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Everything posted by Dangaioh

  1. wheeeee..... does this mean that the name madden... would be on the ESPN2K series???? knowing that Madden himself comments on ABC, and that it is owned by most part Disney, seeing that ESPN is also part of ABC???? who knows... Next Year we might just see EA Football 2K6 and ESPN Madden 2K6
  2. Actually, I can see it in my mind.... oh... that is one horrible image.
  3. I don't have a stench, my lawn is messy since my mower doesn't work and having to fight w/my weedwhacker to get it started, I am overweight and yes we have two cars, atleast they are parked on our driveway rather than the street or lawn... like the rest of my neighborhood has done... each house has atleast almost 4 cars enough to fit 2 on a single lane driveway, one on the lawn, the other on the street. But will damn them to hell, if I see one of these fools at my local wallymart or kmart... trying to scalp and sell on ebay. I too want these new alternators, and it is getting harder and harder to find them... so far I got the first 5... Silver Streak, Smokecreen, Hound, Deadend and Sideswipe... still haven't found Swindle, Tracks or Grimlock.
  4. since it stars... t. cruise, will he fly the F14.... again...
  5. forgot to mention... http://www.animesushi.com/index.php - Anime Sushi in Orlando... no, I have not attended any of their showings or convention. thought I let you know that there is atleast a physical resource. this sunday Dec. 12, 2004, I will not be available... I will be at a get together for work.
  6. Dangaioh

    VF Girls

    thanks... but i still got a long way to go, just using photoshop just to add in colors, though, i don't have the details i want with pencil, since I could't scan it in ... by the way, are those meltran size playthingies, di1d0?
  7. Dangaioh

    VF Girls

    ask and you shall recieve..., right now I am just cleaning it up a bit. w.i.p.:
  8. I am in Orlando FL... pm for my number.
  9. Dangaioh

    VF Girls

    here's mine... work in progress, still no scanner yet... however, this does not top: polidread's pics... which rocks.
  10. I don't know if there is anything better than Falcon 4.0... Last great sim... imo was the falcon f15 strike eagle series.... and that's b4 all those 3D acceleration mumbo jumbo cards.
  11. I-CHI-JOE!
  12. don't forget about me...
  13. would be nice with a minmay guard decals as well.
  14. 1: Steel Angel Kurumi series 1 and 2 and Galaxy Angel -tied for first- 2: Inuyasha... all 3 seasons so far. 3: Teen Titans -Though technically not anime in a sense...- 4: the Puffyamiyumi show -Though technically not anime in a sense...- 5: bsu legato avatar - Full Metal Alchemist 6: Dual (i watched the edited version on techtv... aka pre-G$Techtv)
  15. a trully, trully touching story... makes me so proud to see a "Maccy". *sniff, sniff* tears of joy... I too have joined the ranks of the 1/48th (paid the pre-order), but will have to wait till valk-exchange to start shipping them out again.... maybe a 3rd printing... but nonetheless a 1/48.
  16. "Stay on target, stay on target...." "Luke, the force is with you." Sorry, can't help myself... someone had to do it.
  17. Can we also addin some destroid girls as well? here use this drawing for a vf1 girl:
  18. is tat the reason for the techno music?
  19. Look towards the back end of the pic, there is another vf1 on it's side. This topic should be a sticky... with the title: "What guess anime easter egg have you found on MEGAS XLR." Rule, can't point out the obivious, you got to find the more subtle anime character series/reference that only appears almost less than 4 secs.
  20. Probably not...seeing that Nike can can prolong the court battle alot longer. Unless HG, fines them a ridiculous amount of money, or try to lay claim to the swoosh, by showing them it was placed in the cartoon on one the episode for less than a second prior to their logo.
  21. Gee, I should put on ebay, my crap from hell... atleast that's how it felt like when I had the runs.
  22. don't wipe your drool with the macross shirt, use the one that BoBe-Patt is wearing.
  23. Dangaioh

    VF Girls

    I would like to say that it puts a new meaning to the word, Full Frontal View, I wonder what one says about the "Cockpit"?
  24. Look at his other auctions. There are other low feedback bidders. Looks like shill bidding to me if you also look at his feedback. Also is he really a workaholic?? He must at least have a day off . Shipping is $30.00? I hope that's next day via USPS.
  25. Gee... granted it wasn't a PS2 title, but what about Polyphonic Digital's Omega Boost game... yes the same creators that did Gran Tourismo... and the music and intro was certainly good. I also recommend the Official Playstation 2 Magazine's Macross VFX II, it has a movie on one disc and demo on second disc.
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