Some of ya are lucky to receive items based on your hobbies... I just got 3 shirts, an aftershaving set and $40.00.
So, it's buying my present week to be happy starting monday, like that would ever work.
BTW, I did suprise my sisters and brother-law... One of my sister's, I got her a brand new anime DVD set, and an early $125 shopping spree at CompUSA, and a Mitsubishi Spider.. she said she wanted a new car, so I got her that.
My other sister, $80.00 on anything she want to spend with a Christmas card, and a Full Metal Alchemist Pocket Watch, for my brother-in law $75.00 BestBuy Card.
Right now, the only happy, happy, joy, joy, I will be getting is my Christmas bonus from work at the end of this year, plus my check..... YES!
BTW, that was a Hot Wheels Mitsubishi Spider.