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Everything posted by Dangaioh

  1. I would like that rubber goop used for the ball joint for the leg of my Roy 3rd issue 1/48 VF1S, or a similar substitute substance.
  2. I feel so sorry for you. J/K. I am a temporary e-learning assisstant... pay is okay, wish it would be enough to rent an apartment and a decent car with AC. If YOU NEED a FULLTIME CONTENT DESIGNER (JavaScript, ASP, DotNet, DHTML, PhotShop, FLASH), I am available for work.
  3. Gao Gai Gar Final My dotcom name and server (I just started this) Alternators 2 credit cards and a loan advance in to my checking.
  4. I am down for 1 set, if price is right and more are still available, I would be interested for 3 more.
  5. Lt. Adamovic, BBTS is a good place to buy from. Fast and good customer service. I ordered the SOC Grendizer with all Spizer set at a good price and had a very good customer service relation, when I had a problem with Grendizer.
  6. So many dead tress... why oh, why must they do this? KHAAAAAAAN!
  7. Some of ya are lucky to receive items based on your hobbies... I just got 3 shirts, an aftershaving set and $40.00. So, it's buying my present week to be happy starting monday, like that would ever work. BTW, I did suprise my sisters and brother-law... One of my sister's, I got her a brand new anime DVD set, and an early $125 shopping spree at CompUSA, and a Mitsubishi Spider.. she said she wanted a new car, so I got her that. My other sister, $80.00 on anything she want to spend with a Christmas card, and a Full Metal Alchemist Pocket Watch, for my brother-in law $75.00 BestBuy Card. Right now, the only happy, happy, joy, joy, I will be getting is my Christmas bonus from work at the end of this year, plus my check..... YES! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BTW, that was a Hot Wheels Mitsubishi Spider.
  8. 1: The aliens must have missed their marks or have bad eye sight, the other 30% are land. 2: Atleast they solved our traffic problems in the major highways. 3: It's already a misunderstanding due to people being politically correct... just waiting for the nukes. 4: By the time it reaches our atmosphere, love, a bunch of oil rig workers and "Rock and Roll" saves the day, just to find out that the asteroid will vaporize into a small chunk of rock and hit Mr. Flanders bomb shelter... I feel sorry for the people doing drunken orgy parties in the streets. 5: The virus that was released is actually another virus that kills all the major diseases. 6: Christmas 24/7 7: Time to buy Velcro Pants
  9. Heh that sounds like a real good idea Father Jack, now how to draw the robot. How should draw Roy over Abe and still get a good picture? And what costume should Roy be wearing what about the backround, I got ideas in my head but I dont think they are good enough. ... Use Valkyrie Girls to stand next to Roy.
  10. Grendizer, Getter Robo G Units (Dragon, Liger and Poseidon), and MazinKaiser.
  11. I did not read the page... but does it glow in the dark?
  12. That was out of line and decidedly uncalled for. 348919[/snapback] to quote mars attacks. your an adult cope with it. 348927[/snapback] DUDE! That made my day. 348931[/snapback] Could be worse... Al Fracken might actually make a funny joke. To cure yourself of the RowTheToilEBowlTech: The Movie Sliced together with a kindergarten class while carrying Ginzu Knives... I recommend reading this book:
  13. I guess that's why I do not work at BB, or any of the other game stores anymore... I got sick and tired shoving crap down ppl's throat... saying "that the only way to buy a new console was to buy a bundle." > They usually ensure that you buy the 3rd party brand that the store is usually affiliated with for that particular sale.
  14. How big would that be at a 1/48 scale. (assuming that she was not micronized to begin with).
  15. PC-Cillin A/V is worth the money... constant updates, warns you without mainstream media telling you that a new virus is out and it's not a resource hog. However, don't use Pc-Cillin firewall.
  16. lol... the only way to get cool stuff into RT by RT fans is too steal...
  17. So anyone up for a game of Starblade Alpha? (I know out of context) This looks promising, can't wait for it to be rehashed from H.G.'s Robotech to Mospeada 21 by Tatsu. (with the script and names of the characters/ships to fit it)
  18. I am on the Guardian Server as well for CoH: MazingerZ Golden Cylon PrissSAsigiri
  19. Yes, I am playing CoV... character name: SinTech. The ragdoll physics is not bad, still needs a little tweaking.
  20. I would like to recommend any giant anime robot series created by: Go Nagai... especially any of the Getter Robo or Mazinger series... put in some DevilMan and DevilLady into the mix. You can't beat "high yelling, over dramactic, voice over action" whether it be original Japanese or English dubbed dialogue.
  21. I too missed the days when games are fun and involving... now, i just play Lineage II hoping a half naked female dark elf comes walking by most of the night when I drive home from work.
  22. Available in it's glory/infamey/whatevery on RT.com... Robotech 3000 Promo clip 335297[/snapback] After seeing the clip again, I thought the name and ending piece of the commercial would more adequate in an informercial for a new vacuum.
  23. seconded. 335258[/snapback] Thirded. 335312[/snapback] Fourth
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