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Everything posted by Dangaioh

  1. For $10.00 it is not a bad game... I might be the only who actually enjoyed the cell shading. It does served it's purpose in trying to make it a cartoon... I do believe that's what's the developers and Harmony Crap is trying to do. [/please don't throw sharp things at the fool making this reply... namely me, you can throw money, just not sharp things]. Controls are not bad, SFX does suck at times and the downer is all those escort missions... those blasted escort missions.
  2. You've actually seen that movie!? I think you would have trouble finding 20 people in the US that have seen that movie. It is so awesome though. count me as one of the 20 back to the movies at hand.... recommend Steel Angel Kurumi series one with encore, Cutey Honey, Ranma 1/2 and Urutsukodoji.
  3. My system can run Half Life 2 better than Doom 3...
  4. does it transform and have a Fast Pack available? BTW, will Harmony Gold come out of nowhere and claim rights to it?
  5. Okay, the post made have pretty much killed the preverbial "Beating the dead stick with a dog".... now that he understands that we knew the game is arcadey since it's first PS1 creation during the original ps1 launch and we enjoy the series and pretty much told what we had to say has just gone off a wee bit to much... so can we get to the business at hand on some of the cool stuff that has been done, tips and tricks or... who's in for a game of "Macross VFX series, Macross VOXP or Armored Core Nexus".
  6. Actually, that would be the Armored Core series. I'm am part of a group called the "Raven". back to the game... hmmm, if console equals gamming machine... and game disc equals games, then wouldn't it be logical that any softwares made for the console be a game. btw afterburner is not a bad arcade shooter as well, granted you only fly one way which is whatever the screen points your jet. Now, if you want realistic flight sim, then I do recommend any flight sim programs made by Microprose, they do a good job of it. Microsoft is ok, and I usually stay away from EA flight sim titles as much as I can.
  7. Thanks for the tip, I stopped buying from Best (sic) Buy after the local stores discontinued their Gamer's Gift Card program, along with the $5.00-off coupon that comes with it. Dr. Gero, I'll offer 10 bucks for your used copy. Okay that's it, trying not to get outbid, I'll give you $5.00... and no one better go lower than me.
  8. 45 bucks? Where did you get your copy from? Anyone know which store is selling this game cheap? Probably pre-ordered it... Actually yes, there is a way to get it for $45.00. -Get the free Holiday Buyers Guide from Gamepro magazine at Bestbuy in their media dept. -Open up the back page. -Clip out the instant $5.00 coupon, located at the bottom right corner of the page.. -Get your game. -Purchase the game and save $5.00. Dr. Gero... since your is used and you already played it, can I buy yours for $25.00? Other than that, I gotta remind myself that they don't make real live Lightsabers other than what I can find at most "Toy Stores".
  9. I got the movie you were talking about in VHS (I want it on DVD). It wasn't bad at all, yes, even in the show description printed at the back said he was a bad guy and was imprisoned till he was released. In the back of the cover is an image of a Kikaider "Clone"... or double. The movie like I stated "wasn't bad", and if you enjoyed the live action Zeiram you will also enjoy this.
  10. I do believe it is the same voice actress, just seems that she was not getting paid enough to do this though, thus the lack of intrest in her involvement of the character... Yes, to me it did seem they kept the same voice actor/actress from the original movie and ps1 game.
  11. Take me off the list, I sold mine.
  12. ummm... you might be able to find that at BeastBuy for less than $7.00 in their budget DVD side.
  13. Actually it was also in an episode of M.A.S.H. ... it was when the bombadier realized that he was a bombing a village and all of a sudden called himself Jesus. [ep. guide] This is the episode: 81. Quo Vadis, Captain Chandler? (G-513) November 7, 1975 Written by Burt Prelutsky Directed by Larry Gelbart Guest Stars: Allan Arbus, Edward Winter, Alan Fudge Intelligence officer Flagg (Edward Winter) and psychiatrist Sidney Freedman (Allan Arbus) grapple for the fate of a wounded officer (Alan Fudge) who says he's Jesus Christ. http://www.faqs.org/faqs/tv/mash/guide/ [/ep. guide] Now since the original was a poem, then it just makes this episode of M.A.S.H. just more compelling visually.
  14. I know the feeling... so far my load out is: 1 machine gun right. 1 pulse gun left 1 hand gun right stow area 1 knife left stow area 2 of the same missile set up for back weapons. So far using energy based weapons without tweaking your mech and buying some better equipment can actually mean you are screwed.
  15. No chance you atleast tweaked the body parts?
  16. Okay how about this... Alternator Hound Gerwalk Mode.
  17. alright... who got it, and what types of parts, weapons and upgrades have you done? btw, does anyone like the dual thumbstick control use?
  18. Must...have...overpriced...transforming...copier machine robo...to...smack...girl...with.
  19. great work and all... but I got the feeling it this maybe moved to model kit section of the forums. btw, those panel lining kicks ass.
  20. Nice display! And thanks for wearing clothes while you shot those pics...especially in the last one. next time, I'll be naked People have actually caught their naked reflections in pics that they post on Ebay auctions. I can never tell if it's accidental or "accidental". How about "incidnetal".
  21. They even made the drawing for one of the Glorf ships look like a cross between the front part of the Macross (ship mode) and the back end of a Meltran ship. Watch tonite's rerun for oct.31 2004.
  22. candy is good... especially "eye candy".
  23. George Taylor on Harmony Golds influence on the movie... "YOU MANIACS! YOU BLEW IT UP! DAMN YOU! GOD DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!! "
  24. um... what commercial bathroom cleaner did you use for that? J/K... nice... any more detailed and I swear I could see my own reflections.
  25. I assumed that... I have not read the details on how it was done..., I do not believe it was posted... so yes there will be a lot of guesses.
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