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Everything posted by Dangaioh

  1. um.. Freedom Fries, get that straight. Seriously, though... correct me if I am wrong, since I do not know the French language, and I had my speakers off, just looking at the trailer, did it look like the fighter was stolen by a terror group and the French are trying to get it back (ala Iron Eagle [i know it's not the same], just w/out the human hostage) or atleast destroy it?
  2. Here is a new title... Raiden's Snake Zombied Metal Gear box in a plane.
  3. I am enjoying the G1 TF Classics... especially Hot Rod's left arm cutter, now all I need is a couple of Sharkticons and Kup. I just need to find myself an Armada Quitesson figure to have a G1 Movie diorama.
  4. yeah I know, this thread is old, but I am in Orlando Fl. I also want to know if there is going to be a form of Macross Convention here.
  5. I'm sorry ppl, as much as I like to read the bickering and rampant flamming, let's stick to the subject of this thread, you guys want to pm each other if you wish to continue, I do not want to see this thread closed, or we would need to start another TF thread, let's first apologize, then continue in the PM's if you wish. I can see the mod right now ready to press that "close this thread" button.
  6. -Getter Robo (any) -Mazinger (any) -UFO Robo Grendizer -Super Dimensional (Macross, Southern Cross and Mospeadea 21) -Dangaioh (original and great) -Hades Project Zeorymer -Megazone 23 -Gunsmith Cats -Riding Bean -Magic Knight Rayearth -Sakura Taisen -Gatchaman -Gunm Rusty Angel -Patlabor (ova, tv and movies) -New Cutey Honey -Record of the Lodoss Wars -Detenator Orgun -BubbleGum Crisis (Classic, Crash and 2040) -Appleseed -Ghost in the Shell -Ranma 1/2
  7. DYRL - Ai Oboete Imasu KA M+ - Voices Intro to Macross II Record of Lodoss Wars - Adesso E Fortuna Gunbuster - Active Heart All Purpose Cat Girl Nukunuku - Happy Bithday to me New Dominion Tank Police - Just Beyond the Time Oh My Goddess - My Heart New Cutey Honey - Cutey Honey Getter Robo - Getter Robo Theme Shin Getter Robo - Shin Getter Heat New Getter Robo - Intro themes Inuyasha - My Will BubbleGum Crisis - Asu E Touchdown BubbleGum Crisis - Soldier of Roses BubbleGum Crisis - Crisis Go Dan Nar - Intro themes Sakura Wars - Intro Steel Angel Kurumi - Intro Sorcerer Hunters - What's up guys Sorcerer Hunters - Mask Nadesico - Reason Slayers - Get Along Slayers - Don't be discouraged Appleseed - Die for you Evangelion - Cruel Angels Thesis (w/Misato, Asuka and Rei singing)
  8. Yes... there is a Japanese and an American version, both comes w/out the trailer. Japanese = Clean look, long stack pipes and cooler packaging American = Battle damage look, short stack pipes and an ok packaging There will be a Master Piece Prime (MP04) w/trailer for Japanese release and probably here in America, however, I am speculating that Oppie may still sport the same short stack, battle damage look if there is an American release.
  9. About that... Um, Jackie Chan dressed as Chun Li in City Hunter when he was doing his Street Fighter skit. Everyone in that particular scene for that movie played their part as one of several Street Fighter characters, with included voice, sound fx and music.
  10. So you are informing us that the animators decide to draw a 5 second powerup, in a 5 minute battle scene, that started 5 days ago (in the storyline/animation), will take 5 weeks to draw, and another 5 years to print (if at all)?
  11. Bobe! I know Wing series and movie was ok.... but, to be placed with reprocessed meat is considered cruel and unusual punishment for the model/toy.
  12. XP Pro, IE6, FireFox, Opera and a sledge hammer.
  13. If that tank was Megs, pls don't tell me the film company is using an old tank prop from XXX state of the union.
  14. If it was in the automotive thread, I would have never seen this posting.
  15. It was not so much of a toy, but a book (Macross Movie Gold Book), we were moving from IL to FL, that she literally placed food over the bag that the book was housed in, unfortunately the sauce fell over the bag and nearly ruined the book, I was relieved that the book was not destroyed, and the bag as well as other books took the brunt of the damage. Each time my mom says to clean my room or place them into storage, I always end up asking if she is willing to replace it after it gets ruined due to her suggestions.
  16. Typos are expected when excited. BTW, welcome to the club.
  17. Do you want us to lock it??? A 120MB file....even at work that would take a while.... 402286[/snapback] Atleast it was not hosted in GameSpy.
  18. You have the name all wrong... it's: "Robotech: Remaster of the Masters' Sentinnel New Generation Shadow Chronicles 3000, farewell to Janice in Minmay's final concert tribute to Macross at Southern Cross live", ofcourse there is also the "Robotech Remastered Remaster collection of the Robotech series w/Remaster of the Masters' Sentinnel New Generation Shadow Chronicles 3000, farewell to Janice in Minmay's final concert tribute to Macross at Southern Cross live".
  19. Sorry, if I confused some of you... but I said, "...would this mean that a fp/sp might be in the works?", not "if it works.".
  20. I got mine today at work, opened the box, and transformed it... I am so happy. However (and I don't feel like reading 80 pages, just to find my answer), has anyone thought about using 1/48 missile sets onto this? Those 4 slits on the sides (2 on left and right) of the back where the tail boosters and tail hook is located, would this mean that a fp/sp might be in the works?
  21. I just come back again w/in 5min.
  22. I always wondered why she had to be naked. And do protecting the naughty bits help more than protecting....i dunno...vital organs? 393334[/snapback] the only problem is that the Witchblade is nothing more than a perverted weapon getting it's jollies. witchblade tells Sara "take your clothes off in public, and you shall don me as armor."
  23. i would like one as well... unfortunately... that is my cabinet.
  24. The drawing might imply, that it may use the vf11 or vf19 transformation.... things that make you go hmmmmmmm.
  25. the are only stickers.... T_T my life is now ruined, i spent money to get mine painted... not! > seriously, after reading the first post and watching the trailer, i could not stop laughing. couple of things missing for this movie... 1: Vin Diesel 2: no karaoke machines to be found in cars during crashes. 3: street gangs not using 10 speed bicycle. 4: a giant lizard. 5: cars were not able to transform into robots. 6: Vin Diesel
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