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Everything posted by Dangaioh

  1. If it's a title you wish to purchase that has a nice physical look and extras that you are interested in, would not hurt to buy said product, and it's a nice little bit of protection if for some reason unexplained reason, steam is well... steamed out, or you have no internet connection to download said product to play. However, digital purchase/downloads are not bad if you wish to purchase titles that have gone down during the weekly sale of almost $5.00 or below, or over 70% off.
  2. I am enjoying this game over again... I have 3 feds and a kdf officer. For the feds, 1 tact and 2 engineers, for the kdf an orion engineer female. Gonna try for an all female Orion crew and set life support to sauna.
  3. ahhh... itano circus/live ordinance... it's da bomb.
  4. Other SciFi MMOs to check out. Bounty Hounds: http://en.bountyhounds.com/ Global Agenda: https://www.globalagendagame.com/, view their no-elves campaign: http://www.globalagendagame.com/noelves/ The same company that's done Global Agenda, is beta testing Tribes: https://account.hire...m/tribesascend/
  5. Engrish at it's best... "Flash-Crapper".
  6. Hi all, Happy New Year!!! Thought, I make my first post of the year with a blast from the past. Well, here's my new desktop look after doing a fresh install of Windows 7. Using Rainmeter with Bluevision and Tony Stark theme/skins. Using this wallpaper.
  7. "It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum... and I'm all outta gum." - Duke, Duke Nukem "LEEEEEROY JENKINS!!!!!!!!" - Leroy Jenkins, World of Warcraft
  8. Don't forget Wanzer, it's just a beta. So there will be changes to the game, once EA and co. receives input from players. Mind you (most players tend to forget), if invited to a beta, they also require feedbacks, not rants and griefs.
  9. Well, finally broke down and bought Duke Nukem Forever for $10.00 through steam... and for $5.00, I could have gotten Homefront instead. Anyways, it's a nice 'guilty pleasure' linear - toilet humor - cursing - strippers - and - awful (yet amusing) puns shooter. You should be able to run the entire game on 'ultra', using 4 gigs DDR, AMD AM3 3.2 ghz quad core and an Nvidia 460 (or it's ATI equivalent)..
  10. I presume that this hasn't been posted... so here's MAD take on Thundercats.
  11. Don't forget this (2004): http://www.macrosswo...=1 Though, I guess (someone might correct me) it started with this (2003): http://www.macrosswo...topic=2792&st=0
  12. New desktop look. Clean version if anyone wants.
  13. Nice monotony break... um, clean version. .. and if I am guessing, that's a winamp skin, which skin is it? Thanks. . . . . Nice, um, clean version available? . . . . . . Sidepoint, I guess, that if anyone's gonna be posting to the desktop thread and show desktop, may aswell include a clean version of the wallpaper. Because so far, there's been nearly a 99.64% request rate for cleans.
  14. 'd-oh!', I was focusing on the right part of the screen grab.
  15. Nice reference for Tigersharks. However, I just can't see any resemblance to Silverhawks, just looks like a new take on Vultureman. However, surmise that the artist/writer tried to get a "WB's RoadRover" reference in the shot.
  16. To the Miku and Virtua On fans, enjoy. http://mecha-guy.blo...fei-yen-hd.html
  17. You know, with all those icons... why not just make a PacMan maze? Then add PacMan, Ghost, and dot icons.
  18. So much love for Dangaioh... I feel the love that this board has given. ; What, someone's gotta say it, may aswell be me. Ok, on topic... I did enjoy this show as a kid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIgTEooNYVo&feature=youtu.be
  19. So, in essence, the genre should be considered science-friction?
  20. Nice WPs there Shaorin and Gian. BTW Gian, can you attach clean versions for download? Thanks.
  21. (Back from hibernation post) Thanks to a really fun screen grab by Jedi Dark Knight here: http://www.macrosswo...ndpost&p=875093 I was able to create a nice little HUD desktop with Rainmaker and Bluevision skin.
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