico, Gundam U.C. series, Macross, Magic Knight Rayearth, Sakura Wars, and Dangaioh.
  21. actually that is just the "host" to the new 2004 Car Show and the new toy that Mazda wants to bring out as well in conjunction with Hasbro and Takara. Here it is: http://www.mazdausa.com/MusaWeb/NA_Autoshow/frameset.html Must have FLASH. Not unless you made the movie yourself thru their editor?
  22. all those pics are just wrong.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!
  23. Pinky style PPG, now that is not bad at all.
  24. Now he tells us I'll take the one with the dark hair and the costume on while you tke them with the costume on, i'll take them with the costume off.
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