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Everything posted by Dangaioh

  1. Roy is not having a good time against Millia... from TV to toys.
  2. Don't you mean Ride Armors?
  3. I wonder if we can Stick this up H.G.? If we take it out, would this mean we will need Scott toilet tissues?
  4. My opinion... should have stuck with standard filming than rotoscoping. This suspense/sci-fi movie would have been better w/out it... almost "better". I also don't like Ralph Bakshi's animation.
  5. Gee... we just need a Green and White suit and we should call it "Sentai Rangers"... . . . . . . . . . Okay pls., don't hurt me.
  6. It's Pinky, Pinky and the Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain... NARF!
  7. I highly doubt this toy is in great shape and it's more than likely just a beat up Robotech toy, either way $15 isn't much money at all. I'm on a gakken quest so for my current project I consider it money well spent. Now, the $66 I just spent on an MISB version of the toy was way too much... but oh well. Remember this is E(vil)BAY, where a Toynami can fetch almost $300.00.
  8. Actually that might be Gakken Legoiss... small type for the Robocrap... I mean Robotech line... If that was still mint... and that's a big IF, they would have fetched a pretty penny upto almost $70.00. The original Legoiss licsence (non-Robotech label) type from Gakken can almost go twice as much.
  9. Someone in that film project must be a Macross fan. Especially with that AI stealth somewhat looking like the ghost fighter.
  10. It would have to be Heavy Lifters from Aliens, or the Armored Combat Suit from C&C Tiberean Sun. From an Anime aspect... Construction mechs from PatLabor. Almost there mechas.... Valkyries from Macross, Mechs from Gasaraki or even from Full Metal Panic. For the ridiculous... mechs from GoNagai (Getter Robo, Mazinger, etc.), mecha designs from Kenichi Sonada (Maddox, Knight Saber Suits, or Canon God Exaxxion, etc.), GunBuster or Dangaioh.
  11. I would also recommend Galaxy Angel.
  12. Ani-Mayhem, was ok... it even had a solitare mode. I also had the DBZ addon to it before it became a ccg for another company.
  13. Irvine.... How about something in the east coast with the onset of Megacon in Orlando. http://www.megaconvention.com/anime.asp Well here is to hoping for a Macrossworld in Orlando sometime in the future. BTW, one of the games we could play is, hunt the fool in Sanford FL.
  14. What would be interesting was if Sam and Archer actually met during the so called Time Travel episode.
  15. stop it fhag Can't stand the special effects.
  17. um, it was just a movie file... does this mean I have to be anal about where it goes? since it is also about cars, shouldn't this be in the automotive thread as well? wait a sec... since it is also a movie, should this be under the movie forum? sorry about that... just being way to sarcastic, just wanted ppl to enjoy a short little film, by one of the guys that developed the concept art for the new B.G. series that's all. being that is was done by a person that worked for the series, shouldn't this be under the Galactica thread as well?
  18. but he's the one that is actually sleeping with one. pretty much, his smaller brain was doing all the thinking at that time.
  19. should this be at the automotive thread? here is the link... commercial is about 78megs big. http://www.galactica.tv/transformers/
  20. and you break us... wallet wise.
  21. Here's mine:
  22. Broke up as lovers or as a group... pls. be more specific.
  23. I'm pretty bored. Tottally bored, so what happened to the anime?
  24. Glad you ensured that Good Oral Hygene Products are not wasted... I mean Dental Oral Hygene products. (someone had to type it.)
  25. Read the article... this is just so wrong.... whooptidootidooo... more EA Madden.
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