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Everything posted by Dangaioh

  1. We are getting to political, time to close and erase... and the funny thing, there was no poo being thrown.
  2. I do blame them, I worked in retail, if the parents cannot open their eyes to a child's problem, then it is their fault. If parents cannot be mature and responsible enough to take care of their child, why did they have kids in the first place? I gotta admit for those that do have a problem with children not based by environment, but within the child mentally or psychologically (not caused by the entertainment industry or parental behavior), I can't blame them for that. um retailers respect the ESRB, however, we do not police customers, it breaks their ammendment right to privacy. We just warn them. Times have changed, and I see the parents do buy these games and understand the difference, because most of them are my age or older. Parents are informed enough to know what titles are being bought and do ask questions. One of the many reason for that is because they are playing into the parents fear. You need a way to control the kids actions and the government has found a way by releasing the responsibility of morality away from the parents and imposed it on a law. (I gotta read 1984 again.... 1+1=3) Yes, kids will play the games any means necessary, the only way to break most of these is to ensure to take away their source of entertainment, be there when they are playing games, play the games with them, reduce the amount of time being played, question their taste in games, and ask if they understand the difference between reality and fantasy.
  3. Then who's responsibility to ensure what is real or fantasy, certainly not the government (doesn't matter if they are Republican, Libertarian, democrapic, or Independant)? Kids are still impressionable still at an early age, and will do the same thing a mother, father or older sibling may do. The child will then copy or atleast almost mimick the same action and consider it cool or alright to do. Especially if the older family members are acting in a way that may deemed inexcusable. To the parent's that want the easy way out, the new babysitter in town comes in a shiny new box which includes a one time fee of about $200.00+ (console) and a game that is about $50.00+. When I worked at Aladdin's Castle and EBGames, parents usually dropped off kids at our stores and expects us to baby sit for them while they go shopping.
  4. I don't know how long this will be closed, or even erased... but the idea putting blame away for a kid's behavior from parent to a retailer is just plain wrong. If a parent cannot control a kid because they are misbehaving, being unruly, no form of discipline, getting in trouble by the law, blamming the gamming industry while still buying violent games for their perfect little angels, and not take personal responsibility should get off their high horse of morality imposed stupidity, get spaded or nutered, join a convent and have a pole stuck up their rear end and not have kids literally. BTW, I blame the gamming industry for replying into this post.
  5. I am sorry, i mean Macross DYRL
  6. I downloaded the latest MAME and played through the game... one question... Forgive me for not knowing since I have not played the original arcade, but... was that the actually background fx/music for the rom Macross game?
  7. Stir in... prebubescent teenage scientist robot making female looking at 16 which can kick ass in a small armor with a high energy blasting canon which can use a force and scientifically explain the plot away that is as big as a quantum turbulant hole... and call it TrekWars. huh... Translated: Get a teenage girl that has small armor, bug guns, stare down anyone, talk poo and likes giant robots.
  8. don't say that..., or the mods would just close the thread, and this would be the end of robotech bas... er... the end of talking about Shadow Force. btw-jst-rd-ur-sig-wld-ulike-a-blt-asap-eta-5min-mr-FTE-418-FTS-EAFB?
  9. Guess I can say that this is H.G.'s fast attempt to market the name Robotech (from a long time ago 1985), they are willing to license the name Robotech to any toy company that can give them big bucks... Quality need not apply, as long as you stick our name "Robotech" in the front of the box.
  10. H.G. + Robotech = Sucks FanBoy + Sucks = Love Love + Sucks = Robotech Here's proof:
  11. Full colored Chunky Monkey.
  12. He will be sold... just colored Orange.
  13. I gotta agree with A1... btw, L.h. just looks ugly... pink. BTW, the next generation of animation has been done by the companies like Squaresoft w/ Xenogears, FROM software's Armored Core, and even THQ's Ghost in the Shell for the PS1.
  14. Besides a Valk... there is an A.C. unit.... nice.
  15. Please give to the "I need a STRIP" fund and pm/email me, if you have extras to give away to me.
  16. I would like a Film Strip..., Mine did not come with one.
  17. This episode has nothing to do with that. Where is the talking computer and the recon mission? 329570[/snapback] What Starbuck of old and Starbuck of new flew where both experimental fighters. One built for speed the other stealth. That particular episode in the broadest sense parralled the original series in terms of making homade fighters. If you need a talking computer, stick Boomer in as the headless C.H.U.D. ... Computerized Heads Up Display. BTW.... would the posting for a Stealth Viper be grounds for a ban for the day? http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=15678
  18. I don't know if anyone noticed, but this episode also was a homage to much earlier BSG episode (The Long Patrol) where StarBuck flied a Recon Viper named C.O.R.A.
  19. Pegasus.... the Cylon Battlestar with it's compliment of human toasters and fighters. J/K... Who knows... with today's episode, anything can happen.
  20. Because non-anime/manga fans would not understand the joke, it seemed inconsequential. But for some odd reason it did keep to the manga portion of the series... and imo, it was not that bad. at least, they did not use the the annoying voice used for M.D. Luffy.
  21. I am glad I still have mine... My Games: Tech Romancer Phantasy Star II Online ver2 Grandia II
  22. (I want a hikky 1A... if it's available.) I may as well get the 1/48 Super 1J Hikaru.
  23. Dangaioh


    BTW, disc 22 had the U.S. opening.
  24. Forget all that, the only movie tied to a game that rocks is: "Clue" with Tim Curry.
  25. Now this pic I would LOVE to have as a poster hanging on my wall once the lines are cleaned up 304817[/snapback] Leave the lines there, makes a grat satellite feed effect.
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